You have police in the US, right? It's their job to keep you safe and protect you. It's their job to keep guns off the black market... Maybe it's time the US had a police reform. Perhaps they can focus on the gun problem a little more, everyone keeps saying how extremely easy it is to get your hands on a gun illegally, why not try to change that with some real action.
If people want to be unarmed let them be unarmed. Perhaps they're against guns as a matter of principle, perhaps they're just not as afraid as you are.
I think it makes more sense to get guns out of the hands of criminals instead of putting guns into the hands of citizens.
I don't have a problem with people owning guns (not a big or serious problem anyway) but if I lived in the US and people seriously considered bringing more guns into schools, arming teachers and/or even students... I'd definitely have a problem with that. If American students need to carry guns on the campuses so as to feel safe, I think there is a serious problem.
I am going to site Statute, I really hope you will research this because I am not in the mood to spoon feed anyone today.......
Because I don't agree with Ted Nugent that we should arm pets and infants I am ignorant?
if guns are not the problem then guns are not the solution to a problem.
the gun issue is a non issue, I don't give a shit about it.
My comment was about Ted Nugent and I stand by my statement.
Pets and infants? Oh brother.
Nugent is an asshole. But I completely agree with him on this issue. Completely!
If that makes me an asshole, too. Then I'm proud to be an asshole!
Extreme liberalism has been as much of a detriment and cancer on the face of this country, as has Republican/Christian extremists and their "War On Terror/Holy War".
Extreme Political Correctness and extreme lineralism has been slowly nibbling away at the common sense and rational, realistic thinking of the people of this country; for far too long. Nibbling away for so long that it has trampled, infested, intruded and imposed itself on the rights of all of us.
Schools don't want kids competing or keeping score in sports and apparently there are no wrong answers anymore, as to save the delicate emotions of those who may lose a game, not make the team or answer a question incorrectly.
What the fuck is going on in this country? Are our children so delicate and fragile that they no longer can strike out at the plate, without their emotional state of mind being severely damaged? No, not all.
It's the delicate, spineless and fragile character of their jellyfish-like parents which has created this travesty of all mind-fucks.
Thiefs, crooks, murderers and rapists sue their victims......the police and anyone they want; because they were injured during the act of committing one of their horrific crimes. And soft-bellied, liberal extremists, spineless judges with no sympathy for the victims (but plenty of sympathy for the criminals) permit these travestys of lawsuits and rule in favor of the criminals.
This is what our country has become.
Then you wonder why delicate, overly sensitive, thin-skinned lunatics get themselves weapons and go on shooting sprees?
This is the environment created by extreme liberalism. No one can take a joke anymore, no one can accept criticism anymore, no one can tolerate even the slightest adversity or discomfort without emotionally falling to pieces and losing their minds.
You have police in the US, right? It's their job to keep you safe and protect you. It's their job to keep guns off the black market... Maybe it's time the US had a police reform.
How often do you think the Police are ever at the scene of a crime as it is being commited?
They are there to clean up the mess after the fact.
Perhaps they can focus on the gun problem a little more, everyone keeps saying how extremely easy it is to get your hands on a gun illegally, why not try to change that with some real action.
It will always be easy to get your hands on a gun illegally, that's the point! Why make it harder for those who want to arm themselves legally?
If people want to be unarmed let them be unarmed. Perhaps they're against guns as a matter of principle,
Let them. I don't care. But do not restrict those that do want to arm themselves. Don't worry, we'll protect the unarmed too.
perhaps they're just not as afraid as you are.
Prepared, not afraid. I'd like to see someone try to break into my house. I am not afraid.
I think it makes more sense to get guns out of the hands of criminals instead of putting guns into the hands of citizens.
So did Hitler.
I don't have a problem with people owning guns (not a big or serious problem anyway) but if I lived in the US and people seriously considered bringing more guns into schools, arming teachers and/or even students... I'd definitely have a problem with that. If American students need to carry guns on the campuses so as to feel safe, I think there is a serious problem.
They need to carry guns to school to be prepared. The same reason there are fire extinguishers in every room and hallway in any school: To put out the fire before it spreads.
By you're rationalle they should wait for the fire department before they take any action.
How often do you think the Police are ever at the scene of a crime as it is being commited?
They are there to clean up the mess after the fact.
It will always be easy to get your hands on a gun illegally, that's the point! Why make it harder for those who want to arm themselves legally?
