Social Security - How do we fix it?

So some want it to go away, others to fix it in a number of ways, what needs to happen to fix it? Ideas?
My opinion, the only way to fix it is to make some hard decisions. I'm not sure when the 65 yr old number was put in place, but I believe it's been decades, if not from the start which actually may have been 62 yrs old. Our life expectancy has risen since then, and so if it was 70 yrs old when 65 yrs was put in place, and it's 74 (?) yrs now, why not raise the retirement age to 67, for example? Not popular, but tough decisions need to be made.
Will fixing our healthcare system, including medicare/caid help?
If we scrap the whole thing, what does that say about our society? Yes I know we aren't socialist, but all democracies are going to have socialist tendencies, and we have in thie matter for 60 to 70 yrs. If we are going to cut benefits, we might as well scrap it.
My opinion, the only way to fix it is to make some hard decisions. I'm not sure when the 65 yr old number was put in place, but I believe it's been decades, if not from the start which actually may have been 62 yrs old. Our life expectancy has risen since then, and so if it was 70 yrs old when 65 yrs was put in place, and it's 74 (?) yrs now, why not raise the retirement age to 67, for example? Not popular, but tough decisions need to be made.
Will fixing our healthcare system, including medicare/caid help?
If we scrap the whole thing, what does that say about our society? Yes I know we aren't socialist, but all democracies are going to have socialist tendencies, and we have in thie matter for 60 to 70 yrs. If we are going to cut benefits, we might as well scrap it.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
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You might then ask what will happen when PJ is too old to go to on world tours and write new albums? if the world would even exist after PJ.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Any thoughts?
How about instead of being elitist about who gets to keep their money, we just let everyone keep their damn money.
I don't want the government telling me i have to give them money to save for my retirement, anymore than i want them telling me i have to give them money to pay for my healthcare.
It's MY money, it's MY health and MY retirement, I can handle it just fine.
Don't feed the animals.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Hey just throwing it out there. I wasnt trying to be elitist. personally im with you I would like to keeep the money myself. The OP was asking for ideas and a gave a few. do with it what ever you want.
What Bismarck was aiming to do, was to take some of the wind that was gathering aoround labour/social democratic parties. And it worked nicely towards that purpose. This was in an age where socialist/communist revolution was a real and continous threat due to dissatified workers. (1840s onwards) By meeting the workers' demand in this manner, the situation in Germany stabilized.
As for the source you used, it didn't strike me as particularly objective, to say the least. And it is actually wrong about the fact you quoted.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Social security is NOT just a retirement progam, it is a saftey net for disabled people also.
And this MY, MY, MY thing... when are we gonna stop having that kind of attitude? Do you even understand why we pay taxes in the first place? It allows our society to function. I kind of like having paved roads, police and fire departments, court systems, public education, etc. etc... What ever happened to community and the idea of helping each other out? As far as investing social security in the stock mareket... seriously. Would you want your SS money in the market right now? I sure wouldn't. The fact is, social secuirty as a program is one of the most successful government progams there is... it has never failed to pay a check. Never. And despite all the hyper fear out there, it is pretty solvent. And I for one, like the idea of helping less fortunate/older people get along with the money I pay into it, because I know in turn when I get older, the next generation will do that for me... (along with my 401K).
As far as a solution... the problem isn't the structure of the program, it's the revenue it will need for the "baby boom" bubble. There is a fairly straightforward fix. As it satnds, you only pay social security tax on the first $90,000 you make. After that, you pay none. So, why not raise the cap to generate more cash for it? People that make over 90 grand a year (individual, not family) can kick a little more in, they're getting by just fine.
I know how the norwegian and generally european ones work, but americans tend to have a twist in it. Here, it makes up about half of my taxes at least, and it goes to pensions, disabilities, unemployment etc etc. And it works "pay-as-you-go", in that the current workers pay for the current retirees/etc. There is also minimum requirements as to how long you must have been employed to be entitled to the whole package.
