Gore Vidal: 9/11 allowed to happen

Gore Vidal Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror
Literary giant says 9/11 allowed to happen, slams Bush administration coup de 'tat of American freedom
Controversial and prolific author, political commentator and essayist Gore Vidal is assured that the military's growing revulsion at the Bush junta's policies would ensure they would try and prevent any false flag staged terror attack, while slamming the end of Habeas Corpus and the administration's coup de 'tat of America on a nationally syndicated radio broadcast.
Speaking with the Alex Jones Show, Vidal decried the end of the foundational bedrock of "due process of law," and expressed his astonishment at the recent loss of Habeas Corpus with the passage of the Military Commissions Act, the most egregious assault on the Constitution since the USA Patriot Act of 2001.
"Wow - I didn't think I'd live as long to see that one go, that's Magna Carta - the spirit of Runnymede runs no longer in our republic," said Vidal.
Vidal stressed that the framework for the USA Patriot Act was erected with Bill Clinton's Omnibus Crime Bill, a massive expansion of offenses that would mandate the death penalty, passed in the immediate aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing.
Vidal predicted within the next two years, "the bankruptcy of the United States of America," citing vast unchecked payments to corporations like Halliburton and spiraling inflation.
Labeling the Bush administration's legacy as a "coup de 'tat in which we lost the republic," the literary giant slammed Bush's claim that he is a "wartime President" and thus has a blank check to run roughshod over the constitution.
"You have to have a country to have a war and you cannot have a war unless declared by Congress - which they will not do."
"They've got a mantra now which is totally incredible - 'if we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over here' - well how the hell are they going to get here and to what end? These are questions which you could shut these people up if there was any media to attack or if there was a Congress capable of oversight," said Vidal, comparing the mantra to the same scare tactics used by Herman Goering to frighten the Germans into submission under the pretext of an impending Soviet invasion.
Vidal blamed the media for abandoning its duty as the fifth estate and watchdog of power monopolies.
"Our greatest difficulty at the moment is that our media is totally corrupted - starting with the New York Times - the media belongs to our rulers."
"In the old days when something ghastly went wrong you could count on journalists writing something about it....there are no voices expressing disagreement, " said Vidal.
He related how he appeared on a CBS television morning discussion show shortly after the Oklahoma City Bombing to discuss the motivations of Timothy McVeigh when mention of the Waco massacre caused the channel to abruptly cut his audio as a result of a military intelligence order to cease the feed.
the controversial figure also predicted the demise of the Internet in stating, "they'll find a way of wrecking it - they cannot have free speech in the United States because free speech will ultimately define them, name them and describe their crime."
While stopping short of claiming the Bush administration directly carried out 9/11, Vidal was certain that they "let it happen on purpose," citing the head of the Pakistani ISI bankrolling the hijackers while also meeting with U.S. government officials in the week before and on the morning of 9/11.
"What made no sense is that CNN wouldn't follow up on why the fighter planes had not been scrambled and gone up to stop the hijacking - that's the law of the land you don't need the President to order you, you don't need a general - those are your instructions - I know, my father wrote them," said Vidal.
When asked if there should be a new investigation of 9/11 Vidal insisted, "of course there should and a wonderful time to do it would be at the impeachment of Bush - I think you might find everything that we ought to know but do not know."
Asked if the Bush administration would go to the lengths of staging a terror attack to smokescreen their scandals, Vidal stated, "they certainly know how to cry wolf....let's say it was on their minds to stage an event - I don't know how they can do it - luckily for us we the people....they've antagonized the entire military I don't think the military would let them."
Despite his dark outlook on the future of freedom, Vidal hinted at a possible reprieve for America.
"I'm beginning to feel that the tide is turning which is the first twinge of optimism I've felt in a long time."
Gore Vidal Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror
Literary giant says 9/11 allowed to happen, slams Bush administration coup de 'tat of American freedom
Controversial and prolific author, political commentator and essayist Gore Vidal is assured that the military's growing revulsion at the Bush junta's policies would ensure they would try and prevent any false flag staged terror attack, while slamming the end of Habeas Corpus and the administration's coup de 'tat of America on a nationally syndicated radio broadcast.
Speaking with the Alex Jones Show, Vidal decried the end of the foundational bedrock of "due process of law," and expressed his astonishment at the recent loss of Habeas Corpus with the passage of the Military Commissions Act, the most egregious assault on the Constitution since the USA Patriot Act of 2001.
