Turks O.K. Plans to Invade Iraq...

I saw this thing coming back in 2003 when President McDouchebag was giving that speech from the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.
Then, again... it was only obvious. Turkey has had a longtime 'Kurdish Problem' and the Kurds believe that a Kurdish Independent State reaches into Turkey, thanx to the British who carved out the borders way back when.
Now, what do we do? Clamp down on the Iraqi Kurds that are causing problems in Turkey? But, they are on our side... but, so are the Turks.
Just more worms in that can that we thought there would be, eh?
I saw this thing coming back in 2003 when President McDouchebag was giving that speech from the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.
Then, again... it was only obvious. Turkey has had a longtime 'Kurdish Problem' and the Kurds believe that a Kurdish Independent State reaches into Turkey, thanx to the British who carved out the borders way back when.
Now, what do we do? Clamp down on the Iraqi Kurds that are causing problems in Turkey? But, they are on our side... but, so are the Turks.
Just more worms in that can that we thought there would be, eh?
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Hail, Hail!!!
Hail, Hail!!!
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I agree with you, the brits drew up borders all over the region, fucking shit up. Pakistan/Afghanistan is another example.
this could get ugly
Doesn't it feel good to be able to say "I TOLD YOU SO."
I do find it a bit unfair that Israel is allowed to practically invade Lebenon because of Hezbollah but Turkey doesn't have the right to defend themselves.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Why should the rest of the world deal with a situation we created. Turkey never wanted to invade Northern Iraq during Saddam's rule because Saddam kept the Kurdish rebels in check, albeit using less than savory methods. We opened this fucking can of worms and it is the rest of the world who should sit back and say not our problem.
"we break it, we own it"
colin powell
The New York Times | Editorial
Monday 15 October 2007
The quickening pace of oil deals between Kurdish regional leaders and foreign companies is another sign that Iraq is spinning out of control and the Bush administration has no idea how to stop it.
President Bush set enactment of a national oil law that centralizes development and ensures an equitable division of the profits as a key benchmark of progress. Iraq's leaders, who have little interest in equity or reconciliation, have blithely ignored it. So the Kurds have taken matters into their own hands, signing nine legally questionable exploration deals with foreign companies.
The administration has complained that the deals "needlessly elevated tensions" between the Kurds and the central government. But it apparently hasn't leaned very hard on the one American oil company involved, Hunt Oil of Dallas, which has close ties to the White House. Iraq's oil ministry, meanwhile, has warned that the contracts will be either ignored or considered illegal.
We cannot blame the Kurds for wanting to get on with exploiting their region's lucrative oil deposits for energy and for profit. While the rest of Iraq is convulsed in violence and politically paralyzed, the Kurdish-administered northeast is the one relatively peaceful region, with functioning schools and government, a separate army and booming business.
The oil contracts, however, are a dangerous attempt to establish facts on the ground, fanning even more distrust and resentment. The Sunnis, many of whom live in areas without any oil resources, fear they will get shut out completely from the country's oil wealth. The Shiite-dominated government suspects that the Kurds are looking for the resources to secede from Iraq. Any sign that Iraq is about to break up will encourage even more dangerous meddling by neighboring Turkey and Iran.
The Kurds agreed to a carefully constructed compromise national draft oil law last February and insist they remain committed to sharing oil revenues with the rest of the country. But as The Times's James Glanz reported last month, the compromise appears to have collapsed in an ever more bitter struggle among the Shiite-led government in Baghdad and the Sunnis - who both insist on a strong central government role in letting contracts and running the oil fields - and the Kurds, who demand more regional control.
Foreign oil companies are so eager for profits that they don't seem worried about whether the deals are legally binding or how they may contribute to Iraq's chaos.
