cnn pushing for war w/ iran

i thought cnn was uber radiacl liberal?? i saw this nut who has a show at 9pm pushing for war w/ iran and kept calling them 'pure evil', saying the UN is guided by 'dark forces'.... i guess cnn isn't as liberal as some would wish to fit their theories....
GLENN BECK, HOST: I mean, you`ve got to laugh occasionally, don`t you? Let`s begin right here with our World War III update today.
Two days ago, Kofi Annan said that Israel deliberately targeted and killed U.N. soldiers in Lebanon. Wow, what an outrageous charge. He was outraged and demanded action from Israel and the rest of the world.
You know, Kofi, where was this outrage when people were crying out that U.N. soldiers were raping women and children in Africa, or when corrupt officials were stealing aid money from the children of Iraq directly out of their mouth to line their own pockets?
Kofi`s only seeming outrage was all over the front pages all across America in the last couple of days. But today, the story you won`t find on the front page for some unknown reason was this: According to an e-mail from one of the U.N. peacekeepers -- listen carefully -- quote, "We had numerous occasions where our position has come under direct or indirect fire from artillery and aerial bombing. This has not been deliberate targeting, but has rather been due to tactical necessity."
This was written in the battlefield by one of those U.N. soldiers. And by the way, was not from just any U.N. peacekeeper. It was from one of the U.N. soldiers that was killed in the attack. He himself before the attack said this is happening, and it`s not deliberate.
The U.N. is not just incompetent. I have to tell you, I`m beginning to believe that they are a very dark force that answers to no one.
How about this story? A U.N. employee who used a U.N. diplomatic pouch to smuggle illegal drugs as part of a ring that brought 25 tons of drugs into New York in the past year and a half. Where`s the outrage, Kofi? Where is it? Media, where was that story today?
Why do we want the U.N. involved in anything? Really. Seriously. The U.N. has had a presence in the Middle East for decades, but they`re not allowed to fire a gun. No, no, they`re merely "observers." Well, guess what? I`m an observer, too. I`ve been watching the whole thing spill out into my living room on the television set, and I`m observing how useless the U.N. really is.
Now, I understand why some people want the U.N. to be in the Middle East. I mean, I get it. I`m with you. I don`t want to be the only policeman in the world. I`d like the rest of the world to help out from time to time. But to act merely as an observer is not only pointless, it`s totally delusional.
This isn`t just another skirmish. It`s not Vietnam. Oh, how I wish it were going to be something that could turn into Vietnam and be that happy. It`s not Korea.
I think to think that this is Vietnam or Korea is to be in a complete state of denial. We are on the precipice of one of the biggest battles our country has ever faced. Its outcome is going to decide whether we go back to that life we were -- where we were fighting over the manger scene in our town square with the ACLU, or we go to a place where our children can wear anything they want as long as it`s black.
The U.N. and all our so-called allies need to be told, and need to be told now, you either fight or get the hell out of the way, because we will.
Here`s what I know tonight. Condi Rice failed in her mission to the Middle East. That`s important, and I have more on that later on the show. I also know that Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are now teaming up to form a super group of nut jobs. And now things are going to get a whole lot worse.
I also know this is not about the Israelis and the Palestinians. That is a diversion. Both sides are being used by Iran. This is a religious war that directly affects me and directly affects you, because you`re the one they want to vaporize.
We can`t do what Chamberlain did with Hitler in 1938 and believe that peace and coexistence is possible. It`s not possible. They know that, and you need to know that, as well.
And just like you, just like you, you know, I just want to watch "American Idol," you know? I just want to hang out with my family and friends and, you know, eat Doritos until I have to unloosen my belt. You know, I wish my biggest worry was my pinhead boss at work. I do.
But we don`t have the luxury of that mundane lifestyle anymore, at least for a while. This war is real. It`s huge. And we need to start thinking and preparing for it right now.
Here`s what I don`t know. I don`t know why more people aren`t ringing the alarm bell. I mean, you ask people on the street. They can feel it. What is it going to take? I also have no idea how the media can be so blind to the real story here. I mean, I have my theories, but we`ll get into those maybe later.
