Councilman's Proposal For Gun In Every Home Shot Down
Councilman's Proposal For Gun In Every Home Shot Down
54 minutes ago
A council member in Indiana County who wanted a gun in every home to discourage crime took his proposal to the board Wednesday night.
The proposal would have required every homeowner in Cherry Borough to have a gun and ammunition at home, but at Wednesday night's meeting, Council members voted it down in a 6-1 vote.
Only councilman Henry Statkowski supported the proposal.
Statkowski said it would let criminals know "if you want to break into a home in Cherry Tree, you might not like the consequences."
Gun-control advocates argued it would put guns into the hands of criminals and increase gun violence.
Councilman's Proposal For Gun In Every Home Shot Down
54 minutes ago
A council member in Indiana County who wanted a gun in every home to discourage crime took his proposal to the board Wednesday night.
The proposal would have required every homeowner in Cherry Borough to have a gun and ammunition at home, but at Wednesday night's meeting, Council members voted it down in a 6-1 vote.
Only councilman Henry Statkowski supported the proposal.
Statkowski said it would let criminals know "if you want to break into a home in Cherry Tree, you might not like the consequences."
Gun-control advocates argued it would put guns into the hands of criminals and increase gun violence.
Post edited by Unknown User on
At least people who vilote the law cannot possibly shoot at the cops when they come to arrest them.
being an unenforcable law; it wouldn't pass the test. but when you look at the states that adopted conceiled weapon permits; the crime rate dropped dramatically. in arizona; somewhere between 90,000 and 100,000 residents are licensed to carry a conceiled weapon. i was told to get one as a crime deterrant even if i don't carry. the criminals don't know who's armed.
years back in detroit there was a rash of rapes. they all but stopped when the police offered a firearms class for women.
an armed society is a polite society. i forget who said that but it still applies.
we british are not armed (on the whole) and we are considered very polite..
agreed mate. and i thank you for adding "on the whole" into that. gun crimes still exist there.
My thoughts exactly...
switzerland is the only government that requires gun ownership. as far as i know.
why don't you tell us why?
I feel the same way about a whole lot of legislation that is considered and passed.
ill agree with that. i think my faith in america was truly broken the day they created freedom fries. it was something so absurd i wanted to cry that it was really happening. it could have come from a dave barry column... but nope, that's congress doing it.