(Good Irony) Proof that global warming not a problem!

I find it amusing(ly agravating) when someone says that global warming does not exist because some place like North Dakota had a blizzard followed by below zero temps in January.
But this story is just amusing enough that I felt I must post it:
The first sentence covers what is amusing: "A North Pole expedition meant to bring attention to global warming was called off after one of the explorers got frostbite."
But this story is just amusing enough that I felt I must post it:
The first sentence covers what is amusing: "A North Pole expedition meant to bring attention to global warming was called off after one of the explorers got frostbite."
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
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I agree with this, but it goes both ways. As long as people point to things like an active hurricane season or a mild december as evidence OF global warming, then its only fair to point to below average temps and things like that as evidence against it.
Individual (or even seasonal) weather events are as much proof for or against global warming as the devil rays sweeping a 2 game series against the yankees.
I know. I put the first part in so as not to make people believe that I was actually claiming this as an argument against the existance of global warming...just a funny irony.
I figured, but if the threads still exist, go back and see how many people were convinced Katrina (and the other hurricanes) in 2005 were proof positive that global warming was going to kill us.... and they'll be among the first to say how stupid this story is.
the record snow and cold temperatures prove global warming exists. the winds are blowing colder air across the ice south. the more the ice melts the colder the air. the colder the air the farther the jet stream can push it south.
as a whole picture of the enviroment, of course. However, one season of a warm december, or a heavy hurricane season is not proof- they are isolated weather incidents.... and taken individually, or seasonally proves nothing.
True. Funny thing is that our nearest planets and the moon aren't experiencing the climatic changes that we're observing here of the Earth. Not that they would be exactly the same, however, being part of the same solar system in which all masses absorb heat/energy from the same source (the sun), the evidence shows that the warming on Earth is unique to itself.
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But aren't hurricanes caused, at least in part, by warmer ocean surface tempertures? So if the tempertures of the oceans around the US become warmer over the years wouldn't it create more hurricanes? I'm also aware that this won't happen every year because cooling and warming trends like La Nina or whatever play a role, as well and offset the patterns. But this doesn't take away the possibility for stronger and more frequent hurricanes in seasons where there is no cooling trend?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you nailed it right there. without other changes in the universe; man is the only common denominator.
exactly. the evidence lies in the dramatic changes. but we must also consider that when one area gets record warm; another gets record cold. right now we have a lot of melting ice lowering the temperature but we also have less ice to reflect solar radiation (heat) back into space. since oceans absorb heat we have a mixture of warm and cold that's going to mess with weather patterns.
But the USA is not the only country on this golbe. While you have had more hurricanes, Australia is dying from drought due to a lack of cyclones and tropical lows worth talking about. So this whole "gloabl warming means more hurricanes' thing is neither global, nor helping us much at the present.
Yes, I realize we aren't the only country. I only mentioned our patterns because I know a lot more about them. Feel free to bring more global knowledge of these patterns to the discussion. Maybe in your region, which is closer to the caps, is suffering because of the melting and cooling of oceans temps onelongsong spoke of. I'm just looking for better understanding, I don't claim to know anything for sure about any of it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i recall eva7 mentioning the terrible and unusual storms italy had.
I must have missed that thread. I'll do a search.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Possibly, but pointing to 2005's active hurricane season as proof of global warming is as silly as pointing to 2006's lack of hurricanes as proof against it.
Using small time periods for proof isn't going to prove anything.
But as I pointed out, the lack of hurricanes can be explained by other weather phenomenons that still work within the global warming theory.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Just as an abundance of hurricanes can be explained by phenomenons that still work outside of the global warming theory.
For the record, i am in no way disputing global warming exists, just pointing out how silly i think it is to use isolated weather events (like an active hurricane season) to support it, while at the same time laughing at the people who point to a blizzard in february to support claims that it doesnt exist.
i feel i have to add this disclaimer on every page of the thread, as someone will inevitably claim that i am disputing the existance of global warming.
I dunno skitch. are you sure you're not just looking for the most ignorant posts to reply to?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Hence no one incident can really be blamed on global warming. However, global warming will give us more of those hurricanes than before for instance, and a bit worse than before.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Australia's had increasing aridity for 40 thousand years. Late last century there was a peirod of 40 years of high rainfall which was the real anomoly and now drought is back as per usual. Wouldn't matter what the weather did people would still point to it as evidence of global warming.
i'm sure the brown clouds hanging over cities has nothing to do with it. i mean; are we going to believe you or our lieing eyes?
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
i live in an area much like yours (from what i understand, anyway). the air is pure and the area pristine. it would be easy for me to discount global warming. but i also have a greenhouse and know how it works. i can study the emmissions; especially out of china; and know what effect it will have. i read the current data about the condition of the icecaps. nasa reported that 1250 square miles of ice in antartica dissapeared in 3 weeks. in greenland; the melt water is seeping through the cracks and lubricating the base causing the ice to slip into the ocean much faster than expected. antartica is melting from the bottom because the water temperature rose. this is all scientific fact that has been seen; measured; and calculated.
screw the weather changes; look at the scientific facts.
I merely pointed out that single events are not the evidence, but that the trend is the evidence. That's what the climate panel says too you know...
Read it over again, bearing in mind I am not opposing global warming...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
my mistake.
Australia is probably not closer to the ice caps, I don't think. Al;though, like USA, it is a big counrty and has a number of climatic areas, all of which must be dealt with individually, rather than lumped in together.
Our East coast has not really had many revolving tropical storms (hurricanss to you, cyclones to us) in recent times. For example , this year I don't think we have had even one, and we are well into teh season. In the 70's, there would routinely be 5-10 per year, and at least several would cross the ocast, becoming a rain depression, and filling our continental water tanks.
As far as global warming goes, teh temperature data can't be argued wiht, but cuase , effect and consequences are another thing altogether.
The CO2 which is being realeased by burning fossil fuel was once part of teh atmosphere, before the trees and littel fishes put it away.
That the globe will change is undisputable, it has always been in flux. The actual idea that we can fix things the way we like them now is actually quite far-fetched.
Rome greww during a period of global warming, and shrank as it declined, got cooler, and teh starving tribes came rampaging down from the North.
Empires come, empires go !!
The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1995.
okay. Sure.
10 warm years is more evidence of global warming then one active hurricane season.
thanks for proving my point.