Genocide Awareness Project Invading Your Campus Soon

Some of you college students on the board may or may not have dealt with these people. The GAP, part of Centers for Bioethical Reform, is a "Pro-Life" Group of mostly men (What else is new?) who travel around the country and compare abortion with the holocaust and other genocides with graphic images ( of miscarried fetuses because it's very difficult to get pictures of aborted fetuses as they are considered a biohazard. They target college campuses. They also leave behind newsletters that tell women that it is their own fault that they get raped because men have a totally different biology than women and cannot control their urges. Don't wear those skanky skirts and put a bag over your head. (I don't know who that is more insulting towards.). But, they come on campus to try to convince students to switch positions when in fact they piss them off more than anything. While I support the First Amendment to the Constitution, as you can tell I do not support their argument. Anyway, my point, they will be at my alma mater at Middle Tennessee State University (Pearl Jam played there, yeah!) September 10th and 11th on the Knoll and the University of Tennessee-Knoxville 13th and 14th (9-4, both times local). If you are in the area and would like to distribute lit or hold signs with Vox:Voices for Planned Parenthood, please do so.
"American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection that English women only hope to find in their butlers"
William Somerset Maugham
William Somerset Maugham