How low can Giliani go and still be a New Yorker?

Giuliani '$9.11 for Rudy' fundraiser draws Dodd criticism
AP Posted: 2007-09-25 13:53:01
WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Chris Dodd said Tuesday a fundraising party for Republican Rudy Giuliani seeking $9.11 each from guests exploits the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks for political purposes.
Dodd called on Giuliani to refuse the money raised at the event, saying the theme "is absolutely unconscionable, shameless and sickening." A Giuliani spokeswoman said the $9.11 idea was selected without the campaign's knowledge.
"Mr. Giuliani was quick to express much vitriol for the independent ad created by last week; we would hope he would express the same kind of outrage and indignation about this group that he is the beneficiary of," Dodd said in a statement released by his campaign.
Giuliani and other GOP presidential candidates strongly criticized the liberal, anti-war group for a full-page advertisement the group bought in The New York Times. The ad included the headline "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?," a reference to Gen. David Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Iraq.
Dodd also said Giuliani "should reject and/or return any money raised" through the party, which is to be held Wednesday night at the home of Abraham Sofaer in Palo Alto, Calif. Giuliani's campaign is sponsoring house parties across the country that night for the candidate's backers.
Sofaer said he had nothing to do with the decision to ask for the $9.11.
"There are some young people who came up with it," Sofaer said when reached by telephone Monday evening. He referred other questions to Giuliani's campaign.
"I'm just providing support for him. He's an old friend of mine," Sofaer said of Giuliani.
Sofaer was a State Department adviser under President Reagan and is a fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Federal election data indicates Sofaer has given nearly $50,000 to Republican causes and candidates, including Giuliani, since 1995.
Giuliani spokeswoman Maria Comella said: "These are two volunteers who acted independently of and without the knowledge of the campaign. Their decision to ask individuals for that amount was an unfortunate choice."
According to the invitation, "$9.11 for Rudy" is an "independent, non-denominational grass-roots campaign to raise $10,000 in small increments to show how many individual, everyday Americans support 'America's Mayor."'
Giuliani was mayor of New York during the Sept. 11 attacks.
AP Posted: 2007-09-25 13:53:01
WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Chris Dodd said Tuesday a fundraising party for Republican Rudy Giuliani seeking $9.11 each from guests exploits the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks for political purposes.
Dodd called on Giuliani to refuse the money raised at the event, saying the theme "is absolutely unconscionable, shameless and sickening." A Giuliani spokeswoman said the $9.11 idea was selected without the campaign's knowledge.
"Mr. Giuliani was quick to express much vitriol for the independent ad created by last week; we would hope he would express the same kind of outrage and indignation about this group that he is the beneficiary of," Dodd said in a statement released by his campaign.
Giuliani and other GOP presidential candidates strongly criticized the liberal, anti-war group for a full-page advertisement the group bought in The New York Times. The ad included the headline "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?," a reference to Gen. David Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Iraq.
Dodd also said Giuliani "should reject and/or return any money raised" through the party, which is to be held Wednesday night at the home of Abraham Sofaer in Palo Alto, Calif. Giuliani's campaign is sponsoring house parties across the country that night for the candidate's backers.
Sofaer said he had nothing to do with the decision to ask for the $9.11.
"There are some young people who came up with it," Sofaer said when reached by telephone Monday evening. He referred other questions to Giuliani's campaign.
"I'm just providing support for him. He's an old friend of mine," Sofaer said of Giuliani.
Sofaer was a State Department adviser under President Reagan and is a fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Federal election data indicates Sofaer has given nearly $50,000 to Republican causes and candidates, including Giuliani, since 1995.
Giuliani spokeswoman Maria Comella said: "These are two volunteers who acted independently of and without the knowledge of the campaign. Their decision to ask individuals for that amount was an unfortunate choice."
According to the invitation, "$9.11 for Rudy" is an "independent, non-denominational grass-roots campaign to raise $10,000 in small increments to show how many individual, everyday Americans support 'America's Mayor."'
Giuliani was mayor of New York during the Sept. 11 attacks.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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pretty stupid
He should have immediately condemn the concept. Also, those stupid New York State and Federal legislators that wanted to cut off funding to Columbia. Why aren't they condemning this fundraising concept. Why didn't Congress vote to condemn this outrage event as it demeans the very reason why our U.S. troops have gone to war?
It's all about who plays the offended, wounded sole. Now had that been Hillary's she could have kissed her career good-bye and her and Bill could be sitting back in Arkansas, sippin on gin and juice. (sorry its on the player)
I agree with. All I am saying is that Giuliani's post mayoral career is based on 9/11. No single politicians has profited more, and used that tragedy for professional gains, than Rudy. He is a 9/11 whore, so I would not be suprised if he did accept the money.
how has Giuliani become a 9/11 whore?? are you implying that he would hope for something like this again if it brought him attention?
of course the man is more popular are probably more well liked b/c of 9/11...but why shouldn't he be? He was a hero in the days and weeks after that disaster, so why shouldn't he be praised and rewarded for it?
in my view, being america's mayor is as much of a burden as a blessing b/c of asses like you who lay blame on all our leaders, but really never come up with any ideas themselves, or contribute to making things better.
Rudy is running for president, and he is trying to get away from the idea that his only advantage is 9/ can't deny that he turned new york around big time! both his performance before and in the wake of 9/11 should be scrutinized, i don't argue with that. But to say that he is merely using 9/11 to propell himself to the white house is laughable at best.
again, i've had it with people making these outrageous claims about leaders on BOTH sides when they have no idea what they're talking about and contribute nothing of value to the well being of this nation....
blame and bashing just aren't constructive anymore, so get over yourselves and start using your minds!
Please don't sit there and lecture me about Guiliani. I have lived and worked in NYC during his tenure as mayor so I probably know more about the man than you can possibly fathom.
I will give Guiliani all the credit in the world for lowering crime and cleaning the streets of Manhattan. The man deserves credit for that, but this whole America's mayor bullshit is too much. The man did what any other mayor of any other city would have done under the same circumstances, HIS JOB!!! He don't go above or beyond and he wasn't a hero (that titled is reserved for the men and women of the NYPD, NYFD, PAPD who ran into those burning building to save lives). I have attended several Guiliani speaking engagements and all he talks about is his track record on being tough on terrorism and how he handled 9/11. The man is one fucking dimensional. Prior to 9/11 Rudy has Bushesque approval ratings. NYers fucking hated him, of course you wouldn't know that since you are not from NYC and only get the media glossed over version of Rudy.
Under Rudy the NYC schools systems where a mess, the city was going flat broke and on top of that he agreed that the tax payers of NYC would foot 50% of the bill for the new stadiums for the Yankees and Mets. A city that was already dead broke now had to come up with half of the $600 million for the new Yankees Stadium and half of the $500 million for the new Mets Stadium. That's real fiscal responsibility.
So enlightened one is that a fair enough assessment of Rudy for you or shall I continue.