I think you can make it harder for criminals to get their hands on guns. But if the American people don't want it to happen it won't. It's obviously a problem you can't fix overnight.
Let them. I don't care. But do not restrict those that do want to arm themselves. Don't worry, we'll protect the unarmed too.
Have every gun owner register his guns, guns bought legally or illegally. Give them a chance to make all their guns legal. There's should be a simple system that allows gun owners to sell and buy legal guns. Registered guns would make a lot of difference. But as I said, you have to want it.
I also think gun training and an exam should be obligatory, not every time you buy a gun, just once.
I don't see why a person would be against that. You get to keep your guns, and it doesn't restrict your rights in any way. Nothing changes for the law abiding gun owners.
Arming students and calling for gun-free zones is also changing the law. I can't understand the stubbornness of some of the gun proponents. In no way should their rights be restricted. They think everything is a restriction. Perhaps they should come to terms with the reality that if you're ever going to solve this problem, some things will have to change. It's 2008, not 1887.
You won't solve this issue by arming students and you won't solve it by taking everyone's guns away. It's naive to think either of those "solutions" will solve the problem.
The problem is manifold. I believe a serious "war on illegal" guns is at least part of the solution, but that won't work unless all guns are registered.
I also agree with what NMyTree said. The education and upbringing of children is certainly also a factor.
Prepared, not afraid. I'd like to see someone try to break into my house. I am not afraid.
You are prepared for someone who might break into your house. Do you live in a bad neighbourhood?
Perhaps the US is just a lot more dangerous than Europe.
So did Hitler.
Actually, no. Nice try, though, bringing Hitler into this. That's exactly what Hitler would have done.
They need to carry guns to school to be prepared. The same reason there are fire extinguishers in every room and hallway in any school: To put out the fire before it spreads.
By you're rationalle they should wait for the fire department before they take any action.
That's not a solution, imo and I've explained a million times why. And no, I do not think they should wait for the fire department to arrive. It's not a good comparison. Or maybe it is. When there's a fire, you don't try to extinguish it with a flame thrower :rolleyes:
School shooters wouldn't. They commit suicide anyway. Oh shit, there goes your theory.
Um, the point is that the School Shooter would never get the opportunity to kill 32 people and seriously injure a few dozen more. He'd be neutalized, immediately. That's the point.
You see, I'm not concerned with the shooter/murderer's health. I'm not concerned with the shooters welfare and outcome (how he'll come through all it. )
I'm concerned with innocent men, women and children......the victims or potential victims of the shooter.
If he killed himself before actually hurting anyone, because people were armed and drawing on him. So be it.
It's time to stop having more sympathy for lunatic criminals/murderers and worry about the victims or potential victims.
It's time to stop having more sympathy for lunatic criminals/murderers and worry about the victims or potential victims.
How about treating these "lunatics"? Then there won't be as much of a problem from the get-go...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
How about treating these "lunatics"? Then there won't be as much of a problem from the get-go...
High quality, affordable physical and mental health care would be a great place to start. Physical and mental health care that is not designed to reap a gazillion dollars for pharmaceutical companies, doctors and hospitals.
Rather a physical and mental health care system that is designed to actually keep people healthy by stressing a healthy lifestyle, preventive concepts and solutions that actually cure problems; rather than apply a band-aid or mask the problem.....for the short-term.
But you're never going to find/treat every individual with issues. Many refuse to even meet with a therapist/psychologist; nevermind getting them to take medications. Secondly, many will shoe no signs till they explode and tip over the edge.
Certainly you're not suggestion a forced/enforced submission of standardized tests to every man, woman and child. That would be......fascist.
Furthermore, start teaching your children that competing developes/builds character and that adversity teaches, strengthens and developes wisdom.
Teach your children to suck it up, have integrity and be good winners and good losers; when they compete. Be a real parent and lead by example. Set the example and live the example. Discipline, educate, respect and communicate with your children. Teach them the concept of boundries and structure in their lives. Love them, nurture them but also teach them to be mentally strong and tough.
Stop permitting your children to get completely absorbed in pop culture, video games, the internet and mindless nonsense. Take them outdoors for sports, games, activities or even just walks to check out nature (trees, birds, lizards, ducks....what ever). Get them involved in family activities, community activities, recreational sports (if they're interested in sports), charities, fund raisers, music, the arts ...etc.
There's a reason we go through emotional anguish and turmoil. Because we feel. It strengthens us and builds characther and wisdom. No need for a pill.
Just work your way through it and fight through it.
