China Facing Major Gender Imbalance

this article is so sad. it seems they're most concerned because these men wont have wives and that there will be 'social problems', like what--men will be eating too many frozen dinners, doing their laundry? you'd think maybe the more important concern would be the denigration of the female gender in their society and the illegal abortions that occur because of that.
China facing major gender imbalance
Country will soon have millions more men than women of marriageable age
The Associated Press
Updated: 10:37 a.m. ET Jan 12, 2007
BEIJING - China will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women in less than 15 years as a gender imbalance resulting from the country’s tough one-child policy becomes more pronounced, state media reported Friday.
The tens of millions of men who will not be able to find a wife could also lead to social instability problems, the China Daily said in a front-page report.
China imposed strict population controls in the 1970s to limit growth of its huge population, but one side effect has been a jump in gender selection of babies. Traditional preferences for a son mean some women abort their baby if an early term sonogram shows it is a girl.
“Discrimination against the female sex remains the primary cause of China’s growing gender imbalance,” Liu Bohong, vice director of the women studies institute under the All-China Women’s Federation, was quoted as saying in a report from the State Population and Family Planning Commission.
Sex selective abortion is prohibited but the government says the practice remains widespread, especially in rural areas.
Anticipating social problems
The report, carried in the newspaper, said China’s sex ratio for newborn babies in 2005 was 118 boys to 100 girls, a huge jump from 110 to 100 in 2000.
In some regions such as the southern provinces of Guangdong and Hainan, the ratio has ballooned to 130 boys to 100 girls, the newspaper said. The average for industrialized countries is between 104 and 107 boys for every 100 girls.
The report predicted that by 2020 the imbalance would mean men of marriageable age — especially those with low income or little education — would find it difficult to find wives, resulting in possible social problems.
The problem is not just a rural issue, with the newborn gender imbalance also widening in cities. In the first 11 months of 2006, there were 109 boys born in Beijing for every 100 girls.
China Daily said one way to solve the problem would be to create a proper social security system so rural couples would not feel they needed a son to depend on when they get old.
Up to 800 million of China’s 1.3 billion people live in the countryside.
© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
China facing major gender imbalance
Country will soon have millions more men than women of marriageable age
The Associated Press
Updated: 10:37 a.m. ET Jan 12, 2007
BEIJING - China will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women in less than 15 years as a gender imbalance resulting from the country’s tough one-child policy becomes more pronounced, state media reported Friday.
The tens of millions of men who will not be able to find a wife could also lead to social instability problems, the China Daily said in a front-page report.
China imposed strict population controls in the 1970s to limit growth of its huge population, but one side effect has been a jump in gender selection of babies. Traditional preferences for a son mean some women abort their baby if an early term sonogram shows it is a girl.
“Discrimination against the female sex remains the primary cause of China’s growing gender imbalance,” Liu Bohong, vice director of the women studies institute under the All-China Women’s Federation, was quoted as saying in a report from the State Population and Family Planning Commission.
Sex selective abortion is prohibited but the government says the practice remains widespread, especially in rural areas.
Anticipating social problems
The report, carried in the newspaper, said China’s sex ratio for newborn babies in 2005 was 118 boys to 100 girls, a huge jump from 110 to 100 in 2000.
In some regions such as the southern provinces of Guangdong and Hainan, the ratio has ballooned to 130 boys to 100 girls, the newspaper said. The average for industrialized countries is between 104 and 107 boys for every 100 girls.
The report predicted that by 2020 the imbalance would mean men of marriageable age — especially those with low income or little education — would find it difficult to find wives, resulting in possible social problems.
The problem is not just a rural issue, with the newborn gender imbalance also widening in cities. In the first 11 months of 2006, there were 109 boys born in Beijing for every 100 girls.
China Daily said one way to solve the problem would be to create a proper social security system so rural couples would not feel they needed a son to depend on when they get old.
Up to 800 million of China’s 1.3 billion people live in the countryside.
© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
cross the river to the eastside
Post edited by Unknown User on
the reason for the one-child policy is to control the population. don't you think if they were worried about not having enough future babies that they would not have instituted the policy? of course they're going to have a population drop--that's why they did this. it's not like there aren't any females left. there will be future generations, just smaller by design.
cross the river to the eastside
yes, but there will be a very rough transition period for this guess is you'll have a lot of emigration from China as well b/c those millions of men MAY want to get married...I think that policy is one sounded good on paper but the effects may be more severe than first thought. I guess we'll have to wait to find out.
