just face it

an overwhelming amount of decisions that effect not only us, but the whole world, are based on corporate agendas...a bigger profit margin than last year
so why don't ppl really seem to care? do they even realize how it effects them or do they just honestly not care?
so why don't ppl really seem to care? do they even realize how it effects them or do they just honestly not care?
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Post edited by Unknown User on
You can start a dozen wars, no matter how flimsy the justification if the corporations can profit from it and the average middle class american can go to work, go home and watch tv without if effecting them.
And a vast majority of people work for these corporations are some derivitive of them, or do business with them, these profits do trickle down to the workers, not as much as we'd like I'm sure but they do. Most pensions are tied to how the corporate stocks are doing, stocks goes up, retirement looks better.
If this is the only people can see this world working then something is seriously wrong. When pensions and stock values become more important than the loss of innocent lives by the thousands then we really have became a disgusting culture of greed and selfishness, where the lives of others has no meaning to us beyond a 'that's too bad.'
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
That is the trade off...i dont think that gives them the right to "screw over" anybody, but th answer is not so simple. It is also not just people being greedy. Should the CEO of a company be paid the same amount as the janitors. No. But how much more should they be paid ? thats they question, and how can we best balance that.
It is easy to say that the heads of corporate america are "greedy" and they are leading us to are doom, but really, the fact is the heads of corporate america are the reasons why many of us have jobs. If it wasnt for them keeping these companies in existance, than they couldnt hire us. If the company isnt making any money, than they can not afford to pay our salaries. Thats a fact.
But i agree, and i have repeated the same argument as started this thread, and you know, it seemed most people dont care. Or at least they like listening to it (as it means they deserve more), but is any body willing to do anything about it ? probably not. And even if they were, what would they do. Go on and on about the problem ? Talk about how things should be differant ? Thats a start. But I think people need to talk more about th solution.
Its easy to talk about whats wrong. All you have to do is say what you have already heard a million time. Let's try to come up with some solutions...And forums like this are where it begins. People asking these quesitons, and togethes coming up with solutions, and together uniting our size and strength to work to make these solutions come to fruition...
I am sorry if I got side tracked on this, but, this is a complicated matter, that is very dense...No simple solutions. And getting overly angry like some people do about these things, makes you lose focus, and doesnt solve anything... We have to recognize the facts, accept them as the presant status, and hope to change the future.
"what do we really have, but that which is yet to come" -kpm
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
It's a global problem that needs to be addressed.
(I am not defending anyone, or saying any one is good, but think if they head guys from other countries had the capabilities that W Bush has...i think things would be even worse)
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
Absolutely the truth.
It's interesting how the USA (and it's people & corporations) get hammered and ridiculed ( many times with valid reasons) all over the globe for capitalistic ventures and policies.
But the people of every other country on the planet sure love, work, scheme long and hard to make themselves lots of money.....gain much power and influence over others.
Men from all over the Middle East sure love to make a HUGE profit and gain power. More money, more power, more influence. Not to mention those who have a dozen or two wives.
The Brits sure have their share of money hungry, power-mongering individuals.
You hardly see Canadiens passing up a chance to make some good money, eh?
It is a global problem and a symptom of the human race.
It seems to be so deeply embedded in humans, that it's going to take a lot of work to make people understand that human and animal lives, the planet and all it's natural beauty and resources are a higher priority and of much more importance than turning a profit.
It's sickening to know people make choices and strike deals that poison/kill other human beings, animals and our planet; for the sake of a huge profit and power. Sickening.
it seems like there is a confusion of whats makes me somebody special...sexual conquests, and money are two things that get a lot of play as far as ways that peples can elevate who they are, and who they think they are...
But we need to start looking past that...look at the big picture...
space exploration is just around the corner from being comericalized,
(one of the articles on the following page) http://www.sabaidi.net/talk_about.htm
For me, that makes me start looking at the world as Earth (instead of the US, UK, IRaq, etc) and realizing just how small earth is. And when Earth becomes small in our minds database, then things start to change. But i think that is how we need to look at things. The US is just one small town in a One small world, in a HUGE world (universe).
its crazy man...sorry if i got sidetracked from the topic, but the whole idea of us in the US need to start looking outside of this box called the US...
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
People are people..for better and worse...no matter what color, creed, shape or size...they just do good and bad on their own level
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
greed? Now can that be addressed? sure these groups are greed driven but how do you then work the issue?