Not every depression requires a pill. Depression is normal within the human condition. Only when it lasts for an extended amount of time, does it require some more attention. Human beings have been dealing with depression, mental illness and other emotional problems for thousands of years. That's the way we are.
My parent, my grandparents...your parents...your grandparents......our great grandparents all went through it. They ddn't run amuck with weapons killing anyone and everyone in their path (unless they were religious crusaders, that is). For the most part, people dealt with their problems and worked and fought through it.
Stop spoiling children and catering to their every whim. teach them the value of hard work, earning one's keep and the value of money. hey, and while were at it, teach the children some fuckin' manners.....when interacting with other human beings!!! Teach them responsibility and accountability.
Stop being overly sensitve. Learn to take a joke and put ignorance into it's proper perspective. A tit is just a tit. While extremely appealing, a tit never harmed anyone; unless it was attatched to an axe-wielding maniacal woman. A penis ain't a missle, it just looks like one. If you're highly offended or sickened bybthe sight of a human penis or breast; then you have major issues that run much deeper than a penis or tit. So stop spreading and tranferring your lunacy to your children! A penis and tit are part of our human bodies. They are not evil, not disgusting and certainly not going to damage anyone's mental stability, buy simply existing or being photgraphed or filmed. What damages our children's mental stability is when they see their parents reacting/responding to a penis or tit as if they just witnessed a horrific, blood-splattering murder. That's what fucks up the kid's minds. It confuses them and makes them wonder how a part of their own body could be precieved as so evil and damaging.
Ignorance is simply ignorance. Stop fueling and feeding ignorance by making a big deal out of every little thing some ignorant moron says or does. Stop sensationalizing and giving the ignorant a platform and cause to continue their stupidity in the public eye. None of these shhotings or shooters should be widely covered and displayed on TV. No shooter should even have his name mentioned on the TV, nor his picture flashed on the screen....a billion times. Stop feeding their lunacy and giving them the platform to be "famous" and "go down in history".
Teach your children that idealistic concepts and dreams are wonderful, but that reality awaits outside the door. And the reality of human behavior will always impose on idelaistc concepts.
The people of this country have become pathetic. There's a friggin coalition or organized group representing every damn walk of life and scouring the telivised media, news print and every other form of media; in search of something they can twist and spin into a "so very offensive .....or racist ...or discrimnitory " issue. These people want every American to do verbal gymnastics every time they speak, so as to prevent anyone from being offended. Oh my, how delicate we have become:rolleyes:
Pretty soon we'll have a coalition protecting the verbal expolits of those who may speak ill of rocks, bushes, ducks and gusts of wind.
Hey, ducks are people too, don't speak ill of ducks:rolleyes:
Soon tornadoes won't be tornadoes. They'll be Misguided Neglected and Abused Air Masses only trying to get in touch with their inner child and their parental cumulonimbus cloud base:rolleyes:
These are the reasons why these shootings are occuring. This country has been raising spineless, overly-sensitive, spolied jellyfish for 20...30 years.
This country has been raising spineless, overly-sensitive, spolied jellyfish for 20...30 years.
that's true, but that being said, there are still millions of people with genuine mental illness who need to be on- and STAY on- their meds, for their sake as well as society's.
surely you're not suggesting that ALL cases of mental illness are just spoiled children masquerading as head cases?
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Um, the point is that the School Shooter would never get the opportunity to kill 32 people and seriously injure a few dozen more. He'd be neutalized, immediately. That's the point.
You see, I'm not concerned with the shooter/murderer's health. I'm not concerned with the shooters welfare and outcome (how he'll come through all it. )
I'm concerned with innocent men, women and children......the victims or potential victims of the shooter.
If he killed himself before actually hurting anyone, because people were armed and drawing on him. So be it.
It's time to stop having more sympathy for lunatic criminals/murderers and worry about the victims or potential victims.
That is one scenario, yes. But don't you think you should at least take other scenarios into consideration as well? Situations where the student isn't able to shoot down the attacker immediately.
One scenario is when the student has perfect aim. Another scenario is, the shooter is ex-military and is trained to shoot and kill. He kills the student before he even has a chance to draw his gun. Yet another scenario is a student wants to "neutralize the threat", but another student, who didn't see the killer, shoots the student because he thought that guy was the killer, meanwhile the killer has the opportunity to kill others and/or flee. Yet another situation is someone draws a gun and kills two people, and several students want to take him out and start shooting in a crowded area.