People like me are painted in the media all the time as warmongers. Believe me: I pray that I`m wrong. Please, please, dear Lord, make me wrong. But this is a real possibility, and the media and you need to wake up to it now and prepare.
And what I really don`t know is how people who have witnessed history, time and time again, can be so foolish to think that this is about anything other than extreme Islamists believing that Allah has commanded them to dominate the entire planet.
And speaking of denial, Rabbi Weiss, he is an orthodox Jew who is from New York. He believes that the state of Israel and Zionism are responsible for everything that`s going on right now.
Rabbi, I have to tell you, with all due respect, what color is the sky in your world?
RABBI YISROEL DOVID WEISS, JEWS AGAINST ZIONISM: With all due respect, first I appreciate and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here.
BECK: Sure.
WEISS: And with God`s help, I`ll try to convey to you the view of not Rabbi Weiss, but the view of Judaism. Judaism is something which has been given to us for thousands of years and was upheld by the religious leaders throughout the centuries, and Zionism started simply 100 years ago by nonreligious Jews...
BECK: OK. But your point, sir, is that, if it wasn`t for the state of Israel, everything would be fine.
WEISS: The fact is that this is not a religious conflict, because Jews were living amongst the Muslim countries, and we had the same difference of religion, and there wasn`t this deep rift between the two of us, the strife. And the rift was started when the state of Israel, of Zionist philosophy, came up to Palestine and created this mistrust and drove a rift between the Jews and their neighbors, the Muslim people. And if you would like to check the history, that`s your issue.
BECK: Right. So was it -- was the state of Israel, the thought of it what drove the Germans to the Holocaust?
WEISS: By trying to blend together all the traditions and...
BECK: No, no, sir. Here`s what -- here`s what I`m trying to say to you. You are living in an absolute dream world. The Jews have been -- they have tried to be destroyed by almost everybody on the planet, driven out of almost every corner of this planet.
WEISS: We have to step back and understand again. Are you trying to philosophize or use your theories? Or are you trying to look at what God conveyed to us in the Torah, in the Jewish teachings, where he told us that we should not transform Judaism from religion to a materialistic, nationalistic goal and also, that we are forbidden to attempt to leave exile by creating a state and there would be catastrophic results.
BECK: OK, great, all right.
WEISS: Just add on to that, mind you, that the Palestinian people living in -- the Muslim people living in Palestine, and as soon as the idea of banishing them and oppressing them, that is when the problem started. It`s a very clear fact.
BECK: Let me ask you this, sir, because if I understand you right, you believe you could live side by side. Just so you know, last week in Tehran they executed a 16-year-old handicapped girl for not being able to say no to a married man. They hung her while she was -- crying out repentance, people in Tehran sobbing. The mullahs there in Iran execute a handicapped girl for this. You believe you could live side by side with that evil, sir?
WEISS: Again, you`re theorizing.
BECK: No, sir, I`m asking you a question. Do you believe you could live side by side?
WEISS: The fact is that we have been living without a U.N., without any watch groups. The Jewish people, being God fearing and practicing their religion, were living in Palestine, in all the Muslim countries, side by side, under the protection of the Muslims, and Zionism came and wants to transform this history and in order to legitimize their political movement and to put the blame on somebody else. They`re blaming it on religion. That`s wrong. That`s wrong.
BECK: Sir, I have to -- I have to tell you about it, sir. I have to tell you, you would have been, in Germany, the man who said, "No, really, go on in the train. You`re going to be absolutely fine." You cannot coexist with evil. I appreciate your time.
Back in a second with a sex offender on TV. Wait until you see this. But I -- first, I have to leave you with this. For people like Rabbi Weiss, and if you don`t know that`s what really going on, maybe a good dose of reality is what you need.
GLENN BECK, HOST: I mean, you`ve got to laugh occasionally, don`t you? Let`s begin right here with our World War III update today.
Two days ago, Kofi Annan said that Israel deliberately targeted and killed U.N. soldiers in Lebanon. Wow, what an outrageous charge. He was outraged and demanded action from Israel and the rest of the world.
You know, Kofi, where was this outrage when people were crying out that U.N. soldiers were raping women and children in Africa, or when corrupt officials were stealing aid money from the children of Iraq directly out of their mouth to line their own pockets?