You guys will kill me for saying this but, RELIGION...
Religion for the rich...its the only way to change the way people think...Not christianity...its too small. We need a GOD that even fabulously wealthy people are afraid...
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
I think that may be the problem for some individuals. But I believe everyone is different and each individual has different motivations for their actions.
I tend to think that insecurity is one of the main driving forces for greed and bad behavior in general. But probably as only one of many underlying issues.
I don't think religion is the answer.
Rather, I believe spirituality is more likely to lay some in-roads and pathways to human beings getting more in touch with themselves and getting in touch with the nature of nature-and gaining respect for both themselves and nature.
Usually, if one has respect for themselves....they'll have respect for other living entities, including the planet we live on.
I'd like to think one day we as human beings will be more open-minded, much less judgemental, and work towards scientific and medical technoligies, educations and policies which improve our health, our intellect and our way of life-in a progressive and noturing way; which does no harm to nature, our resources and to ourselves. Choice which enrich the soil and promote the growth of more resources.
We should be making choices based on what progresses us as a positive species. Making choices on what comforts, teaches, nortures and raises our children in a happy, healthy manner. The elders should be respected and taken care of.
I think we have to one day learn to tap into our own bodies ability to heal itself, rather than conjuring up drugs and treatments which literally destroy organs and cause severe damage to our bodies.
Expanding our minds must be first accomplished before we expand our universe (space).
I don't know if this is the answer, but I know something has to change with our behaviors. The way we conduct ourselves in our environment is shameful.
Maybe one day we can address each other as all friends and not as Blacks, Whites, Christians, Muslims or whatever.
i never implied otherwise
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I agree...I think personally this is where I have found myself, spiritual; not religious. How do you bring a personal sprituality to the world though ? I think a lot about what PJ talks about is in a similar regard to this. And that might be it. Good models who are vocal. BUt at the same time I dont think that they are blatant about it. I think it has to be figured out. I have read many song interpretations and few mention personal spirituality. So maybe not everybody gets it.
As far as expanidng our minds before space. I agree, and it works ina figurative sense also. Its steady and personal growth. Children growing up to fast (and it happens at all ages). But to grow up properly involves proper self control. If someone is offering me a trip to the moon, but i havent yet seen the earth, its hard not to say "YEAH!!" even though it would be best for me to first see the earth; expand my mind....
Religion gets a bad rep, and it should a lot of the time, but it is a good way to guide people who need guiding. But like all power it is hard to control, and religious authorities often abuse it, or lead in a not so good direction...What other way to reach the masses in regards to a way of living...Perhaps if you call it a philosophy and not a religion (the only real difference being divinity), it will fly a little better...I dont know...
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
I don't know about the board, I consider myself socially liberal and economicallhy conservative, but I will admit I am an elitest. I believe the best and the brightest should make more than the average. I believe the hardest working should do better than the lazy.
But...you can't turn your back on history. You can't lay the problems of today on the backs of children who inherited money.
If preppy trust fund kids are not equipped to handle business they will lose their money. If a young college drop out upstart decided to invent a new technology that 90% of the human race will use on a daily basis he deserves to be the richest man in the world.
I've been here a long time. I've seen all the arguments. And I will say, as a moderate, that George Bush has some of the qualities that could have made him the best president in history..granted he's become one of the worst..
A: He doesn't care about the popular opinion...
America needs some serious changes, and only a President who doesn't change his stance based on uneducated opinion polls can bring it
B: He has long term goals...
The resource wars on the 22 century will make WWII look like a day at girl scout camp. We will run out of oil, fresh water, and a host of other necessary ingredients to the technological sector. Afghanistan and Iraq gaurantee the US a clear and easy mobility to the rest of Asia/Middle East/Europe
More men died at the Somme is 12 hours during WWI than the Entire Iraq War..civilians and soldiers combined
Statistics are the worst weapons the anti-war crowd can use
More liberals die driving drunk a year than soldiers in a war zone
You can say Bush lied to us about the war, but you could also say every president in the last 100 years lied about something, and when only a few thousand troops die to control a country, there isn't a whole lot or arguing you can do with history. More troops probably died of dyssentary during the war of 1812, or even the Spanish-American War.
The Bush praising aside. I hate the man's guts, he makes me ashamed to be American, but you can't say he's stupid. He surrounded himself with excellent poeple, who knew he had a majority in congress.
Good post my friend
El Kabong....from the Cajon Zone ?