Another situation, a few people are drunk, there's a fight and one of the armed student, also drunk, draws his gun (perhaps just to give the other a scare) but he accidently kills a innocent bystander.
I can think of a dozen more reason why this might not be the brightest idea.
One more argument is that it doesn't solve the problem. Your stance is let the killers come and hopefully someone will be able to shoot him before he can shoot anyone else.
This isn't about sympathy for the criminal or murderer. It's about making sure you're not creating a potentially more dangerous environment.
oh when we're at it why dont we give firemen giant flamethrowers... as fighting fire with fire seems to be the answer to everything
i vote we give the inhabitants of Sumatra water pistols incase of another Tsunami... not swimming lessons... give them water cannons... far more useful
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
These are the reasons why these shootings are occuring. This country has been raising spineless, overly-sensitive, spolied jellyfish for 20...30 years.
Thank you for your response. But I think you are over-reacting and focusing on the wrong things here. First of all, bad parenting has always been there, always will. That's nothing new. That the elders look with disdain at their young and what the young care about and do, that has been going on since the ancient greeks.
I'd say much more important factors are lack of mental health services, a general increase in the population which makes for less individual space in an evermore urban environment, and, yes, too easy access to guns. I'd start with those very real issues instead of generally lamenting the "spineless" youth of today.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I am going to site Statute, I really hope you will research this because I am not in the mood to spoon feed anyone today.......
District of Columbia vs Heller clearly states:
"the Police have no duty to protect you."
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
Does it also state that the police has no duty to enforce the law?
naděje umírá poslední
Pets and infants? Oh brother.
Nugent is an asshole. But I completely agree with him on this issue. Completely!
If that makes me an asshole, too. Then I'm proud to be an asshole!
Extreme liberalism has been as much of a detriment and cancer on the face of this country, as has Republican/Christian extremists and their "War On Terror/Holy War".
Extreme Political Correctness and extreme lineralism has been slowly nibbling away at the common sense and rational, realistic thinking of the people of this country; for far too long. Nibbling away for so long that it has trampled, infested, intruded and imposed itself on the rights of all of us.
Schools don't want kids competing or keeping score in sports and apparently there are no wrong answers anymore, as to save the delicate emotions of those who may lose a game, not make the team or answer a question incorrectly.
What the fuck is going on in this country? Are our children so delicate and fragile that they no longer can strike out at the plate, without their emotional state of mind being severely damaged? No, not all.
It's the delicate, spineless and fragile character of their jellyfish-like parents which has created this travesty of all mind-fucks.
Thiefs, crooks, murderers and rapists sue their victims......the police and anyone they want; because they were injured during the act of committing one of their horrific crimes. And soft-bellied, liberal extremists, spineless judges with no sympathy for the victims (but plenty of sympathy for the criminals) permit these travestys of lawsuits and rule in favor of the criminals.
This is what our country has become.
Then you wonder why delicate, overly sensitive, thin-skinned lunatics get themselves weapons and go on shooting sprees?
This is the environment created by extreme liberalism. No one can take a joke anymore, no one can accept criticism anymore, no one can tolerate even the slightest adversity or discomfort without emotionally falling to pieces and losing their minds.
Yeah, legal firearms are the problem:rolleyes:
How often do you think the Police are ever at the scene of a crime as it is being commited?
They are there to clean up the mess after the fact.
It will always be easy to get your hands on a gun illegally, that's the point! Why make it harder for those who want to arm themselves legally?
Let them. I don't care. But do not restrict those that do want to arm themselves. Don't worry, we'll protect the unarmed too.
Prepared, not afraid. I'd like to see someone try to break into my house. I am not afraid.
So did Hitler.
They need to carry guns to school to be prepared. The same reason there are fire extinguishers in every room and hallway in any school: To put out the fire before it spreads.
By you're rationalle they should wait for the fire department before they take any action.
I think you can make it harder for criminals to get their hands on guns. But if the American people don't want it to happen it won't. It's obviously a problem you can't fix overnight.
Have every gun owner register his guns, guns bought legally or illegally. Give them a chance to make all their guns legal. There's should be a simple system that allows gun owners to sell and buy legal guns. Registered guns would make a lot of difference. But as I said, you have to want it.
I also think gun training and an exam should be obligatory, not every time you buy a gun, just once.
I don't see why a person would be against that. You get to keep your guns, and it doesn't restrict your rights in any way. Nothing changes for the law abiding gun owners.
