he impact of Clinton's Impeachment on Hilliary's Bid for President

puremagicpuremagic Posts: 1,907
edited April 2008 in A Moving Train
TITLE should be, The impact of Clinton's Impeachment on Hilliary's Bid for President

This came up over lunch today.

Does Clinton's impeachment exclude him from holding any type of official posting in the White House even as a good will ambassador? Hillary has stated that she plans on using his expertise in some capacity, maybe as an ambassador and would seek his opinions.

If this is the case, could Clinton's advise been seen as illegal unless given in one-on-one dinner conversation or in the bedroom or other "personal" private moments? Wouldn't a "hold that thought moment while I ask Bill" be an illegal act?

I find it a little confusing because I remember seeing G.W. solicit the aid of his father and Clinton for Katrina ambassadors to oversee the foreign contributions to help New Orleans.

Yet, it kind of bothers me, that if Clinton is legally allowed to provide her with his expertise on what could be seen as a consultant basis, it that raises the question of who would be in charge at the White House? Honestly, both scenarios raise that question and I can see Hillary letting Bill taking the phone at 3 a.m. More importantly, I can see a White House staff not knowing who to give the phone to.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    does a wife have the right to consult her husband about a job that he previously held?

    come on, I think you know the answer to that question.

    and though he was impeached, he was not removed from office, so there of course would be no reason why he couldn't be a consultant, ambassador, or anything else. and I think he was a much better president than what she would be, so I don't even care if he's running the show instead of her.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    Even Hillary once uttered "We are the president" during Bills Presidency so they definately act as a team somewhat.

    I don't think it has any bearing really. I'd imagine that she would ask him his opinion on non top secret matters as any normal couple would especially given his previous experience.

    The people voting for her I believe consider Bill's Impeachment a vast right wing conspiracy and he wasn't removed from office so I don't think people that would vote for her have a problem with it whatsoever and since he retained office and remains popular I don't see it as a political problem for him to be an embassador at home or abroad. It certainly has an effect on some of the swing vote, but that was gone for her long before he was impeached much more so from the whitewater deal and other legal impropriaties with her law firm she didn't own up to. If anything I think it's her own transgressions that are going to effect her electablility much more so than anything Bill has done. but that's just my take.

    I think he'd have to be impeached, removed from office and convicted of a felony or something to be barred from public office of some sort. I'm sure it depends on who you asked as to what people think, and I'm no lawyer, but I don't think legally there is an issue with him being the first man.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • MLC2006MLC2006 Posts: 861
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    I don't think it has any bearing really. .

    it really doesn't because I don't see any possible way that she's going to get the nomination anyway.
  • DixieNDixieN Posts: 351
    Bill has been more baggage for Hillary on her bid than anything else. I'm sure he's been some help, but overall some people hold her as nearly responsible as he. It's funny. I'm sure that Hillary loves Bill despite his many flaws and really does see him as a kind of political and intellectual soul mate. Maybe she thinks that she couldn't be where she is without him, where the truth might be that she'd be a lot better off without him, career-wise. She didn't need him to begin with. Emotionally, though, even though he's put her through the wringer, I'm not at all sure she'd be better off without him. So...what's more important...a personal life you find satisfying and stimulating--often way too stimulating--or a career where you get everything you aim for? I'm not sure it's possible for her to have both. In the end, she'll probably end up leading the Senate--the first woman to do so. It's not the presidency, but it isn't shabby, either. So, she can have the "bum" and one of the top jobs in the country. Sometimes life gives you what you really need, not what you think you do.
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