"Wow - I didn't think I'd live as long to see that one go, that's Magna Carta - the spirit of Runnymede runs no longer in our republic," said Vidal.
Vidal stressed that the framework for the USA Patriot Act was erected with Bill Clinton's Omnibus Crime Bill, a massive expansion of offenses that would mandate the death penalty, passed in the immediate aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing.
Vidal predicted within the next two years, "the bankruptcy of the United States of America," citing vast unchecked payments to corporations like Halliburton and spiraling inflation.
Labeling the Bush administration's legacy as a "coup de 'tat in which we lost the republic," the literary giant slammed Bush's claim that he is a "wartime President" and thus has a blank check to run roughshod over the constitution.
"You have to have a country to have a war and you cannot have a war unless declared by Congress - which they will not do."
"They've got a mantra now which is totally incredible - 'if we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over here' - well how the hell are they going to get here and to what end? These are questions which you could shut these people up if there was any media to attack or if there was a Congress capable of oversight," said Vidal, comparing the mantra to the same scare tactics used by Herman Goering to frighten the Germans into submission under the pretext of an impending Soviet invasion.
Vidal blamed the media for abandoning its duty as the fifth estate and watchdog of power monopolies.
"Our greatest difficulty at the moment is that our media is totally corrupted - starting with the New York Times - the media belongs to our rulers."
"In the old days when something ghastly went wrong you could count on journalists writing something about it....there are no voices expressing disagreement, " said Vidal.
He related how he appeared on a CBS television morning discussion show shortly after the Oklahoma City Bombing to discuss the motivations of Timothy McVeigh when mention of the Waco massacre caused the channel to abruptly cut his audio as a result of a military intelligence order to cease the feed.
the controversial figure also predicted the demise of the Internet in stating, "they'll find a way of wrecking it - they cannot have free speech in the United States because free speech will ultimately define them, name them and describe their crime."
While stopping short of claiming the Bush administration directly carried out 9/11, Vidal was certain that they "let it happen on purpose," citing the head of the Pakistani ISI bankrolling the hijackers while also meeting with U.S. government officials in the week before and on the morning of 9/11.
"What made no sense is that CNN wouldn't follow up on why the fighter planes had not been scrambled and gone up to stop the hijacking - that's the law of the land you don't need the President to order you, you don't need a general - those are your instructions - I know, my father wrote them," said Vidal.
When asked if there should be a new investigation of 9/11 Vidal insisted, "of course there should and a wonderful time to do it would be at the impeachment of Bush - I think you might find everything that we ought to know but do not know."
Asked if the Bush administration would go to the lengths of staging a terror attack to smokescreen their scandals, Vidal stated, "they certainly know how to cry wolf....let's say it was on their minds to stage an event - I don't know how they can do it - luckily for us we the people....they've antagonized the entire military I don't think the military would let them."
Despite his dark outlook on the future of freedom, Vidal hinted at a possible reprieve for America.
"I'm beginning to feel that the tide is turning which is the first twinge of optimism I've felt in a long time."
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Post edited by Unknown User on
I mean, he's Gore fucking Vidal!
he doesn't just say so, he gives reasons as to why he came to this conclusion...the head of pakistani intel bankrolling the hijackers while meeting w/ us officials, the things like the military commission act and patriot act pushed thru as well as what clinton pushed thru after okc bombing...but hey, i guess taking a shot at being a smartass is a hell of a lot easier than actually addressing any of the points....;)
<pats cincy on head>
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I guess rehashing conspiracy bullshit from 5 years ago is easier than dealing with your life today....
<get you hands off of me>
The FACT that Pakistan was channeling money to the hijackers is not a conspiracy theory, I'm afraid.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
Any evidence it's bullshit or are you just really good at recognizing it?
as others have stated, the head of pakistani intel bankrolling the hijackers <including wiring atta money while in the us visiting governmental officials> as well as the president of pakistan bribing the 9/11 commission to leave their name out of a lot...doesn't seem like 'conspiracy bullshit' to me, but, to each their own, i guess...
i bet you're the life of a party
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
"Behave like rock stars - not like the President." (live - Noblesville, IN - 8/17/98)
"Yeah, I was gonna learn to play it (Breath) but somebody slipped me a bottle of viagra and was busy doing something else six times last night" (live - New York, NY - 9/10/98)
it took 411 days just to appoint kissenger as head of the 9/11 commission, then another 20 <431> to replace him
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
He asks how they're going to get over here...well Gore, they've consistently employed guerrilla style warfare against us, this would include isolated attacks at highly populous targets. There's no need or expectation for an "army" of radical Muslims to invade our shores. The plan all along, whether executed or not, was for the US to take aim at the logistical infrastructure propping up these "guerrillas", thereby weakening their financial ability to carry out these attacks.
