I'll say it and I don't care...

I think the only solution to this clash of civilizations is going to be mass genocide. Islam has been infected with a fatal cancer that it can never be rid of.
I'm sick of this shit.
I think the only solution to this clash of civilizations is going to be mass genocide. Islam has been infected with a fatal cancer that it can never be rid of.
I'm sick of this shit.
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is a ridiculous statement which does nothing but prove your ignorance, arrogance and prejudices.
Why not start a thread about inbred haychewing truck drivers from Alabama, I'm sure you'd be more knowledgable in that field, rather than calling for an entire race to be wiped off the earth.
This is a ridiculous statement which does nothing but prove your ignorance, arrogance and prejudices.
That's a pretty weak comeback man, you could have at least used a quote from Dubya or Coulter!
I hope you aren't serious. Please tell me you aren't serious?
not even just a race... Islam is made up of many races... he's calling for the genocide of Muslims, some of which reside in his home country.. i doubt he would pick up the gun and do it himself though....
This is nothing new for you.
Which means, that you believe it's OK to kill a whole race of people, as long as they not the israelis, or anglos.... or anybody that looks like you.
Could your racism be any more transparent?
I guess that means you represent the fatal cancer on our end
Stop eating it then.
...this is what your side has turned into...insults and promotion of genocide...disgusting comment...shows the infection of stupdity in American culture (I hope that you are a small minority...but I sense that you are b/c I cannot fathom too many Americans being this heartless)....the fear mongering sure got to you....