Orthodox Jews Demand End to Zionist Atrocities in the Middle East

Orthodox Jews Demand End to Zionist Atrocities in the Middle East
July 18 – New York
The brutal and indiscriminate attack upon the people and infrastructure of Lebanon by the Zionist State "Israel" is a crime against all basic standards of decency and humanity.
The excuse given for this murderous invasion was the attack by Hezbollah on the IDF. What this might have to do with the hundreds of thousands of Lebanese innocent men, women and children, who are subjected to an ongoing living hell, is beyond comprehension.
Indeed, this current aggression is only the second chapter of the recent viciousness; the first being the furious reinvasion of Gaza and the onslaught on its civilians and the ruination of its basic human services.
Of course, voices may be heard that the IDF are simply responding. This, of course, ignores the question of the evil, implicit in punishing blameless people for the deeds of others. And it totally ignores the root of the problem, the dispossession and subjugation of the Palestinian people which began in 1948, was expanded in 1967 and continues unabated to this day. The crux of the matter is that beyond the immorality of the Zionist treatment of the Palestinians is the ultimate fact -- the ideology of Zionism and ensuing establishment of the Zionist state conflicts with the basic teachings of Judaism.
Zionism is the transformation from Judaism, a G-dliness and spirituality, into a G-dlessness, materialism with nationalistic aspirations. Theodor Herzl and his cohorts, the fathers of this relatively new ideology of Zionism (approximately 100 years), have taken the Almighty out of the equation.
The ultimate establishment of the Zionist State, the fulfilment of the Zionist ideology, takes this blasphemy a step further. The Jewish people were sent into exile by Divine decree. They where then expressly commanded by the Almighty, not to attempt to leave their exilic existence through any human intervention. They were expressly forbidden to create their own state, such as the Zionist state of "Israel". (Talmud, Tractate Kesuboth, p.111).
The Jewish people are forbidden to oppress another people. The creation of the State of "Israel" came about through, the theft from, subjugation and oppression of, the Palestinian people.
Torah Jewry, therefore, condemns the horrifying suffering inflicted upon both the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Because of all of the above, all attempts to achieve peace and stability for "Israel" are destined to fail. The Creator cannot be defied with impunity.
The Rabbis stated, that the State of "Israel" will result in unending pain, suffering and bloodshed. May the Almighty protect His creations.
The State of "Israel" does not speak in the name of Jews, they have stolen the name "Israel" from the Jewish people. Jews are commanded to be loyal citizens in every country in which they reside.
Zionism and the State of "Israel", is the main cause of the exacerbation of anti Semitism universally.
The government of the illegitimate State of "Israel", continually attempts to uproot the Torah and its statutes. They persistently oppress the Torah true Jews who reside in its borders.
We pray that all misery in the Holy Land and Lebanon, shall come to an end and that Zionism, the root of the suffering, continue to fade from Jewish consciousness, to be replaced by the faith of Torah. We shall all witness soon the peaceful dismantlement of the Zionist State "Israel". May we merit seeing the day when all humanity will serve the Almighty in harmony and peace. Amen
Orthodox Jews Demand End to Zionist Atrocities in the Middle East
July 18 – New York
The brutal and indiscriminate attack upon the people and infrastructure of Lebanon by the Zionist State "Israel" is a crime against all basic standards of decency and humanity.
The excuse given for this murderous invasion was the attack by Hezbollah on the IDF. What this might have to do with the hundreds of thousands of Lebanese innocent men, women and children, who are subjected to an ongoing living hell, is beyond comprehension.
Indeed, this current aggression is only the second chapter of the recent viciousness; the first being the furious reinvasion of Gaza and the onslaught on its civilians and the ruination of its basic human services.
Of course, voices may be heard that the IDF are simply responding. This, of course, ignores the question of the evil, implicit in punishing blameless people for the deeds of others. And it totally ignores the root of the problem, the dispossession and subjugation of the Palestinian people which began in 1948, was expanded in 1967 and continues unabated to this day. The crux of the matter is that beyond the immorality of the Zionist treatment of the Palestinians is the ultimate fact -- the ideology of Zionism and ensuing establishment of the Zionist state conflicts with the basic teachings of Judaism.
Zionism is the transformation from Judaism, a G-dliness and spirituality, into a G-dlessness, materialism with nationalistic aspirations. Theodor Herzl and his cohorts, the fathers of this relatively new ideology of Zionism (approximately 100 years), have taken the Almighty out of the equation.
The ultimate establishment of the Zionist State, the fulfilment of the Zionist ideology, takes this blasphemy a step further. The Jewish people were sent into exile by Divine decree. They where then expressly commanded by the Almighty, not to attempt to leave their exilic existence through any human intervention. They were expressly forbidden to create their own state, such as the Zionist state of "Israel". (Talmud, Tractate Kesuboth, p.111).
