Bush Gives Swift-Boat Donor Fox Recess Ambassador Appointment

what a bitch...! in fact, bushy is a straight-up pussy...on 3/28/07 he withdraws support for this guy, then when the cat's away, he sneaks him in...
Bush Gives Swift-Boat Donor Fox Recess Ambassador Appointment
By James Rowley
April 4 (Bloomberg) -- A Missouri businessman who donated to a group that questioned the combat heroism of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry in the 2004 election was appointed ambassador to Belgium.
Sam Fox, who contributed $50,000 to Swift Boat Veterans For Truth in 2004, was questioned by Kerry, a Massachusetts senator, during a confirmation hearing about his donation to the group that attacked Kerry's Vietnam War record.
The administration said today in a statement that President George W. Bush had given Fox a ``recess appointment'' to the diplomatic post. Such appointments, conferred under a provision of the Constitution when Congress is in recess, don't require Senate confirmation.
The appointment was announced a week after Bush withdrew Fox's nomination in the face of opposition organized by Kerry, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Fox's recess appointment drew a protest from Senator Christopher Dodd, the Connecticut Democrat who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Dodd questioned the legal validity of the appointment, which the White House said would last until Congress adjourns at the end of 2008.
``It is outrageous that the president has sought to stealthily appoint Sam Fox to the position'' after Bush ``formally requested that the Fox nomination be withdrawn from the Senate because it was facing certain defeat'' in the committee, Dodd said in an e-mailed statement.
Ask for Investigation
Dodd said he would ask the General Accountability Office, the watchdog arm of Congress, to investigate the validity of Fox's recess appointment.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said in an e-mailed statement that Bush was ``exercising his constitutional right to recess appoint Sam Fox because he believes that Sam has the credentials and background to serve in this important post and was the victim of partisan politics'' in Congress.
Kerry, who earned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts as a naval officer in Vietnam, said last week that Fox hadn't disavowed ``the politics of personal destruction.''
During the confirmation hearing, Fox testified that he didn't know the content of the advertising campaign when he made the donation. ``Senator, when I'm asked, I just generally give,'' Fox told Kerry, according to a hearing transcript.
Fox, chairman and chief executive of the St. Louis-based equity management company Harbour Group Ltd., headed Bush's re- election campaign in Missouri.
Dudley Appointment
Today, Kerry said in an e-mailed statement that ``it's sad but not surprising that this White House would abuse the power of the presidency to reward a donor over the objections of the Senate.''
Bush also said he will make a recess appointment of Susan E. Dudley to be head of regulatory affairs at the White House's Office of Management and Budget.
Dudley, the former director of regulatory studies at George Mason University's Mercatus Center in Arlington, Virginia, has been criticized by consumer advocates for what they say are her ties to corporate donors and her free-market approach to health and safety issues.
``This is devastating news for the public,'' Joan Claybrook, president of the Washington-based advocacy group Public Citizen, said in an e-mailed statement. ``Dudley has a record of unrelenting hostility to regulatory protections for the public health, safety, consumers, the environment, privacy rights -- everything that we expect our government to provide.''
here is the article discussing is withdrawing his support from 3/28/07...
Bush Gives Swift-Boat Donor Fox Recess Ambassador Appointment
By James Rowley
April 4 (Bloomberg) -- A Missouri businessman who donated to a group that questioned the combat heroism of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry in the 2004 election was appointed ambassador to Belgium.
Sam Fox, who contributed $50,000 to Swift Boat Veterans For Truth in 2004, was questioned by Kerry, a Massachusetts senator, during a confirmation hearing about his donation to the group that attacked Kerry's Vietnam War record.
The administration said today in a statement that President George W. Bush had given Fox a ``recess appointment'' to the diplomatic post. Such appointments, conferred under a provision of the Constitution when Congress is in recess, don't require Senate confirmation.
The appointment was announced a week after Bush withdrew Fox's nomination in the face of opposition organized by Kerry, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Fox's recess appointment drew a protest from Senator Christopher Dodd, the Connecticut Democrat who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Dodd questioned the legal validity of the appointment, which the White House said would last until Congress adjourns at the end of 2008.
``It is outrageous that the president has sought to stealthily appoint Sam Fox to the position'' after Bush ``formally requested that the Fox nomination be withdrawn from the Senate because it was facing certain defeat'' in the committee, Dodd said in an e-mailed statement.
Ask for Investigation
Dodd said he would ask the General Accountability Office, the watchdog arm of Congress, to investigate the validity of Fox's recess appointment.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said in an e-mailed statement that Bush was ``exercising his constitutional right to recess appoint Sam Fox because he believes that Sam has the credentials and background to serve in this important post and was the victim of partisan politics'' in Congress.
Kerry, who earned a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts as a naval officer in Vietnam, said last week that Fox hadn't disavowed ``the politics of personal destruction.''
During the confirmation hearing, Fox testified that he didn't know the content of the advertising campaign when he made the donation. ``Senator, when I'm asked, I just generally give,'' Fox told Kerry, according to a hearing transcript.
Fox, chairman and chief executive of the St. Louis-based equity management company Harbour Group Ltd., headed Bush's re- election campaign in Missouri.
Dudley Appointment
Today, Kerry said in an e-mailed statement that ``it's sad but not surprising that this White House would abuse the power of the presidency to reward a donor over the objections of the Senate.''
Bush also said he will make a recess appointment of Susan E. Dudley to be head of regulatory affairs at the White House's Office of Management and Budget.
Dudley, the former director of regulatory studies at George Mason University's Mercatus Center in Arlington, Virginia, has been criticized by consumer advocates for what they say are her ties to corporate donors and her free-market approach to health and safety issues.
``This is devastating news for the public,'' Joan Claybrook, president of the Washington-based advocacy group Public Citizen, said in an e-mailed statement. ``Dudley has a record of unrelenting hostility to regulatory protections for the public health, safety, consumers, the environment, privacy rights -- everything that we expect our government to provide.''
here is the article discussing is withdrawing his support from 3/28/07...
Post edited by Unknown User on
That is quite possibly the best way to handle it. I saw on youtube where Kerry grilled Fox over his swift boat adds and you know if John Kerry can make someone look like an idiot, that maybe this guy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.