Opps, he left out the Jews and the Catholics
Posts: 1,907
Our God is bigger than your God -Invocation at McCain rally:
“There are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his [McCain’s] opponent wins, for a variety of reasons,” said Arnold Conrad, former pastor of Grave Evangelical Free Church. “And Lord, I pray that you would guard your own reputation because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name in all that happens between now and Election Day.”
“There are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his [McCain’s] opponent wins, for a variety of reasons,” said Arnold Conrad, former pastor of Grave Evangelical Free Church. “And Lord, I pray that you would guard your own reputation because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name in all that happens between now and Election Day.”
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Is that supposed to be an answer to Rev. Wright or Obama's own wife ("for the first time in my life I'm proud of this country")?
If so, nice try.
No, it is the answer to that fact that all religious extremists use the name of God to justified their hate; and, just another clue to the fact that religious extremists come in all faiths. At least she not a secessionist.
Wright, Ayers, his own wife....c'mon.
This is a pattern that speaks to an overall environment, one that expresses a humiliation toward America.
It's really not that difficult to see the forest, guys. Take a shot at it.
McCain/Palin's have a long list of extremists associates, but lets put the Ayers connection in prospective. One name, Leonore Annenberg, contributor to McCain campaign. John McCain sat on the Annenberg Foundation Board. Cindy McCain received an award in 2005 from the Annenberg Foundation. Obama was 8 he didn't know, but the McCain's and Leonore knew about Ayers' past.
Mark Chryson
Steve Stoll
Mike Christ
Carl Worden
Howard Phillips
Larry Pratt
Randy Graf
Len Munsil
Joe Vogler
Norman Olson
Timothy McVeigh
David Koresh
Randy Weaver
Marilyn Shannon
Otto Reich
Richard McQuinn
McCain/Palin opened a door that the RNC and its New World Order think tanks didn't want opened.
The truth of why the RNC wouldn't allow McCain to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP was because he was a Jew.
There are 2 names on this list I will speak to.
Vogler: not a McCain associate. While he is connected the nominee's-running mate's-husband, that harldy gets you to Ayers-ville. And being a separtist doesn't make you a bombing america hater like Ayers.
And I'll say it again...guys I barely know throw parties FOR ME , IN MY HONOR, IN THEIR OWN HOME all the time. Get real. Obama knew damn well.
Phillips: a true patriot. McCain would be proud to be associated with him, though I know of no connection there. That dude is the consumate patriot and constitutionalist. If you want to actually LEARN about phillips, check out his website conservativeUSA.org
you're LYING. drop your emotional attachement and choose the best candidate. You have to hold the candidates to the same standard.
I agree with 100% that is why we should not vote for either of them. If we are going to use William Ayers and Rev. Wright as reasons not to vote for Obama then we should also use the Keating 5, John Hagee, Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carilles as reasons not to vote for McCain.
There is much about the Keating 5 that people conveniently sweep under the rug:
Of the Keating 5, FOUR were Dems. Including Alan Cranston, a very powerful Cali Senator.
Of the 5, the three folks actually found to have done something wrong were Dems. McCain was reprimanded for giving off a bad appearance.
McCain has taken every opportunity to be accountable for the scandal. You might refer to Buckley's quote on that somewhere on this board.
Out of the incident came the most far-reaching and relevant campaign finance refor to date....y'all might know it as the MCCAIN-Feingold Act.
Not the McCain-Cranston-Glenn-Dinconcini-Riegle Act, mind you.
the other dudes I don't know about.
You are right about the Keating 5 but my point was if people are going to make an issue about Wright and Ayers, which they have every right to, then we should be making an issue about the unsavory characters that McCain has been associated with and supported by. All candidates should be judged the same.
Just a little info on the others.
Rev John Hagee has been a supporter of McCain and officially endorsed him. McCain welcomed the endorsement even though Hagge has made many anti-Catholic, anti-Islamic and anti-semetic remarks in the past. Hagee also stated that Hurricane Katrina was god's way of punishing us for homosexuality. All of Hagge's comments where public knowledge prior to his endorsement and support of McCain. After an article was published criticizing McCain for accepting Hagee's endorsement, McCain back peddled and distanced himself from Hagee, prety much the same thing that Obama did with Rev. Wright.
As to Bosch and Poasada Carilles they are two known terrorists living here in the US, South Florida to be exact. Both men where given safe haven by the US government, Bosch by Bush Sr. and Posada Carilles by Bush Jr. Leading the fight to give both men asylum where Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, and Illeana Ros Letenian, three congressional republicans from South Florida. Bosch and Posada Carilles where involvbed in the 1976 bombing of a Cubana Air plane that killed 76 people, the assassination of Orlando Letelier in Washington DC and a long list of other assassinations and bombings. Posada Carilles was involved in the 1997 bombing of a string of resorts in Cuba leading to the death of an Italian immigrant and 100s of injured. Both men are wanted in Venezuela and Cuba to stand trial for there crimes, the US actually has standing extradition treaty with Venezuela since 1922. The FBI and CIA have records of both mens involvement in the above listed crimes. During McCain's primary run, and even his presidential run, he has received a significant amount of support and funds from these threes Congressional Representatives who have fought to make sure that two known terrorists remain free. Not once has McCain, even though he has been questioned on the matter, spoken out about the support these two men receive. These same three Representatives also signed a letter showing support for MEK, the People's Mujehadeen of Iran, on organization that is on the State Department's List of known terrorist organizations. Again on this issue McCain has failed to distance himself from these three Reps.
I appreciate the good info, it all seems correct. Just 3 quick points.
Obama actually was part of Wright's congregation, he went to church and actually listened to that guy. A lot. So it's a little stretch to comapare these two associations.
The latter associations are troubling, you can't get around that. but would be even more so if he actually were getting support from the actual criminals. i.e. Ayers. These guys committed terrorist crimes against our enemy, which is no good, but still doesn't get close to Ayers-ville, a self-admitted domestic terrorist attacking his own.
McCain is certainly not perfect, but when I weigh this issue between the two canididates, well...
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
terrorists are terrorists no matter who they kill. Orlando Letelier was a UN Envoy from Chile and was about to testify against Pinochet about his atrocities and the 76 people aboard the Cubana Air flight where innocent people. I agree that Obama's affiliations are troubling but my point is that McCain has them as well, which makes neither candidate a good choice amongst other things. Just because one may be worse than other doesn't make him a good candidate. We are screwed either way.
No I don't have to choose the lesser of two evils. Come November 4th I will be writing in Ron Paul's name as my choice. Some may see this as a wasted vote but I see it as me exercising my right to vote for the candidate I feel will do the best job. I refuse to sell my self short by voting for one of two men who I feel will continue to ruin this country.