The White House needs to send a clearer warning to these companies - American and foreign - about the dangers of their course. It should also urge the companies to bring their own pressure on Iraqi officials to adopt a law that ensures that whatever system emerges is transparent, accountable and profitable for all Iraqis. Ignoring that is a recipe for continued chaos.
fucking turks... I think the Byzantines should come back. heheh
The problem with that is... we can't. We are IN IRAQ right now. Problems with the Iraqi Kurds and the Turkish military will have an affect on our military persons stationed there. The reason why this didn't happen before was because Saddam Hussein kept a vice grip clamped on the Iraqi Kurd's nuts for 30 years in exchange for favorable treatment from the Turkish Government (remember how Turkey did not allow their airbases to be used for air strikes against Iraq in 2003?). Now, the Kurds are free and want revenge and take back what they have always believed was theirs... Southeastern Turkey. And will the Iraqi kurds will be loyal to a Shi'ite Iraqi Central Government? Remember, they hate the Shi'ites and have no national loyalty to Iraq which oppressed them for all those decades.
I have a feeling that we will be able to keep a lid on this for a while... but, eventually, the fucking thing is going to explode.
Where's a brutal dictator when you need one?
Hail, Hail!!!
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Bush lies to fuel his war... his war kills up to 1,000,000 people... he declares himself "the decider"... all of his policies funnell power into the executive branch... he illegally spies on americans and reporters... he adopts a policy of torture... he develops a doctrine of pre emptive war... etc... etc... etc...
i think that qualifies him for the position
It wasn't France or the EU that created this mess - it was the UK. I love the logic employed here: when there's a war that should NOT be fought, they make up lies to propel and excuse it. When they SHOULD engage militarily, they shirk their responisbilities or ignore current situations that they themselves created.
Of course, i dont give that much credit to Bush, these guys were killing each other for a long time.
The islamic world will be busy fighting itself for decades.
Well why are there people who don't have a claim to any land? We all come from the land where we are born whether we "technically" own it or not. And people have been moving around for ages. Countries dissolve, change and some have been renamed from time to time so it's an ever-changing map.
People have been fighting over land since the beginning of man-freakin-kind. We protect our land like gangs protect their turf and look silly for doing so. I do understand the PKK are rebels but the Kurds have the right to exist don't they? We all have the right to exist and we all should have a place to call home and that includes the Kurds, Palestinians and the Jews.
That's what I think.. except maybe we should just erase all of the fucking borders in the Middle East, lock the leaders of all of those fucking countries in a basement and force them to come up with a map that they all fucking agree on. And when they come up with a map they agree on... the rest of us outsider mother fuckers will keep our goddamn yappers shut and quit trying to sort out their matters for them. That way, their next goddamn generations will have no one else to blame except their own mother fucking grand parents.
Hail, Hail!!!
Many power groups do not give authority to the new Iraqi government or the leadership of the "countries" they live in. Let alone the problem of influence from Western corporations wanting their stake.
You got to spend it all
And not let Europe and the US have a say in who controls the oil? Impossible, we dont like the leader who has control over the oil, so we either start a war or the CIA causes regime change (the shah of Iran) and we're right back where we are today. Peace in the middle east will come when we get away from our dependence on oil.
very very true. the western world wont give a fuck about them when oil runs out. although, conservative Islam will always be a problem. (its all out cruelty sometimes) but they will be their problem, not mine.
Exactly, it's conservative religion in general. You let those freaks in charge of a country and it will fail miserably at the expense of a lot of peoples lives. My cousin was a victim of the religous zealots in Iran.
I agree. And I know there are some people... a lot of Americans that believe we are just minding our own fucking business. But we don't. If we continue to meddle in their internal affairs, then we should quit bitching about 'Terrorists wanting to kill us'. We keep on fucking with THEIR homeland with OUR best interests at the forefront... then we wonder WHY they hate us??? How fucking stupid are we???
Maybe if we just bought the fucking oil and said, 'Thanx alot, motherfuckers'... they wouldn't be making plans to crash airplanes into our buildings.
Hail, Hail!!!
If this is the case then shut down any immigration that exists today. Why would you want to leave your beautiful country to start a new life somewhere else, just to want to change the rules of your new residence to set the country back a couple of years just to suit a lifestyle that you left for some reason. Once you read it once or twice it will make sense.
You just don't set up camp and then say we want the land without the people who were there first wanting to rid you one way or another. Like you said "just defending the turf".
What rules have been changed here as a result of immigration?
whos the one that killed a bunch of kurds? that eventually got hung for it...? i forget his name... he also had his region stabilized much to the credit of our own gov't which helped put him there in the first place
oh yeah