Arming students and calling for gun-free zones is also changing the law. I can't understand the stubbornness of some of the gun proponents. In no way should their rights be restricted. They think everything is a restriction. Perhaps they should come to terms with the reality that if you're ever going to solve this problem, some things will have to change. It's 2008, not 1887.
You won't solve this issue by arming students and you won't solve it by taking everyone's guns away. It's naive to think either of those "solutions" will solve the problem.
The problem is manifold. I believe a serious "war on illegal" guns is at least part of the solution, but that won't work unless all guns are registered.
I also agree with what NMyTree said. The education and upbringing of children is certainly also a factor.
You are prepared for someone who might break into your house. Do you live in a bad neighbourhood?
Perhaps the US is just a lot more dangerous than Europe.
Actually, no. Nice try, though, bringing Hitler into this. That's exactly what Hitler would have done.
That's not a solution, imo and I've explained a million times why. And no, I do not think they should wait for the fire department to arrive. It's not a good comparison. Or maybe it is. When there's a fire, you don't try to extinguish it with a flame thrower :rolleyes:
Why don't you give your students ballistic vests?
naděje umírá poslední
Um, the point is that the School Shooter would never get the opportunity to kill 32 people and seriously injure a few dozen more. He'd be neutalized, immediately. That's the point.
You see, I'm not concerned with the shooter/murderer's health. I'm not concerned with the shooters welfare and outcome (how he'll come through all it. )
I'm concerned with innocent men, women and children......the victims or potential victims of the shooter.
If he killed himself before actually hurting anyone, because people were armed and drawing on him. So be it.
It's time to stop having more sympathy for lunatic criminals/murderers and worry about the victims or potential victims.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
High quality, affordable physical and mental health care would be a great place to start. Physical and mental health care that is not designed to reap a gazillion dollars for pharmaceutical companies, doctors and hospitals.
Rather a physical and mental health care system that is designed to actually keep people healthy by stressing a healthy lifestyle, preventive concepts and solutions that actually cure problems; rather than apply a band-aid or mask the problem.....for the short-term.
But you're never going to find/treat every individual with issues. Many refuse to even meet with a therapist/psychologist; nevermind getting them to take medications. Secondly, many will shoe no signs till they explode and tip over the edge.
Certainly you're not suggestion a forced/enforced submission of standardized tests to every man, woman and child. That would be......fascist.
Furthermore, start teaching your children that competing developes/builds character and that adversity teaches, strengthens and developes wisdom.
Teach your children to suck it up, have integrity and be good winners and good losers; when they compete. Be a real parent and lead by example. Set the example and live the example. Discipline, educate, respect and communicate with your children. Teach them the concept of boundries and structure in their lives. Love them, nurture them but also teach them to be mentally strong and tough.
Stop permitting your children to get completely absorbed in pop culture, video games, the internet and mindless nonsense. Take them outdoors for sports, games, activities or even just walks to check out nature (trees, birds, lizards, ducks....what ever). Get them involved in family activities, community activities, recreational sports (if they're interested in sports), charities, fund raisers, music, the arts ...etc.
There's a reason we go through emotional anguish and turmoil. Because we feel. It strengthens us and builds characther and wisdom. No need for a pill.
Just work your way through it and fight through it.
Not every depression requires a pill. Depression is normal within the human condition. Only when it lasts for an extended amount of time, does it require some more attention. Human beings have been dealing with depression, mental illness and other emotional problems for thousands of years. That's the way we are.
My parent, my grandparents...your parents...your grandparents......our great grandparents all went through it. They ddn't run amuck with weapons killing anyone and everyone in their path (unless they were religious crusaders, that is). For the most part, people dealt with their problems and worked and fought through it.
Stop spoiling children and catering to their every whim. teach them the value of hard work, earning one's keep and the value of money. hey, and while were at it, teach the children some fuckin' manners.....when interacting with other human beings!!! Teach them responsibility and accountability.
Stop being overly sensitve. Learn to take a joke and put ignorance into it's proper perspective. A tit is just a tit. While extremely appealing, a tit never harmed anyone; unless it was attatched to an axe-wielding maniacal woman. A penis ain't a missle, it just looks like one. If you're highly offended or sickened bybthe sight of a human penis or breast; then you have major issues that run much deeper than a penis or tit. So stop spreading and tranferring your lunacy to your children! A penis and tit are part of our human bodies. They are not evil, not disgusting and certainly not going to damage anyone's mental stability, buy simply existing or being photgraphed or filmed. What damages our children's mental stability is when they see their parents reacting/responding to a penis or tit as if they just witnessed a horrific, blood-splattering murder. That's what fucks up the kid's minds. It confuses them and makes them wonder how a part of their own body could be precieved as so evil and damaging.
