
Musharaff is a terrible military dictator and for years has committed crimes against humanity that have gone unnoticed by the West. Though the US may think that Pakistan is an ally against the war on terror, how is this possible when there is a huge region of the state that is not controlled by the government, but the ISI and the Taliban? We, as the US are being fooled. We need to open our eyes and see that Pakistan is currently our biggest threat.
Don't let the world bring you down, not everyone here is that fucked up and cold. Remember why you came and while you're alive, experience the warmth before you grow old.
Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I have long felt that it is Pakistan that is the most dangerous country out there... not Iraq or Iran.
Because Musharaff took over in a coup...
Pakistan set up the Taliban in Afghanistan...
Many newborn males in Pakistan are being named 'Usama'...
They ALREADY HAVE Nukes...
They have tested delivery systems...
They are one assassination away from becoming the New Taliban... with Nukes.
Yet... this administration pours billions of YOUR tax dollars and weapons into Pakistan.
Anyone who believes that the 'Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend' has got their heads so far up their asses, they can see the backs of their teeth.
Hail, Hail!!!
Save this for the morons ok, little Ms. Bhutto and her dad fit your description as well, if not more. Pakistan is on the U.S. shit list because Musharraf wasn't playing the game by Bush's rules. The U.S. and U.K. promised little Ms. Bhutto support if she would go back to Pakistan (she's now in the UAE) hoping that Musharraf would be force to resign or at least a coup would take place. Well surprise, we now have another goddamn country where the leader has given Bush the finger.
So what do we do, we start economic sanctions to try and force his people to kill him in a coup or have him resign. Since Musharraf has declared a state of emergency and suspended elections, a resignation doesn't seem in the picture at the moment.
Everyone always seem to worry about their children's future, well here's some future food for thought, because at some point one of these countries is simply going to say fuck it and commit nuclear sucide on its own soil and lay waste to the entire region and most of Euroasia. If they hit the right fault, they might just start a chain reaction along the pacific rim.
Let's see how this one works out down the road.
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt said Monday that it would build several nuclear power plants, moving into the front of a group of nations raising fears of Middle Eastern proliferation with new pushes to develop nuclear energy.
President Hosni Mubarak announced live on national television that Egypt was building the power stations to diversify Egypt's energy resources and preserve the country's oil and gas for future generations. ...
The U.S. State Department said Washington would not object to Egypt's program as long as it respects the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I agree with you. It's extremely unlikely that Musharaff will willingly resign and allow for a stable gov't to take over. Bhutto on the other hand assisted the Taliban. She might have been prime minister twice before, but she's not going to benefit Pakistan in anyway. She appeals to the int'l crowd because of her cooperation with India. That's all she has going for her.
Econ. sanctions are an excellent starting point, I honestly believe that the opposition will become stronger and Musharaff will be taken down by internal force.
Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
wtf is this?? ... how can the state department ask egypt to follow some treaty they aren't even part of??
anyways - isn't there a mini-coup happening in pakistan right now ... my feeling is that any public statements by the US is just posturing ... i believe it is in the best interests of the current regime ni pakistan to remain ...
right now - pakistan is a major buyer of arms (a huge plus), secondly, they are somewhat secretly providing a wintering ground for migrating insurgents which allows them to recoup and continue to destabilize areas of afghanistan and iraq (also huge pluses for this current regime) ...
Actually Eqypt is a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, see the link below. Also why is destablilzation of Iraq and Afganistan a plus?
i know ... i meant the US ... they pulled out - so, who are they to ask another country to comply?
it is a plus to this particular administration because war profiteering is in their interests ... the false information about iraq; the poor planning; the continued dysfunctionality of it all is not by accident ... it's about creating an environment where pentagon spending can go unchecked and money continued to be diverted from domestic programs to big multinational war machines ...
as it's been said, america has really only one big threat, itself.