Are you talking about the one-child policy?????
to control for population. maybe good was quite a reach...I'm more of a fan of abrupt change, to me gradual change doesn't work so well if you want real improvement you need to make a sudden change; however, this is a situation where it will backfire greatly.
i guess i just don't understand how in the world they didn't see this coming.
cross the river to the eastside
It seems pretty obvious to some people who can look ahead in the future to realise that discarding your first five kids because they were female to finally get the prized male may lead to a problem when the whole population of China is doing it. But who am I to try and look to the future.
If I lived in China and had a daughter or even two or three. Man would some chump and his family be paying a heavy price to get her hand in marriage. Actually, just to look at her. What is the bidding starting at??
Men who can't cook, or do the laundry or dishes. They still exist?
In mexico maybe.
I know of a few people that live in Mexico...they hire a maid for $40/week that washes their cars, does the laundry, prepares some meals..etc.
Also, a guy that lives here in Iowa but is from Mexico...when his wife (who doesn't work) goes back to Mexico while leaving him here...she usually prepares meals for him in the freezer. HAHAHAHA!!! That made me laugh. If I asked my wife to do that for me the only meal she'd prepare for me would be a knuckle Sammich.
Essentially, American women are fooled into thinking that they must abort their children. Statistically, there is no difference between us and China.
Here are some abortion statistics:
In 2002, 24.3% of all pregnancies in America ended in abortion.
In 2001, 27.1% of all pregnancies in China ended in abortion.
So, to say that China is so terrible because they're "not letting their women have 'reproductive rights'" is silly. It's all about the outcome, folks. We're aborting just as many of our babies as China is, whether our women "choose" to or not doesn't matter. Our government has a vested interest in aborting all of those hungry mouths. So does China's government.
What's the effing difference except for this babble about "women having control over their own bodies?"
-Enoch Powell
I remember you saying she has the pouring of the beer down pat though.
How about the stats on the difference in countries from a casual abortion to the fact that I didn't get the desired sex, so I am trying again. I didn't know the States tried to put a quota on how many children you can have. Thus putting pressure on the seeds to create the perfect little beast. Just an oberservation.
The legality or illegality of the abortion is really immaterial to this arguement.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
She has to give me somethin to keep her around.
Anyhow, this is not surprising at all...perhaps it will lead to a shift in attitude towards women...probably not though, just more gay bars popping up.
Those are stats on "legal abortions." That includes "casual abortions" in the states and "sex choice" in China.
-Enoch Powell
Is this directed at my post?
Yep, prepare meals and put them in the fridge or freezer so they only need to be heated up. Even guys know how to use the microwave.
What is with Texas having their own stat?
Don't mess with Texas.
-Enoch Powell
not really ... i didn't know people ate frozen dinners anymore ...
and I cook and do all my own chores, I just don't Iron anything if I don't have to. They'll learn.
Rice is ridiculously easy to cook anyway and now they have rice cookers. For that matter so is stir fry. a little water a dab of oil veggies, chicken or fish if ya like wala. it's not brain science.
-Enoch Powell
um, nowhere did i mention that it is immoral on the part of a woman to have an abortion.
for me, the legality of an abortion is important because there are more health risks for a woman during an illegal abortion. they're not usually as safe, but hey, this article isn't concerned about the woman's health and that was my point.
cross the river to the eastside
i don't know who said that.
personally what i find 'silly' is that their society doesn't value females and they have a one-child policy which ends in baby girls being killed after birth, put up for adoption outside of their country, and women being put at risk for dangerous illegal abortions.
and to top it off they apparently didn't see this coming and complain that not enough men will have wives, which is apparently the only value of a woman in their society going by this article.
cross the river to the eastside
Concern for the mother's health is a greta reason to be concerned for the legality of abortion. Any concern about the reason for abortions seems out of line. Every abortion is a morally acceptable and good abortion. Right?
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Isn't it sad that somehow they manage to abort so many baby girls and yet their abortion rate is nearly the same as ours?
-Enoch Powell
'here in iowa'?! are you undercover as a hawkeye?
i think i like your wife
cross the river to the eastside
i think i know what you're getting at but not totally sure. i don't think one can apply/completely compare the abortion situation in north america to china. i think it's important to realize the differences in culture and acknowledge that it's a problem that their entire culture--a big one at that--devalues women so much that this is what happens. in this situation i'm not completely focused on the abortion aspect. it seems like perhaps they should revisit this one-child policy and perhaps safe contraception, and i personally wouldn't mind if they started not treating women as only valuable as wives. i think there are so many issues here and just to focus on abortion will never help.
cross the river to the eastside
Of course you don't want to compare American and Chinese abortion. Why? They're done for the same exact reason: curbing poverty.
As Mother Teresa said, "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."
-Enoch Powell