Kofi`s only seeming outrage was all over the front pages all across America in the last couple of days. But today, the story you won`t find on the front page for some unknown reason was this: According to an e-mail from one of the U.N. peacekeepers -- listen carefully -- quote, "We had numerous occasions where our position has come under direct or indirect fire from artillery and aerial bombing. This has not been deliberate targeting, but has rather been due to tactical necessity."
This was written in the battlefield by one of those U.N. soldiers. And by the way, was not from just any U.N. peacekeeper. It was from one of the U.N. soldiers that was killed in the attack. He himself before the attack said this is happening, and it`s not deliberate.
The U.N. is not just incompetent. I have to tell you, I`m beginning to believe that they are a very dark force that answers to no one.
How about this story? A U.N. employee who used a U.N. diplomatic pouch to smuggle illegal drugs as part of a ring that brought 25 tons of drugs into New York in the past year and a half. Where`s the outrage, Kofi? Where is it? Media, where was that story today?
Why do we want the U.N. involved in anything? Really. Seriously. The U.N. has had a presence in the Middle East for decades, but they`re not allowed to fire a gun. No, no, they`re merely "observers." Well, guess what? I`m an observer, too. I`ve been watching the whole thing spill out into my living room on the television set, and I`m observing how useless the U.N. really is.
Now, I understand why some people want the U.N. to be in the Middle East. I mean, I get it. I`m with you. I don`t want to be the only policeman in the world. I`d like the rest of the world to help out from time to time. But to act merely as an observer is not only pointless, it`s totally delusional.
This isn`t just another skirmish. It`s not Vietnam. Oh, how I wish it were going to be something that could turn into Vietnam and be that happy. It`s not Korea.
I think to think that this is Vietnam or Korea is to be in a complete state of denial. We are on the precipice of one of the biggest battles our country has ever faced. Its outcome is going to decide whether we go back to that life we were -- where we were fighting over the manger scene in our town square with the ACLU, or we go to a place where our children can wear anything they want as long as it`s black.
The U.N. and all our so-called allies need to be told, and need to be told now, you either fight or get the hell out of the way, because we will.
Here`s what I know tonight. Condi Rice failed in her mission to the Middle East. That`s important, and I have more on that later on the show. I also know that Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are now teaming up to form a super group of nut jobs. And now things are going to get a whole lot worse.
I also know this is not about the Israelis and the Palestinians. That is a diversion. Both sides are being used by Iran. This is a religious war that directly affects me and directly affects you, because you`re the one they want to vaporize.
We can`t do what Chamberlain did with Hitler in 1938 and believe that peace and coexistence is possible. It`s not possible. They know that, and you need to know that, as well.
And just like you, just like you, you know, I just want to watch "American Idol," you know? I just want to hang out with my family and friends and, you know, eat Doritos until I have to unloosen my belt. You know, I wish my biggest worry was my pinhead boss at work. I do.
But we don`t have the luxury of that mundane lifestyle anymore, at least for a while. This war is real. It`s huge. And we need to start thinking and preparing for it right now.
Here`s what I don`t know. I don`t know why more people aren`t ringing the alarm bell. I mean, you ask people on the street. They can feel it. What is it going to take? I also have no idea how the media can be so blind to the real story here. I mean, I have my theories, but we`ll get into those maybe later.
People like me are painted in the media all the time as warmongers. Believe me: I pray that I`m wrong. Please, please, dear Lord, make me wrong. But this is a real possibility, and the media and you need to wake up to it now and prepare.
And what I really don`t know is how people who have witnessed history, time and time again, can be so foolish to think that this is about anything other than extreme Islamists believing that Allah has commanded them to dominate the entire planet.
And speaking of denial, Rabbi Weiss, he is an orthodox Jew who is from New York. He believes that the state of Israel and Zionism are responsible for everything that`s going on right now.
Rabbi, I have to tell you, with all due respect, what color is the sky in your world?
RABBI YISROEL DOVID WEISS, JEWS AGAINST ZIONISM: With all due respect, first I appreciate and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here.
BECK: Sure.
