If Obama was an Independent...

Would the Obama supporters, still of supported him? I mean if they all "believe" and "hope" so much right?
Fucking bs, they would run to whoever was in the spotlight. fucking cattle.
j/k, kinda.
Serioulsy,would you still be Obama fans? If Nader was the democratic nominee and Obama was an independent, would you vote for Obama? bcoz he is so good right? You must with all that faith.
Fucking bs, they would run to whoever was in the spotlight. fucking cattle.
j/k, kinda.
Serioulsy,would you still be Obama fans? If Nader was the democratic nominee and Obama was an independent, would you vote for Obama? bcoz he is so good right? You must with all that faith.
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Not that i'm voting for Obama either. Who knows who i'll vote for.
I see plenty of die hard Obama fans here. Some seem to love him and admire him. I wonder if they'd be okay with simply abandoning him or speaking ill of him because he doesn't have a chance in their eyes, all to get behind whoever the Dem nod may be. And if so what is that really saying?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Supporting SOME bad politics for a few more good politics maybe. Its not a black and white world. I dont agree with any of them 100%. Is that the necessary percentage for me to vote for someone with a clear conscience? am i compromising my integrity for voting for someone I dont agree with 100%? i dont think so.
It's the slim portion that we actually agree with Obama's policies where the problem comes in. Why couldn't we do better than what they are giving us?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's kinda like slapping yourself?
Obama wouldn't commit to pulling the troops out by 2013 when asked and even then he supports keeping some there, I think the number was 60,000, I could be wrong. Also he supports Blackwater being used in place of the troops once we do pull out and on a humanitarian level for the Iraqis, that is simply unacceptable to me.
What big differences do you see? I see some but on the most important issues to me, I hardly see any difference. The differences (and these differences are on HUGE issues for me) between Nader and Obama are considerably larger than the differences between Obama and McCain.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You mean would I vote for him if he were the Dem nod? Of course I would! I supported Kucinich until he had to drop out.
I'm voting for the deserving person regardless of party.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Why wouldn't Nader be able to pull the troops out? The Dems ran on doing just that in 06 and the public supports it. What would be stopping him?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
To me, probably the best chance to pull out of Iraq (at least mostly) is elect the democrat and then relentlessly hound him until he puts up or shuts up. If he dont, I wouldn't worry about people being conned by democrats anymore, because 4 years from now the shit will really hit the fan and a third party would really have a chance.
Obviously we were talking from a hypothetical standpoint. If Nader won, yes, I believe he could pull the troops out of Iraq and no, I don't believe Obama will be in any rush to do so any more than McCain.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I also don't care about excuses like ""funding the war is supporting the troops"
I mean giving them the money to go to war and get killed is not supporting the troops. It's supporting the war and being really, anti troops.
it's not about party line, its about anybody but bush
it's not about party lines, it all about change i can believe in
just fucking admit your a democrat and not some sort of objective observer and be done.
Do you think a lot of people run to these fringe candidates that have a lot of talk of big change, knowing full well that the candidate can't win and that candidate will never have to back up their words with actual action...simply to continue to bitch about the 2-party system and the current situation?
Do you think that if a fringe candidate every became viable, that the added attention would then highlight that individuals definciencies just as it does with the other candidates currently?
I think yes and yes. Not for everyone mind you, but it's exactly the same as people running towards Obama. Hell, the guy is a terrific speaker and certainly makes most people feel like we have hope and greatness is again achievable...I disgree with a bunch of his opinions, but I may end up voting for him for several different reasons. Does that make me a lemming?
The funding is for body-armor, vehicles, etc. As we saw at the beginning of the war, Bush isn't against having underfunded troops in Iraq. Without funding...you can have unprotected soldiers.
Well, that's a pessimistic view on other people's thoughts and opinions. We have no way of being able to know what's really behind a person's choice so why bother speculating? I prefer to just address the issues and debate the topics as they arise and not worry so much about each other and the preconceived notions we might have about what makes the other person do what they do. On the other side, I could use the bandwagon jumpers, sheep, blind followers, sell out type reasonings to discredit mainstream supporters...but what would be the point really? It doesn't change anything and it only creates resentment not progressive discourse on the issues. I prefer to think we all have the best intentions and simply have differing opinions about what the answers are.
I guess it could but I know that Nader's past has been gone over with a fine toothed comb, his legacy has been downplayed and disrespected because of his running for president and his platform has been thoroughly dissected and debated....not to mention that SO many hold Nader to a higher standard than the other candidates. Nader could shit everyone a gold brick and find a cure of cancer tomorrow and people would complain about him not doing enough but Obama only has to smile and be charismatic...no matter what he says or votes for...they have a free pass ready to hand him. That is incredibly ironic and quite frustrating.
It only makes you a lemming if you feel it does. I can't make you a lemming. I will say that if you ignore the things that matter to you...the things you've always felt strongly about...in order to vote for him anyway just because he's probably gonna win and is good at talking, then I might think of you as a lemming but only in the most endearing way, of course.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Or you could bring them home. Funding also keeps the war going.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
If you had a choice between giving them body-armor or not, what would you do?
Obama doesn't exactly have a huge say in whether or not the troops stay in Iraq.
If you had a choice between getting hit by a bus or getting your kid out of the way of it...which would you choose?
How about not letting the kid get in the street and not continuing to allow him access to the street?
Your hypotheticals don't work because we have more options than the extremely limiting ones you seem to think we do.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I would vote to cut funding for public transportation so our hypothetical children stopped being hit by busses driven by people who are obviously not paying attention.
You're right. Tie up the kid and lock him in a closet. That'll keep him safe.
My hypotheticals are limiting? You're the one who says Obama voting against funding the war can single-handedly bring our troops home. I'm simply pointing out that there's more to it than that. Giving our troops body-armor and food rations is not the only thing keeping them there. Our President is.