Who will win the last two Senate races?

Your thoughts, what's going to happen in Virginia and Montana? I honestly think with it being this late in the game and the incumbents down still, it's not looking so good for the Republican Senate. I think both Tester and Webb will win, and the Dems will control all of Congress.
Post edited by Unknown User on
posts like this and others, and just the whole election BS that has been going on for weeks makes me feel like this country is at civil war. 2 sides have such hatred for the other.
but I think democrats will win and they will get 4 years of control and everyone will find something to bitch about. its bound to happen when the country is so split almost 50/50 or 49/51. or 51/49.
My post about who people will think will win the Senate makes you think this country is at a civil war? My post had nothing hatred in it, just trying to get peoples opinions on what they think will happen.
Had I said, "I hope Tester blows a wad all over Conrad Burns", than you could say that there was hatred.
must have been the blow a wad comment
thats why I said this post and others and all the horrible ads from both sides.
If they only had a voice of reason like yours. You are modeled on Switzerland when it comes to arguments.
Yeah, I understand the part about the other posts, but I'm not so sure how this is even close to any of those others.
But, the impression I get from you is that just because the pendulum finally swung the other way, now we are in trouble and in a civil war? Nah, that's bunk and you know it. We are no more split now than we have been for almost 6 years.