Secondly he states that the media is not questioning this administration. Outside of FNC and conservative talk radio puppets (Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.) the press has been extremely hard on this administration, and rightfully so. If the media wasn't expressing displeasure in the administration then how exactly does Bush end up with approval ratings barely over 30%, a 20% drop from his votes garnered in the 2004 election? How does he explain a Democratic takeover of Congress in the midterm elections? Obviously someone is getting the information to the public which has led to this dissatisfaction with Bush and co., and I think it's not a stretch to guess that most Americans depend on the media to get information about the political goings-on in this nation.
How a guy like this has any credibility whatsoever is beyond me. He's a radical who speaks perpetual hyperbole, using scare tactics as successfully as those he earns a living criticizing.
If you're implying Kissenger would have brought truth to the commission you're off-base. He regularly has one-on-one's with both the president and vice president in an advisory role...hardly unbiased nor a bastion of truth.
the media has been hard on bush??? ooooooooook
who cares the democrats 'won'...what exactly do you expect to get better w/ them? can they even do anything? bush can reject whatever they decide and they don't have enough votes to override his veto
and no, i wasn't implying kissinger would've brought any truth. just that it took over a year, 411 days to appoint someone to head an investigation in 9/11...and that person was war criminal henry...then they took another 20 days to pick ppl w/ less obvious biases
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
What's your explanation for his pitiful approval ratings and the midterm election results, if not the media?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Is is that hard to admit that the media is on your side? Jesus. You'd rather sound like your fucking homey Vidal than just admit that the media has been in Bush's ass. Has the media been as hard as they could be? No. Do they take radical leftist stances against him like fucking Gore Vidal? No. But to act like the media has been on Bush's side is an utterly ridiculous estimation.
you do not need congress to declare war...it's just a label...and congress did authorize the use of force in iraq...they voted for what they're getting...we're in iraq, nothing can change that, the only thing that can change that is VOTING in 2008. nothing can happen quickly enough to change the course this country is on...do you disagree with that?
and, i've long said that this was allowed to happen. the situation that morning just doesn't add up to diligence. so, what does the country do? they voted him in AGAIN! gore vidal might be over the top, but he does it intelligently, and, at least, he has credibility in a growing "community". when the word reaches the watchers...lookout...hopefully.
from my window to yours
saying that habeas corpus has been done away with is a generalization that a lot of people are throwing around. stop it.
from my window to yours
How exactly would you describe it other terms?
by and large, the act deals with a specific niche of situations...if i go into a court as an american citizen without the label of anything related to terrorism then it still applies...
from my window to yours
The media hints at Bush's incompetence without actually saying. It is popular to say this and doesn't make them actually report any of the shady dealings and flat out lies he's involved in that require a lot more than just some idiot. It's their way of acting like we're in this downward spiral because Bush is simply a moron. But the fact is we're in the mess we are because his policies only benefit an elite, very select few....the rest of us are getting the short end big time. And instead of reporting about all the fucked up shit him and his adminstration are getting away with, the media prefers to just dodge the nitty gritty and say yeah, Bush is a bafoon. It might help if the media actually did their job instead of the exact opposite which is helping to keep this shit covered and deliberately not reporting about it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
the problem is the loosely connected dealings...when you talk about the media you have to consider the idea of libel and slander...as long as this administration, and the individuals which comprise the core of this administration, is able to cloak itself in that protective clothing, you will never see the mainstream media say anything outright.
people that rely on mainstream media to sort out facts are severely lacking in the fact and reality portion of their comphrehension.
from my window to yours
There's that and then there is also complete whitewashes and coverups with more than enough proof to go public. And they sure don't worry about libel and slander when they are taking these false leads directly from the state department.
Of course, but that doesn't mean that they are doing their job either....if journalism and their duty to report the truth means anything to them, anyways.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i never said they were doing their job in the most fantastic way. and, i never said that they don't go after other areas. i was speaking of a specific thing.
from my window to yours