WEISS: And with God`s help, I`ll try to convey to you the view of not Rabbi Weiss, but the view of Judaism. Judaism is something which has been given to us for thousands of years and was upheld by the religious leaders throughout the centuries, and Zionism started simply 100 years ago by nonreligious Jews...
BECK: OK. But your point, sir, is that, if it wasn`t for the state of Israel, everything would be fine.
WEISS: The fact is that this is not a religious conflict, because Jews were living amongst the Muslim countries, and we had the same difference of religion, and there wasn`t this deep rift between the two of us, the strife. And the rift was started when the state of Israel, of Zionist philosophy, came up to Palestine and created this mistrust and drove a rift between the Jews and their neighbors, the Muslim people. And if you would like to check the history, that`s your issue.
BECK: Right. So was it -- was the state of Israel, the thought of it what drove the Germans to the Holocaust?
WEISS: By trying to blend together all the traditions and...
BECK: No, no, sir. Here`s what -- here`s what I`m trying to say to you. You are living in an absolute dream world. The Jews have been -- they have tried to be destroyed by almost everybody on the planet, driven out of almost every corner of this planet.
WEISS: We have to step back and understand again. Are you trying to philosophize or use your theories? Or are you trying to look at what God conveyed to us in the Torah, in the Jewish teachings, where he told us that we should not transform Judaism from religion to a materialistic, nationalistic goal and also, that we are forbidden to attempt to leave exile by creating a state and there would be catastrophic results.
BECK: OK, great, all right.
WEISS: Just add on to that, mind you, that the Palestinian people living in -- the Muslim people living in Palestine, and as soon as the idea of banishing them and oppressing them, that is when the problem started. It`s a very clear fact.
BECK: Let me ask you this, sir, because if I understand you right, you believe you could live side by side. Just so you know, last week in Tehran they executed a 16-year-old handicapped girl for not being able to say no to a married man. They hung her while she was -- crying out repentance, people in Tehran sobbing. The mullahs there in Iran execute a handicapped girl for this. You believe you could live side by side with that evil, sir?
WEISS: Again, you`re theorizing.
BECK: No, sir, I`m asking you a question. Do you believe you could live side by side?
WEISS: The fact is that we have been living without a U.N., without any watch groups. The Jewish people, being God fearing and practicing their religion, were living in Palestine, in all the Muslim countries, side by side, under the protection of the Muslims, and Zionism came and wants to transform this history and in order to legitimize their political movement and to put the blame on somebody else. They`re blaming it on religion. That`s wrong. That`s wrong.
BECK: Sir, I have to -- I have to tell you about it, sir. I have to tell you, you would have been, in Germany, the man who said, "No, really, go on in the train. You`re going to be absolutely fine." You cannot coexist with evil. I appreciate your time.
Back in a second with a sex offender on TV. Wait until you see this. But I -- first, I have to leave you with this. For people like Rabbi Weiss, and if you don`t know that`s what really going on, maybe a good dose of reality is what you need.
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Post edited by Unknown User on
Beck is NOT liberal! Cnn as a whole??? VERY!!
I love these media guys who think they're seperated from the media.
Interesting that he had Rabbi Weiss on, although he didn't give him much time to get his point across. I'm sure in response to the "get on the train" comment, the Rabbi would have brought up arguments detailed in 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Not only this, but I really don't see where is that presenter pushing towards a war with Iran - all the things he said are OLD FACTS (even Hizbullah was boasting all around about their connections with Iran), Israel said again & again it has no plans to go on a war with either Syria or Iran, we just wanna get rid of Hizbullah - that's it.
Once again, a demagogic title.
I also agree with the things he said about the UN, though I would only relate it to the way the UN deals with hostile situations.
About the rabi - Again, the reporter was right (though I didn't like the way he expressed himself). Jews were hunted long before the idea of Israel poped out. We can call Israrel Palestine & dismiss the foreign jewish right to settle in this place, but it still won't prevent people like Nasralla, presidant of Iran or some neo-Hitler to have yet another reason to hunt us down.
first how is it a demogoci tile? you've accused me of this before, like demogigic thread titles about pics of israeli kids...but when i repeatedly asked you to cite these titles you ignored it every time...
i really don't think that word means what you think it means
as for where is the push for war?
from the transcription i posted originally:
"I think to think that this is Vietnam or Korea is to be in a complete state of denial. We are on the precipice of one of the biggest battles our country has ever faced. Its outcome is going to decide whether we go back to that life we were -- where we were fighting over the manger scene in our town square with the ACLU, or we go to a place where our children can wear anything they want as long as it`s black.