Does it work significantly different in the US? If not, the I would agree with the previous poster here.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
first of all, the age slides now depending on when you were born. my mom's eligibilty age for full SS is like a year later than my dad's. neither can get full at 65...more like 66 and a half and 67.
when the original SS in america was put in place, the math worked. there were like 7 workers paying in to fund every 1 retiree. the math only worked for a generation or two, though, and now we're down to only 2 or 3 paying in to fund 1. eventually, it won't work. 1 person paying in cannot fund 1 person taking out.
the actual return on social security as an "investment" is something like a whopping 2 percent. 2 percent? i could bury that money in a can in my back yard for 40 years and make more than that off of it.
let me have mine. i can do better with it over the next 30 years than 2 percent, i guarantee that. if you people seriously think that the stock market will never rebound, you're insane. if you bought the index the day after the big crash in the late 80's, you'd still be up something like 1000% today. if you bought the index now and held it for 30 years....of course no one can predict the future, but the stock market is not a short term proposition, in spite of the flipper, day-trader, microwave, instant gratification culture we've propogated.
let me have mine. i'll buy some land. like my grandma always said "they ain't makin no more dirt".
speaking of my grandma, she lived until she was 89. i loved her. but she drew out every dollar she ever put into SS LONG before she died. like 15 years before she died. the rest was gravy. my grandfather didn't live to get more than a couple of years of his. so, i'm sure some would say it averages out. not even close. i did the math and she drew waaaaaayy more than the two of them had put in combined. i didn't begrudge her that money, because it was a promise made to her, and it needed to be kept. but the fact is that the math just doesn't work anymore.
and nobody is suggesting we take SS away from those currently collecting it. but for those of us who understand that it simply won't be there for us in 30, 40, 50 years, let us have ours. i say we can do better than the government has done with it for the last 75 years. it's your money. you loan it to the government for 50 years, and they pay it back in teeny tiny little pieces at an interest rate of 2 percent, with no guarantee that you'll ever actually get it all back. nobody in their right mind would make that loan on those terms.
mainly, it's my money. i want it to do with it what i think is best, not what some bloated batch of self-interested, vote-seeking, fat cats thinks is best
flame away
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
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Bad idea...
Clearly, people are not responsible enough to manage their own finances as can be attested by the mortgage meltdown...
Bridge School '06 Night 1 & 2
Venice '07 pummeled by the sleet!
Nijmegen '07
Werchter '07
April Fools ~ LA1
Anyway, it's not the system that doesn't work, it just may need some tweaking. People live longer, maybe they should work longer to get the benefits. Not enough money, tweak the tax. Any increase like you describe would be temporary anyway. Once those boomers are out, it levels back off again.
How does that add up? It is precisely by taking your money today that those collecting today get their money. If you're talking about a cut-off point, then you'll essentially be charged double for the interim, by still paying off the current retirees, while having to start from scratch laying aside money for yourself, since you won't get anything from what you pay now. The only way to end SS as any kind of saving for you working now, is to cut them all off now. That IS what you're talking about if you want to get some gain. If we go by your suggestion, I must say it is noble of you to pay double so that your son or son's son may go back to just paying for himself again.
...or the system could just be tweaked to fit new circumstances.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
That's precisely why we should not privatize SS... sure you may make out OK on a market return 30 years in the future (maybe again because it is a gamble), but let's say hypothetically it was privatized decades ago. What would be happening to those people who were drawing on market based SS RIGHT NOW? They would not be doing well at all precisely because of the cyclical nature of the market - it would be just more financial disaster we would be dealing with presently. So the point is, why make it a risk when it does not have to be? Instead of adding more overhead in the guise of a profit skim (which would happen with SS being put in the stock market), a non-profit garaunteed set payment amount by the government is a much better and safer idea. Besides, SS is also meant for people who DON'T have any other type of retirement, or income to draw on. 401Ks are market based, and I know people I work with right now who were planning on retiring this year but now can't because of all the free market money they lost in their plans. My 401K is set to do the absolute most conservative investing in can, and I still lost a couple grand... yeah I may have a long way to go before I retire, but with SS being a set amount I know I would get, it's an extra cushion on top of my 401K. But what about people who don't have that? Force them to become market strategists so they might be able to hang on? I believe capitalism is OK, I live in it and benefit from it. But putting all blind faith into "free market solves everything" is a bad idea, just look where that belief has got us now, 30+ years on since Reagan started peddling it. Again, the problem is not how it's set up, it's the fact that Congress just needs to tell well off people they need to start kicking in a little more, like they did all throughout the 20th century before Reagan came along. They'll still do just fine, I'm sure.