Dem's Michigan debacle

So 5 democrats have withdrawn their names from consideration for voters, Hillary is still on the Michigan ticket.
This is getting rediculous. The Michigan democratic party needs to fix this, they are going to lose this party against the national party.
Though it's an interesting situation.
This is getting rediculous. The Michigan democratic party needs to fix this, they are going to lose this party against the national party.
Though it's an interesting situation.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
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Post edited by Unknown User on
The DNC did NOT want Michigan pushing up its primary, so they stripped Michigan of its delegates (or are threatening to, not sure?)...
... either way,
basicaly that means the DNC has strong-armed michigan and told it, "well you don't want to play by OUR rules ... well nya-nya, your votes DON'T COUNT" ...
... so you can see why candidates would withdraw .... it is a waste of their time and resources if their vote doesnt count.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Well, one theory why a lot of them pulled out is that its basically been considered a forgone conclusion that Hilary would win Michigan anyways, so this at least lets them bow out without losing.
However, why do Iowa and NH get so much additional coverage and importance? In terms of voting power and overall impact on the nations economy, they are very small states. I can understand why states like Michigan and Florida what better representation in the primary process- as in previous years, the nominations were pretty much forgone conclusions by the time they voted.
Ignoring a state in the top 10 for electoral votes, that was relatively close in the past 2 elections could be a very very poor decision for the dems.
I don't think the political parties are happy with states trying to continually move up their primaries. The parties want the primaries spread out over a certain length to build interest. And if states keep moving their's up, they will be happening years in advance before long.