The U.N. and all our so-called allies need to be told, and need to be told now, you either fight or get the hell out of the way, because we will.
Here`s what I know tonight. Condi Rice failed in her mission to the Middle East. That`s important, and I have more on that later on the show. I also know that Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are now teaming up to form a super group of nut jobs. And now things are going to get a whole lot worse.
I also know this is not about the Israelis and the Palestinians. That is a diversion. Both sides are being used by Iran. This is a religious war that directly affects me and directly affects you, because you`re the one they want to vaporize.
We can`t do what Chamberlain did with Hitler in 1938 and believe that peace and coexistence is possible. It`s not possible. They know that, and you need to know that, as well.
And just like you, just like you, you know, I just want to watch "American Idol," you know? I just want to hang out with my family and friends and, you know, eat Doritos until I have to unloosen my belt. You know, I wish my biggest worry was my pinhead boss at work. I do.
But we don`t have the luxury of that mundane lifestyle anymore, at least for a while. This war is real. It`s huge. And we need to start thinking and preparing for it right now. "
there's more had you actually read he calls iran 'pure evil' a few times and asks a rabbi to explain how they can live side by side w/ such evil...
but, hey...maybe not reading the transcription and just screaming 'demagogy' works for you personally
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I read it all, again, and still I don't know what's the big story here - The man supports the Israeli bombing at southerm Lebanon, because he think its the only way to deal with Hizbullah, the Iranian marionette. He didn't say anything about us or the rest of the world having a war with Iran, Israel said more than once it really doesn't want to have a war with Iran nor Syria (what we have here is huge enough), But you, on the other hand, somehow think this story is pushing for an extra war with Iran. Well, I think the only person who read what he wanted to read (like those stressed paragraph), is you.
Oh and - I suggest you'll check the meaning of the word 'demagogic', it fits perfectly for your hysterical-gossip-tabloid titles.
where did i even mention israel??
perhaps i'm not the hysterical one?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
The man = he = that specific reporter. He was talking about support in Israel, you somehow turned it into 'cnn pushing for war w/ iran' ==> that is a false hysterical title.
not entirely. he is an american reporter on an american network...not an israeli reporter on an israeli network, riiiiiight?
once again, just a small peice of it:
"I think to think that this is Vietnam or Korea is to be in a complete state of denial. We are on the precipice of one of the biggest battles our country has ever faced. Its outcome is going to decide whether we go back to that life we were -- where we were fighting over the manger scene in our town square with the ACLU, or we go to a place where our children can wear anything they want as long as it`s black.
The U.N. and all our so-called allies need to be told, and need to be told now, you either fight or get the hell out of the way, because we will.
Here`s what I know tonight. Condi Rice failed in her mission to the Middle East. That`s important, and I have more on that later on the show. I also know that Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are now teaming up to form a super group of nut jobs. And now things are going to get a whole lot worse.
I also know this is not about the Israelis and the Palestinians. That is a diversion. Both sides are being used by Iran. This is a religious war that directly affects me and directly affects you, because you`re the one they want to vaporize.
We can`t do what Chamberlain did with Hitler in 1938 and believe that peace and coexistence is possible. It`s not possible. They know that, and you need to know that, as well.
And just like you, just like you, you know, I just want to watch "American Idol," you know? I just want to hang out with my family and friends and, you know, eat Doritos until I have to unloosen my belt. You know, I wish my biggest worry was my pinhead boss at work. I do.
But we don`t have the luxury of that mundane lifestyle anymore, at least for a while. This war is real. It`s huge. And we need to start thinking and preparing for it right now. "
yeah, seems like he's talking about america there, to me
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
but if cnn is as super liberal as you all say why would they allow this on primetime?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Maybe trying to cater to a wider audience.. I.E.. RATINGS!!!!!!
