Presidential Cancer Forum - Dem's

Wow, Hillary Clinton, for whatever you think about her, is making some seriously strong committments to science and medical research, and healthcare. She isn't beating around the bush or making any political non-committal statements...I'm actually really impressed, and when she is Chris Matthews or Lance Armstrong make a poignant follow up question to clarify, Hillary doesn't back down and repeats her very specific statements.
If we could get this kind of debate on a other subjects by all candidates, I would actually have hope in our future leadership.
If we could get this kind of debate on a other subjects by all candidates, I would actually have hope in our future leadership.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
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I hate to see a thread about the leading cause of death in America (600,000 or so) disappear amongst the Miss Teen pageant and conspiracy theory threads!
She has a pretty comprehensive plan to fight cancer, now, too.
I just read her piece on the plan for cancer and it looks really good so far. It’s a long read but worthwhile and right on target concerning the life that goes on after you’re diagnosed with cancer. I've been in that fight, a few other people here are in that fight right now, and we are all going to be affected by it in our lives, either us or a loved one.
It addresses the fact that insurance companies tend to try to bail out on you just when you need the help the most.
It also looks at the fact that it’s so hard to get into clinical trials in the USA for experimental and cutting edge treatments. Companies will pay out high dollars for drugs that drag you down to ill health withOUT the cancer, and the drugs that try to help with these side effects, which have side effects themselves so you can take drugs to counteract THOSE side effects and what does this leave you with? A struggling body and mind, and nicely lined pockets for the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies.
Her plan also increases funding for NCI centers and more of them in the USA. These are the places that do the research for new treatments for cancer. Not many people want to do research on easier, more effective treatments for cancer, or other diseases for that matter, which can’t be patented, or don’t provide a revenue stream to a drug company.
When I was sick with my cancer, the treatment program included 3 differnt chemo drugs, Interferon, Interluken, and radiation therapy. It wasn’t working, but they kept pumping that stuff into me at about $10,000 to $20,000 per month.
When I sought my alternative Autologous Vaccine therapy, I couldn’t get into any trials in the USA because I was already in the chemo system and I wasn’t elegible. Thankfully, Australia took me, at a cost of everything I ever had in my life and then some, because my insurance company wouldn’t fund it becuase it was out of the country. The therapy worked so far, and I imagine I’ll never recover from the financial toll, but I’m here.
We will be wishing well and wishing the very best to someone from this board this week, to Germany to go for a similar therapy. She has to go to Germany because it isn't available here due to the usual red tape.
The plan also encourages prevention, like maybe the number one way to help save yourself from cancer, not smoking, and also health programs, school athetics etc.
So like Hillary or not, she has put together a well crafted plan that hits home with me, and I’m glad someone came up with the specifics and I hope that people hold ALL the candidates to this and real issues, not just political rhetoric!
Haha,,,, *steps off soapbox and gets a beer.*
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Well, I'm not sure WHO I'm voting for yet, there's a long way to go yet, but whoever it is should have some hard plans in place like above, and for the re-righting of this country, not just political rhetoric.
Long way to go yet, and I haven't thrown my hat into the ring yet! I'm running for mayor of my town next year. I was skipping being on city council because I as long as I didn't know how to be a councilman, I may as well not know how to be mayor!
Maybe I should just skip the whole damn thing and go for pres!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
I'm not a Hillary Clinton fan. I don't yet know who I'm voting for. But that is not the topic of this thread. She came up with a serious proposal for a serious problem. Can't we focus on that and have ONE thread on this board free of hatred and name-calling based on who people vote for, or what party they belong to? And I'd be saying the same thing if Mitt or Rudy came up with this.
And Bob, you've got my vote!
Running for Mayor? My hat is off to you! right on.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Thanks Hippiemom!
And I think the answer, judging from trying to read this forum lately, is "no".
I was trying to be diplomatic, being as I'm running for president now!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
My worst nightmare is that I'll actually be elected! haha,,, I have NO idea how to be a mayor!
I just want to speak my piece publicly as there is a lot of corruption and there a lot of ills in this town, and it's a small enough town that I can get a public platform to do it.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
They're all the same. They (mainstream candidates) talk all about stuff...but they never say what they are going to do. They say oh this bad...yes...oh this good...yes.. All lip service just to get votes.
It just winds up being the same thing after the election, as they re-neg endlessly on all their original pseudo "promises"
America is in a situation that needs a radical approach, otherwise more of the same is to be expected.
Anyway that's what I think.
A lot of damage has been done, and to follow after the worst president in all of history requires something serious....not just more of McDonald's fast food candidacy.
Just look at where the campaign funds come from.
That's all one needs to do. edit: well not exactly but it's up there.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I think, though, that the premise of this thread is more that someone DID do something and and put it in writing, in this case, about fighting cancer. The plan is the best I've seen and the most well thought out, especially to a few of us that have, and have had cancer and have experience with the system that's in place now.
Once you've been in the system and had to deal with the insurance companies and medical clinical trial system, and you read what she said, it's VERY specific and wasn't just an off the cuff piece of work and I give her credit for that.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Sure, I give Hillary some credit for sure. I couldn't hold a candle to her physical presence. I just don't think she has what it takes to break away from the Bush societal norms set forth thus far, and have the raw courage be a true leader in a new direction.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'm impressed by what I read. I'm also interested in reading what the other contenders might offer for comparison.
I'm always curious when politicians talk about increasing funding for things such as this, where do they think this money is going to come from?
This election is going to be a doozie.
Granted she may have personal exposure to the reality of it, and feel a personal conviction, but so what... I would not put my chips on it. There is so much more to look at that dwarfs this one issue. Ron Paul wants privatized health care..Kucinch seems the best in heart and mind, but at what expense? Maintain the basics.
I guess everyone, out of societal confusion and uncertainty, (and EXTREME lack of leadership direction) wants the govt to solve everything for them.
See how the level of control can be so subtle?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)