Dealing with thieves…

I know this is way low on the priority list with the events going on here in the United States around the world, but…
If you catch someone stealing from you in your house what do you do?
Shoot them? Give them the louisville slugger treatment and call the cops?
Some chickenshit lowlife bottom feeder must have seen me riding around on my dirtbike the other day and decided he wanted what I have. Totally premeditated, must have watched me go out to dinner or back up to the apartment when he jacked my motorbike. I’m usually a moving forward and peaceful type of person but it really pisses me off every time I think about it. It was the first time I ever called the cops for anything, and had to spend my valuable time down at the cop shop filling out a report which sucked in its own way…
Anyways, was wondering what I would do if it happens again and I catch them in the act…What’s excessive? And what is justifiable for stopping the robbery?
If you catch someone stealing from you in your house what do you do?
Shoot them? Give them the louisville slugger treatment and call the cops?
Some chickenshit lowlife bottom feeder must have seen me riding around on my dirtbike the other day and decided he wanted what I have. Totally premeditated, must have watched me go out to dinner or back up to the apartment when he jacked my motorbike. I’m usually a moving forward and peaceful type of person but it really pisses me off every time I think about it. It was the first time I ever called the cops for anything, and had to spend my valuable time down at the cop shop filling out a report which sucked in its own way…
Anyways, was wondering what I would do if it happens again and I catch them in the act…What’s excessive? And what is justifiable for stopping the robbery?
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Up here in canuck land we aren't allowed to hurt people that steal from us or break into our homes. We can actually be sued if they cut themselves climbing through a window they smashed. However, I'd say lay the boots to 'em, chances of him actually reporting it are pretty slim. There is an exception in Canada, if you politely ask him to leave 3 or more times, you can use whatever force necissary to make him leave. For me that would be louisville slugger. Either way, I'd still call the cops after and have him charged.
Thanks for the input...Lots of similar crazy laws here that vary from state to state I think. Doesn't seem like much of a deterrent, guess I should brush up on the laws locally.
I guess it would depend on the situation. For example, if someone broke into my apartment/house while I was there...he'd probably get the Louisville Slugger treatment or perhaps some 5 iron therapy or maybe just a good old fashioned beat down. If someone wanted to steal my wallet I'd just give it to them and laugh because there's nothing it it anyways.
I thought you could shoot them, if you had a gun, but only once and you first needed to fire a warning shot....I have no idea if that is anywhere close to being true....
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
"Locks are only to keep the honest people out"
What that means is that if you leave money on your desk at work, expect it to go missing. Honest good people will steal when the opportunity is right infront of them. If someone really needs the money, they will steal it, regardless of where you leave it.
I honestly don't know what I'd do, but I do know that if I stomp the guys head to a pulp, his buddies will come back for me at some point, or burn my house down or car down....
If I ever caught one of his friends that burnt my house down well... so on, and so forth until I'm dead. So it isn't worth it. If the guy runs let him, whatever you do, don't shoot him. That's a world of shit.
hmmm it all sounds a lot like the middle east right now don't it...
I installed these 500W outdoor (blow torch intensity) motion sensor lighting around my property. Thieves love the dark... so far so good...
Then there's the broad daylight crack toking street rats that don't care about life anymore anyways... who cares (or should be caring) about (and for) them?
The one time I caught someone stealing from me was years ago at a U2 concert. She made off with my purse and I caught up with her. Knocked her out, bloodied her nose, got my stuff back, left her lying there. This wasn't thought out on my part. I was extremely poor at the time (I got a free ticket to the show or I wouldn't have been there), and something snapped when I saw her running away with the last $32 I had to my name, not to mention the other things in my purse that cost money (make up, etc.), and the things I couldn't replace, like pictures of my daughter. I'm not at all proud of what I did ... in fact, I really shocked myself. I have no recollection at all of hitting her. I caught up with her, and the next thing I knew she was lying on the floor and my hand hurt. I'm very non-violent, non-threatening ... I could never even bring myself to spank my kids, I wouldn't have thought myself capable of such behavior.
I DO know that I would never use anything remotely close to deadly force, any sort of weapon, in defense of property. It's just stuff ... you don't take a life over that. I'd like to be able to say that I wouldn't hurt anyone either, and in my current much more mature state I probably wouldn't, but given my past experience I don't think I can say that for sure.