The Jewish people are forbidden to oppress another people. The creation of the State of "Israel" came about through, the theft from, subjugation and oppression of, the Palestinian people.
Torah Jewry, therefore, condemns the horrifying suffering inflicted upon both the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Because of all of the above, all attempts to achieve peace and stability for "Israel" are destined to fail. The Creator cannot be defied with impunity.
The Rabbis stated, that the State of "Israel" will result in unending pain, suffering and bloodshed. May the Almighty protect His creations.
The State of "Israel" does not speak in the name of Jews, they have stolen the name "Israel" from the Jewish people. Jews are commanded to be loyal citizens in every country in which they reside.
Zionism and the State of "Israel", is the main cause of the exacerbation of anti Semitism universally.
The government of the illegitimate State of "Israel", continually attempts to uproot the Torah and its statutes. They persistently oppress the Torah true Jews who reside in its borders.
We pray that all misery in the Holy Land and Lebanon, shall come to an end and that Zionism, the root of the suffering, continue to fade from Jewish consciousness, to be replaced by the faith of Torah. We shall all witness soon the peaceful dismantlement of the Zionist State "Israel". May we merit seeing the day when all humanity will serve the Almighty in harmony and peace. Amen
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Post edited by Unknown User on
thank you for this articale it was superb.
My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return, but now here you are, and here i am.
The Zionist intervention against G-d’s will by establishing the “state of Israel” represents an official rebellion against G-d and the Torah, a rebellion which has generated untold pain and suffering. On the anniversary of the founding of this heretical Zionist state, true Torah Jews mourn the attempt to transform Judaism from a religion into a secular entity and the attempt to uproot the Torah teachings.
Here is the whole articale which is also GREAT:
A Day of Mourning for Torah Faithful Jews
While the Zionists celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the so called “state” of Israel, the worldwide Jewish community faithful to the teachings of G-d and the Torah gather to commemorate this anniversary as a day of sorrow and tragedy. Our sorrow is demonstrated by the wearing of “sackcloth” and the flying of black flags of mourning.
The founding of the Zionist state is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Torah which forbids the establishment of a Jewish state and commands Jews to remain in exile until released from that exile by G-d Himself, without any human intervention, at which time all Nations of the world will live together in peace.
Two thousand years ago, at the time of the Temple’s destruction, the Jewish people were forbidden by the Creator (kesubos 111a)
• To go up en masse to the land of Israel
• To rebel against the nations
• To in any way attempt to end the exile
Torah faithful Jews are to behave in a civil, honest and grateful manner towards their hosts throughout the world.
The Zionist intervention against G-d’s will by establishing the “state of Israel” represents an official rebellion against G-d and the Torah, a rebellion which has generated untold pain and suffering. On the anniversary of the founding of this heretical Zionist state, true Torah Jews mourn the attempt to transform Judaism from a religion into a secular entity and the attempt to uproot the Torah teachings. We mourn the tragedies it has produced:, desecration of the Sabbath, loss of modesty, and a litany of violations against many laws of our faith and Jewish teachings, amongst them the command of compassion for our fellow beings. The list goes on.
We further mourn the deportation, subjugation, and oppression of the Palestinian people. The list goes on and on…..
On the tragic day of this anniversary we fast and gather in Synagogues around the world, praying for a speedy, peaceful, and painless dismantlement of the heretical Zionist state of Israel. May we merit that this year will be the year all nations together, in the service of one G-d, can celebrate in a free Palestine and a free Jerusalem.
notice all the contradictions of what judaism asks of its people and how they have built a religion and coutnry around it just to get what they want...their materialism.
what do you think...
My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return, but now here you are, and here i am.
Its not a new thing, in fact, its a very old and common phenomenon. But like I've said many many times before, the average Israeli person don't know and really don't care about whats Zionism stands for. In other words, to the majority of Israeli people (and our gov), Zionism is IRELEVANT for years. and yes, the same goes with the biblical stuff. There is no need to write long articals about it, better ask us Israeli's first.
There is almost no zionism in Israel. If you ask the average Israeli person about zionism he will probably laugh at you, and I doubt if he'll know what zionism raelly stands for. Zionists considered to be a really small and irelevant minority in Israel, so I really don't understand what with these articales.
Because some people love a good conspiracy story. Some prefer mystery, some action, some romance, these guys love a good c-o-n-spiracy.
So…now "Israel" (in quotes, whatever that means) is now a Zionist state? I was always under the impression that there were Zionists WITHIN THE STATE of Israel.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
Yeah, I've seen these quotes a few times lately, and its baffling ... Its like if you use quotes around Israel, it will magically disappear and the rest of the world will throw a big jihadist party or something.
you would have to ask the author of the article why he put it in "'s as i have no idea
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way