Great example.. I USED to watch CNN a VERY LONG time ago. Now, I find myself tuning into to cnn once again when Beck is on.. They just got another viewer...
just a thought
now that we have that out of the way...
and you're thoughts on what he said?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
SPOT ON! I agree with what he was saying.
what a racist mentality. that is all it is. This quote is a fine example of how Isreal and the US goverment believes that muslims and arabs are incable of being civilized people.
I think someone should remind this ahole that it was only a few decades ago that white people in the southern US were hanging and raping young black women. And there still people who believe that Black people have no place in the US and they all must be eliminated. It is idiots like this that make Americans look bad and a reason why so many around the world dont trust them. then again most american live in LALA land and think that everything is alright today and that all those bad things happened along time ago so it is not of their concern.
Iran =/= an arab country, just like Turkey =/= an arab countery. Iran = Iran. a place where a radical Islamic person is in the lead. And "thank" you for connecting that specific reporter's point of view to Israel. I guess that makes you just as racist as you calim my govt is.
The reporter wanted to make the distinction that radical goverments like the one in Iran are barberians who will never want to live side by side together in peace. Thus there is no other alternative but to bomb them. To me there has been very little commitment on both parts to negociate and when they do neither is willing to comprimise.
The point that I wanted to make was that the reporter is calling out radical islam for hanging people when his own people were doing it a few years back to black people in the states. It wasnt the goverment that was doing the killing but their negligence is accountability enough....this type of thing was being tolerated for a long time. This reporter is speaking as if he and his ilk are incabable of doing such attrocities while ignoring all the bad things that minorities( even jews) have had to put up with in America. Im sorry if you think that im racist, im not. I just want peace. Its obvious that this reporter doesnt want peace. And I believe that he is speaking foralot of people in power. Im just trying to call him out on his bullshit. thats all. something like the pot calling the kettle black. thats all.
Again, the man talked about the support in Israel against Hizbullah who works for Iran, where the corrent leadership believes (in public) Israel should be wiped off the map, hence, this leadership IS evil.
I still don't undrstand how come a specific CNN reporter's point of view (which you called racist) = Isreali govt point of view. That's why I used your own words and called you a racist, cause you think Israel believes "muslims and arabs are incable of being civilized people". So what makes you different than that reporter?
Well from this far away that is what it looks like. Proof to me that the Isreal goverment wants peace and actually likes other Arabs. Maybe im wrong but It sure doesnt look that way. The reporters point of view is very similar to the Isreali point of view. which is I wont negociate with these people cuz they are incapable of doing so, example( iran hanging women)so i will bomb them into submition. two wrongs dont make a right.
I really shouldn't prove you anything, this is the kind of things you should look for yourself if only you would really like to see the whole picture, instead of the one that fits your point of view.
well im pretty informed about the history of the situation and both side have done quite a bit to deserve fault. But sometimes the American media goes out of their way to portray Isreal as a victim, when sometime it is the agresor.
what's that has to do with:
A person who would like to see the whole picture, never claim "Israel don't like other arabs/muslims", especially when we have peace with Eygpt, Jordan & Turkey to start with (and there are LOTs of other stuff that'll prove you wrong).
You are just as bad as that reporter is to you.
Ok so you say that im just as bad as the reporter, then what would you suggest is the middle ground?
it wasn't just about support for israel...he also talked about war w/ iran
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Yes but remember - he will also be the FIRST one to sign up for the Marines should we invade Iran.
Most of the tough talking war mongers are battle hardened veterans - you know - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Feith, Wolfowitz, Wurmser, Perle, Limbaugh, Hannity, O Reilly.....True Patriots
he was pushing for war again last night...
the funniest part was where he was going on about our foreign dependance on oil and his solution?? coal!!!! i wonder if it was just a coincidence they ran coal commericals during hte breaks?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
The guys job is to make outrageous statements to get attention (and therefore a decent rating) - The Ann Coulter Syndrome. looks like it is working.
The closest these TV and radio blowhards who push for war and call war critics cowards (and criticize veterans like Hagel for his Iraq views) have ever come to service or military duty was playing their GI JOE. pieces of sh*t - all of em
so you mean i was right before when i said that profits were more important to the media than spreading a left-wing bias?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way