Right on know1! Great thoughts.
It is hard to tell what I would do in a situation like this. It would be quite a test for me. I would hope have the courage to avoid hurting the person.
That is whats on my mind also.........there is some truth to it.
Often it is for a meth related thing...and those actions are less defendable.
But if you keep violence out of the picture they may also.
Of course if I am harmed, or someone else in the house was, I would have to "restrain" them.
Just as if I was mugged. I would give them the money, I would also ask them if I could keep some if I needed it. I would ask what their situation was.
depends on the situation, right. and no shit, here's my wallet don't spend it all in one place
Yeah your brother is pretty close to my usual stance. I hardly ever lock anything and kind of always thought if somebody wants or needs it that bad, all yours…Not worth it, I’ve got other ways to spend my time and resources other than securing everything down and combating petty thieves… cool thanks.
Yeah...and again, Ill often just put a lock on something for looks and not even lock it…Like the guy at the bike shop told me once…if someone wants your bike bad enough they’re going to get it…
If I do get around to spending a little time on upgrading security that’s exactly what I was thinking, along with a cam…
and your right about starting some kind of holy war going back and fourth, I don't need that shit or have the time for it....
Haha...Knockout artist!!! And your right, its just stuff…
I think in Nevada they still have those wild west laws where you can shoot somebody entering your house if they are armed and you feel threatened, but I could be way off as well…
Good thoughts as well...
I'm single no kids so I can shrug off alot, but like you mentioned if you have other people in the house like a wife or kids I don't see how you couldn't take them out one way or another...thanks for the response.
If I am actually threatened, well, better him than me. But property is just property.
I think this is it, exactly. I literally have nothing worth stealing. I am not a violent person. I'm a bit of a pacifist, really. But I cannot assume an intruder in my home will not hurt my wife and three children. I MUST assume they, at least have the serious potential to do just that, and, i can't allow that. There are no guns in my house (with three children that would be pretty stupid), but I would use anything else to deal with them accordingly.
That's what I did, I put 3 of those wireless X10 cams in the front windows of my house. (one at the front door pointing at my car, and 2 in the livingroom window covering both sides of my front yard) I got a bunch more of them. They're small enough that you can't see them from the street but if you walk up on my property you definitely know you're being watched. I painted them white as well with regular spraypaint to make them more covert - worked out quite amazingly actually.
I didn't want something too big as to wierd out the neighborhood and neighbors.
Why anyone would touch another mans car is beyond me. That so fucking low man I just can't describe it...
I have been robbed at least 5 times. (I have since moved from that area).
I got quite aggressive after some point. There were at least two occassions after those 5 that I heard somone lurking in my yard and little ole me went out, at night, and confronted them.
The one time the guy was walking about a block away by the time I went out. I yelled at him to get his ass back there. He did. I asked him wtf he was doing. He said he was taking a short cut thru my backyard was no shortcut. After discussion, I told him to stay put, yelled at my daughter to call the cops..and the guy stayed. I must had sounded tough..who knows. Since he hadn't stole anything, yet...he was let go with a stern warning...mainly for me.
Another time, same thing...guy in my yard snooping. I went out, he ran and hid in some bushes in a nieghbor's yard. I told him to get his chicken ass out of there. We had words. I let him know don't even bother trying to fuck around wiith me or my property. He left with his tail between his legs.
I am not a big person, but after 5 robberies, I will be damned if I am going to be afraid and just let them take my stuff.
I think I must sound mean when I did these things cuz these guys were scared of me.
I know I would not just let someone walk out with my stuff. I would hit them with something. Oh well.
There were other instances..Like when my front door window got shot out. Again..I was pissed. My anger overcomes my fright.
I was a single mom..and I will defend my kids and property.
I did empty a mace can down one guy's throat one time. It was scary...but when the cops got there, they laughed at the guy. There was little me and this big guy looked like I beat the hell out of him. He was there to harm a guest at my home.
I would had never been so brave had thsoe 5 robberies not had happened.
Which is why people steal...If everyone had the means to protect themselves and used those means, people wouldn't go into people's homes. In Colorado we have a "make my day law" which affords us the right to do whatever necessary to anyone within the confines of our domain. And wouldn't you know it, Colorado has one of the lowest crime rates concerning home invasion??? Interesting!
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.