Hillary to be in NYC Tuesday night for final election night

Add in the fact that her advance staff is being told that as of Tuesday night they will no longer be needed, and it looks like tomorrow night will be the night.
T-minus 35 hours.
T-minus 35 hours.
Post edited by Unknown User on
where'd you hear this?? source.
Bill Clinton: 'This May Be the Last Day I'm Ever Involved in a Campaign of This Kind'
Share June 02, 2008 12:48 PM
ABC News' Sarah Amos Reports: Speaking to a crowd in Milbank, SD former President Bill Clinton admitted that today could be the last time he has such an active role in presidential politics.
"I want to say also that this may be the last day I'm ever involved in a campaign of this kind. I thought I was out of politics, 'til Hillary decided to run. But it has been, one of the greatest honors of my life to go around and campaign for her for president," said Clinton as he began his speech.
It was certainly not a long thought - nor something he seemed to want to dwell on. But for a man who has rarely shown even an inkling of defeat in the past year, even uttering the words says a lot.
I was being sarcastic. Nobody can save us if Obama gets into the White House. I might as well start a new savings account now to pay for the tax rape that is coming.
Because republican policies have just saved us soooo much over the last 8 years. :rolleyes:
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Yeah, if you are in the top 1% you might want to do that, and since this is an internet message board---I'm sure you will claim to be in that 1%.
Hillary Clinton has summoned top donors and backers to attend her speech tomorrow night in an unusual move that is being widely interpreted to mean she plans to suspend her campaign and endorse Barack Obama.
Obama and Clinton spoke Sunday night and agreed that their staffs should begin negotiations over post-primary activities. In addition to help raising money to pay off some $20 million-plus in debts, Clinton is known to want Obama to help out black officials who endorsed her and are now taking constituent heat, including, in some cases, primary challenges from pro-Obama politicians.
"This has never happened before," one donor said, referring to the personalized request by email to attend the event in New York Tuesday night.
Obama is expected to claim enough delegates to put him over the top that night at a separate event in Minneapolis.
Earlier in the day it was reported that, Clinton staffers were being urged by the campaign's finance department "to turn in their outstanding expense receipts by the end of the week," another sign that the run at the White House was nearing an end. In addition, Politico wrote that members of Clinton's advance staff had received calls and emails Sunday night, summoning them to New York City and telling them their roles on the campaign are ending.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Ha! I saw that video too. What a goon. I have to give it to him though, he knows how to stay positive.
That would be truly interesting...a splitting of the Democratic Party...hmmm....maybe the true conservatives will split from the republican party as well...then the Green and the Libertarians also become more relavent...a 6 party system?
And still, most people on this board won't like any of them.
"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm not in the top 1%. His policies are going to cost everyone money, not just the 1%. I simply don't agree with him nor do I like his ideas for change, even though nobody can explain what they are. I know he is a Dick Durbin puppet and that is enough for me.
I would hardly call him a Dick Durbin puppet (if such a thing even exists). Senator Obama and Senator Obama support one another like any two senators from the same party and state would.
Durbin didn't support Obama during the Senate primaries, he backed Comptroller Dan Hynes.
Okay lets see....Bush pissed away Billions of dollars on this folley of a war....get McBush in there and it will continue. Add to this the resulting loss in the Greenback, the added cost of fuel you and I are paying directly due to this weekness in the dollar caused by Bush's policies.
As bad as I wish we wouldn't have gone to Iraq Obama and McCain both favor an amnesty package for illegal aliens. The estimated cost of that would be $2.6 trillion. (I will post a link when I get home) Iraq is at $525 billion right now according to costofwar.com.
As far as fuel and Iraq the Dems have been in control of the Senate and House for a while now, correct? I don't see anything that has changed yet.
So you guys keep bringing up Bush as if I support him. I probably dislike him just about as much as anyone, it just so happens I have these two on the same level.
Ooooohh. Prepare yourself... The uppity Negro is going to be president. He's coming to eat your children and put spinners on the landing gear of Airforce one. Haunts your dreams at night, doesn't it. Stock up on canned goods and supplies for your underground shelter. Black president. Ooooooooooh.