Acai-The Super Fruit

MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
edited December 2006 in A Moving Train
Anyone Drink Acai? I love it, that and Pomegranate Juice.

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  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A Brazilian berry popular in health food contains antioxidants that destroyed cultured human cancer cells in a recent University of Florida study, one of the first to investigate the fruit’s purported benefits.

    Published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study showed extracts from acai (ah-SAH’-ee) berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested, said Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

    “Acai berries are already considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants,” Talcott said. “This study was an important step toward learning what people may gain from using beverages, dietary supplements or other products made with the berries.”

    He cautioned that the study, funded by UF sources, was not intended to show whether compounds found in acai berries could prevent leukemia in people.

    “This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope,” Talcott said. “We are encouraged by the findings, however. Compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies.”
  • Acai berrys are supposed to have more antioxidents then any other berry. That's all well and good, but you need to watch out for the false promises. Some companies are selling very dilluted juice blends containing acai and claim to cure everything under the sun. Be very careful of spending $30 a bottle for this elixer sold by a multi-level marketing company. If it's in a wine bottle with a purple label, you have spent way too much for what is nothing more then nasty run of the mill fruit juice. Not only that, your friend that sold it to you is really trying to get you to become a distributer. They want you for their downline.
    You can get acai juice blends online, please don't buy from mlms.

    This is the most important part of the article:
    “This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope,” Talcott said.
    The are no miracle cures!
    So, drink your acai juice for good health, just don't overpay for it and perpetuate the mlm lie.
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    I've been eating Pomegranate since I was a little kid. My mom would buy it all the time and I still eat it today.

    We've also been eating Acai, most of our lives. Never knew about any of those specific health benefit claims. Mom told us when we were little kids that they were good for us, so we ate them. Never knew in what way they were good for us.
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    NMyTree wrote:
    I've been eating Pomegranate since I was a little kid. My mom would buy it all the time and I still eat it today.

    We've also been eating Acai, most of our lives. Never knew about any of those specific health benefit claims. Mom told us when we were little kids that they were good for us, so we ate them. Never knew in what way they were good for us.

    You must know the art of eating the Pomegranate, I make a huge mess when I try and eat that fruit. But it's really nice.
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    edgarcamp wrote:
    Acai berrys are supposed to have more antioxidents then any other berry. That's all well and good, but you need to watch out for the false promises. Some companies are selling very dilluted juice blends containing acai and claim to cure everything under the sun. Be very careful of spending $30 a bottle for this elixer sold by a multi-level marketing company. If it's in a wine bottle with a purple label, you have spent way too much for what is nothing more then nasty run of the mill fruit juice. Not only that, your friend that sold it to you is really trying to get you to become a distributer. They want you for their downline.
    You can get acai juice blends online, please don't buy from mlms.

    This is the most important part of the article:
    “This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope,” Talcott said.
    The are no miracle cures!
    So, drink your acai juice for good health, just don't overpay for it and perpetuate the mlm lie.

    Latest news on these products show american consumers buying these things up in huge amounts, I think the sales for "pom wonderful" increased from 13million in early 2003 to around 80 million now? somthing like that.

    nevertheless history always talked about the Pomegranate, the greeks,chinese and so on. They knew it was good so many years ago.
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    MrBrian wrote:
    You must know the art of eating the Pomegranate, I make a huge mess when I try and eat that fruit. But it's really nice.

    It's a bit of pain in the ass, for sure.

    But I have found that by cutting it four parts, then using a small knife to slit underneath the skin, then peel off the skin (which sometimes comes off in large, neat pieces and sometimes not:D ; one can reduce the amount of time and increase the efficiency of extracting the fruit.

    Also, once in awhile...not always, but occasionally, I will sprinkle a wee-bit of organic raw brown sugar on the fruit. It's very tasty. But I don't do it often because I try to abstain from sugars or at least keep it to a minimum.
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    Thanks for the tips.

    btw, you ever make your own juice? hmmm a Pomegranate smoothie sounds good right about now.
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    My mom used put the fruit in one of those metal, mesh pasta strainers and crush the fruit over a bowl, so the juice would collect in the bowl. It really takes a lot to make a descent sized cup of juice.

    If you want to make a pitcher of it your either have to buy yourself a ton of them, or add water.

    I haven't done that.

    I've bought the organic Pomegranate juice, though.
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    MrBrian wrote:
    Thanks for the tips.

    btw, you ever make your own juice? hmmm a Pomegranate smoothie sounds good right about now.

    You're welcome.

    If you get me started with making juice, you'll find me in the kitchen making juice out of everything:D:D I love those juice machines.

    I've made some of wildest and whackiest combos, ever:D name it. Get me near a juicer and fruits and vegetables start fleeing for safety:D
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    NMyTree wrote:
    You're welcome.

    If you get me started with making juice, you'll find me in the kitchen making juice out of everything:D:D I love those juice machines.

    I've made some of wildest and whackiest combos, ever:D name it. Get me near a juicer and fruits and vegetables start fleeing for safety:D

    ha! nice,

    Try cranberry/pineapple juice, then add a couple of pieces slices pineapple, few slices on banana and a few strawberries, add some coconut and ice. Blend it all up.

    Roll a J and enjoy.
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    Sounds interesting. I'm going to give that go. Thanks!

    One of my favorites and most simple is bananas and peaches. I add a wee-bit of water and mix it up real nice.

    Something about that combo that really hits my taste buds.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,308
    Anyone try Zola brand Acai juice?

    I'm addicted to it!!!

    Soooooo good and provides a nice little boost of energy!

  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    I freaking love Acai. Those frozen Acai pops/smoothie mixes ... These things ...

    They are awesome.
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