Red-Green: Stephane Dion

he was probably the only one i liked of the bunch although i've always been impressed with kennedy ...
i know many quebecers hate him with a passion but i believe in the PET vision of canada ... and so does he ...
but more importantly - liberals are finally realizing what is the most important issue facing us and that is the environment ... it will become an election issue and for that we are moving in the right direction ...
i know many quebecers hate him with a passion but i believe in the PET vision of canada ... and so does he ...
but more importantly - liberals are finally realizing what is the most important issue facing us and that is the environment ... it will become an election issue and for that we are moving in the right direction ...
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Canadians are funny.
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anyhoo - it will be very interesting to see come the spring ... the conservatives don't really have much legislation that will pass - not unless they decide to compromise a bit ...
It will be interesting to see where Layton tries to position the NDP aas I think Dion is even more pro-environment than the NDP.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
again ... he's done way more for the environment than you will ever give him/them credit for ... but that's politics i guess ...
anyhoo - no one but conservatives gets elected in alberta ... that province is more distinct than quebec in my mind ... i think he'll win more seats in quebec than martin and even harper ... harper's policies are against the quebec grain ... he hasn't addressed the fiscal imbalance like he said he would and his anti gay marriage and anti environment is evident now ...
i do think the ndp are in trouble ...
I don't think he's hate in Quebec, he's just unpopular, but one or two policies could make public opinion change fast, so Harper is right to say that the Cons. shouldn't underestimate Dion.
But it's still a funny choice, and it just proves that we live in an era of bad politicians and politics, and i can only imagine the debate between him and Harper, wow what a nice valium they make together...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I am hoping that Harper can cust the GST once more before an election. If Harper can bring the taxes down abit and Dion and has a good economic plan I won't feel bad if the Liberals regain power. It will be interesting to see how Dion plans to pull together an economic plan with an enviro friendly agenda without affecting the the tax base too much thet Alberta's oil exploration brings in. This is the big challenge for every Prime Minister for the next 30 years. Harper's just ignoring, Layton has no plan, and I'm waiting to see Dion's plan.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
lets face it - if any gov't runs a defecit now - they won't last ... we've been running $10 billion surpluses for too long ... i don't mind tax cuts as long as they are aimed at bridging the prosperity gap which continues to widen ...
and grandma - i don't think its a funny choice at all ... its the anti-old boys club choice ... the tired corrupt liberals that ran the country for a decade plus wanted ignatieff but the delegates, the youth, the others wanted someone not from that circle ... if kennedy had 2 more votes than dion after the first ballot - we may be talking about him ...
either way - the environment will be an election issue and that is the most important thing to me ...
Believe me, it is funny... well it was. Stephane Dion is like a running joke among federal politicians, he's the target of every comics, tv shows a la "...22 minutes" and he has no charisma at all, he sound like a superior cocky human being when talking to journalist, he's responsible for the Clarity act which is rejected by every political party in Quebec, everyone was surprise in Quebec by that choice, proof, no Liberal Quebec deputy choosed him in the leadership race, they all got behind other candidates.
Charest is saying that Dion will have a hard road to convince Quebecers to vote for him, and Dion IS a Quebecer. He was applaud at the Montreal Conference, but it was his only good move, plus he did an horrible job to solve Canada's environment situation even if he talks like if he was the best ever, all he did was this presidency of the Montreal conference, which lead to nothing since he blocked the funding for the Kyoto accord, ironic. He'll be very popular in the ROC for his hard line towards Quebec, just like Chrétien and Trudeau, and an elected PQ would definitly help Dion to win an election(he'd even get vote in Alberta).
That being said, i think he'll change his approach and will probably try to win vote in Quebec, i don't know how he'll do that, but i'll wait to see. So yes, when we heard the result, the shock rapidly turned into laughing...
edit: i should add that his left wing policies will probably give him a chance to win some votes in Quebec, but that remain to be seen as to what he'll do, instead of what he say (just like the environment dossier).
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
u don't create climate change problem in a span of a year or two nor do you fix it in that time ... yes, we had a 30% rise in emissions ... not saying this was a good thing but let's face it ... the price of oil skyrocketed during that time making the oil sands an economic goldmine ... the oilsands takes 3 times the amount of greenhouse gases to extract than conventional crude ...
not saying all our increases were due to that but that is a huge chunk of it ... so, plans by transalta and suncorp to invest some of the goldmine into cleaner technologies all were scrapped when we essentially walked out on kyoto ...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Montreal 2000
Toronto 2003
Montreal 2003
Halifax 2005
Hartford 2006
Dion has taken Liberals from Quebec back into the Libs camp, that's good news for Canada, it could block the Cons. in the next election, Dion is definitly my second choice since i've heard Layton say that Dion should drop his french citizenship, what a retarded thoughts from a suppose progressive leader.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i'm not happy with layton and the ndp's strategy of targeting the liberals all the time ... having said that - Michael Jean renounced her French Citizenship when she became GG ... i'm indifferent to it myself but if someone asks you what you think - u answer ... this is not that big a deal ...
Jean is a hero in Africa, have you read about that?
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
well ... in my mind ... there is still a lot to be seen ... one person cannot change an entire party ... there are still a lot of old school mp's who have those political ties to various groups that still have influence ...
the ndp needs to grow its base ... layton has done an excellent job of putting them on the map ... i will probably vote green next election ...
Yeah we should go to the ballots after christmas, so it's the time to consider our voting options, i don't know about the Greens, i'll seriously consider voting Liberals for the first time in my life (it hurts to say it) just to get Harper out of there, and then having Dion helping the Sovereignty cause
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The problem is not the Clarity act itself, it's the fact that Canada cannot tell Quebec what to do regarding their own sovereignty, the clarity act should be reproduced and voted in the Quebec national assembly, then it would be legitimate.
edit: i agree, if Quebec want to separate, it must be clear, in the interest of everyone, but people are not stupid, everyone knew what YES meant on the ballot, and what NO meant on the ballot and everyone knew that the margin needed was 50%+1.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
i live in layton's riding ... i think he is in trouble here because it is a traditionally liberal riding but they got tired of the fockers in there ... if they put forth a progressive candidate here - he might lose ...
i like elizabeth may - to finish 2nd in london there should send shockwaves especially to the conservatives as i think its a reflection of their governance ...
but yeah - knowing that harper has a strong base - it'll come down to a few ridings here and there ...