Ignorance is simply ignorance. Stop fueling and feeding ignorance by making a big deal out of every little thing some ignorant moron says or does. Stop sensationalizing and giving the ignorant a platform and cause to continue their stupidity in the public eye. None of these shhotings or shooters should be widely covered and displayed on TV. No shooter should even have his name mentioned on the TV, nor his picture flashed on the screen....a billion times. Stop feeding their lunacy and giving them the platform to be "famous" and "go down in history".
Teach your children that idealistic concepts and dreams are wonderful, but that reality awaits outside the door. And the reality of human behavior will always impose on idelaistc concepts.
The people of this country have become pathetic. There's a friggin coalition or organized group representing every damn walk of life and scouring the telivised media, news print and every other form of media; in search of something they can twist and spin into a "so very offensive .....or racist ...or discrimnitory " issue. These people want every American to do verbal gymnastics every time they speak, so as to prevent anyone from being offended. Oh my, how delicate we have become:rolleyes:
Pretty soon we'll have a coalition protecting the verbal expolits of those who may speak ill of rocks, bushes, ducks and gusts of wind.
Hey, ducks are people too, don't speak ill of ducks:rolleyes:
Soon tornadoes won't be tornadoes. They'll be Misguided Neglected and Abused Air Masses only trying to get in touch with their inner child and their parental cumulonimbus cloud base:rolleyes:
These are the reasons why these shootings are occuring. This country has been raising spineless, overly-sensitive, spolied jellyfish for 20...30 years.
i stopped reading here.
i'll bet Ted has a whole wardrobe of rainbow wigs.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
that's true, but that being said, there are still millions of people with genuine mental illness who need to be on- and STAY on- their meds, for their sake as well as society's.
surely you're not suggesting that ALL cases of mental illness are just spoiled children masquerading as head cases?
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Llike I said, why don't you do some research on DC vs Heller?
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
here's a suggestion...
Why didn't you do some research on how to spell the contraction for "I am"? There's supposed to be a fucking apostrophe between the "I" and the "M".
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
That is one scenario, yes. But don't you think you should at least take other scenarios into consideration as well? Situations where the student isn't able to shoot down the attacker immediately.
One scenario is when the student has perfect aim. Another scenario is, the shooter is ex-military and is trained to shoot and kill. He kills the student before he even has a chance to draw his gun. Yet another scenario is a student wants to "neutralize the threat", but another student, who didn't see the killer, shoots the student because he thought that guy was the killer, meanwhile the killer has the opportunity to kill others and/or flee. Yet another situation is someone draws a gun and kills two people, and several students want to take him out and start shooting in a crowded area.
Another situation, a few people are drunk, there's a fight and one of the armed student, also drunk, draws his gun (perhaps just to give the other a scare) but he accidently kills a innocent bystander.
I can think of a dozen more reason why this might not be the brightest idea.
One more argument is that it doesn't solve the problem. Your stance is let the killers come and hopefully someone will be able to shoot him before he can shoot anyone else.
This isn't about sympathy for the criminal or murderer. It's about making sure you're not creating a potentially more dangerous environment.
naděje umírá poslední
Yeah... I'm not going to do that.
naděje umírá poslední
The Nuger can play the fuckin guitar. That much is for sure. The problem is, he opens his mouth and the whole thing goes to shit.
i'm not a huge fan of grammar correction on such an informal communication as a message board, but this one made me giggle.
I don't think that would be a good idea.
But teachers and school employees would certainly be good.
especially this guy
he'd be handy with a gun
oh when we're at it why dont we give firemen giant flamethrowers... as fighting fire with fire seems to be the answer to everything
i vote we give the inhabitants of Sumatra water pistols incase of another Tsunami... not swimming lessons... give them water cannons... far more useful
Thank you for your response. But I think you are over-reacting and focusing on the wrong things here. First of all, bad parenting has always been there, always will. That's nothing new. That the elders look with disdain at their young and what the young care about and do, that has been going on since the ancient greeks.
I'd say much more important factors are lack of mental health services, a general increase in the population which makes for less individual space in an evermore urban environment, and, yes, too easy access to guns. I'd start with those very real issues instead of generally lamenting the "spineless" youth of today.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965