Pope's planned visiti to Turkey

Do you think the Pope should continue with his plan to travel to Turkey in November? I don't. I don't think the Turkey government or the U.S. troops could successfully protect him during such a trip. As Turkey has a large muslim based population I can't imagine an attempt on the Pope's life not being made.
What do you think the world's reaction would be if the Pope were killed?
What do you think the world's reaction would be if the Pope were killed?
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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biblical, probably.
i shutter in thinking what the reaction would be. I think you'd have a lot of people begin to take things into their own hands.
I'm sure people would find a way to excuse it.
I hate that I believe you
America, and the world at large, have lost their collective balls. I'm not sure if anything, even something as awful as the Pope being murdered, can get them back.
I have a bad feeling about this.
The whackos will be out in force.
You are mistaken.
Balls are still firmly attatched and swining side-to-side.
I believe most rational Americans want peace for this country and the world in general.
Sadly, our government has gotten us into some very un-noble causes and wars.
The American government has stood by Israel's side many times.
Considering that America and Britian are leading the charge on Terrorism, I find your comments very odd. Some may even say....ungrateful.
Personally, I feel much of Europe are the ones who have lost their balls.
They have been appeasing militant/radicals for decades; and in many cases continue to do so.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comments vis-a-vis Europe. As for America, I am getting disheartened with our weakness on Iran and North Korea. Being a New Yorker, my frustration is very high since Chavez and Ahmmadinejad are here.
Non-violent protests were staged by Christians, demanding a stay of the death sentences. Muslims counter-protested, calling for the mens' deaths.
Could this situation have been reversed in a Christian-dominated country? Sure ... Several hundred years ago.
America can't and should not be fighting everyone.
Other countries have to take repsonsibility, too.
I completely agree with them going after Bin Laden and his merry men of stupidity.
But, this Administration also had the opportunity (after 9/11) to admit it's mistakes and change their foreign poilicies.
At the same time they had an enormous opportunity, through dimplomacy to allow radical/militant Muslims to hang themselves and expose themselves for the vile, hateful pieces of shit they really are.
And they would have, without a doubt. Recruiting more Muslims for their twisted inititive, would have become very difficult.
Then, they could have used military force if need be.
But instead, this Administration approached this like a mindless street fight and alienated many Muslims. They gave radicals and moderates a common ground.
Ultimately I want the fighting and murdering to cease, not expand.
This Administration has to re-think their approach and make better decisions.
Getting into a dogfight with Iran, North Korea and the Chavez's of the world, is not the correct choice.
We have to smarter than that.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
But what else can we expect? We know what these whackos are all about.
Only a fool could refuse to see.
Well said ... jsand makes good points as well, but those fights the West does undertake must be smart ones. There are many moderate Muslims out there (many of whom live in our countries), and we need these people on the right side of the fence. I can see how wars like Iraq might give moderates and hardliners alike a shared sense of threat.
Seriously, these hardliners piss me off like few others things do. But its easy to forget that there are a lot of good people out there who happen to practice Islam. These people deserve respect and dignity. We need them, if fundamentalist Islam is to be defeated.
Absolutely!! Great points.
The US troops????
I think he should continue his trip.
The world's reaction would be a lot of hatred.
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Well, they'll (radical Muslims) have to suck it up like a big boy, while America bombs them into the stone age. Afterall, they opened their mouths all the time.
Can you draw????? I mean with all this talk about "bombing people back to the stone age", we should come up with a new Flintstones but have it be Muslim style. We could have Faquid and Bhani with their wives Wilmot and Bhomi. It could start with the distant relatives of the Flintstones just wanting to exist and living in a relatively modern era. Then this super power comes by and bombs them back to the stone age and voila, we have a new cartoon to watch.
We could have the way-outs come and visit and Boom-Boom could suicide bomb them back to space.
Then not unlike the Flintstones we could have special guest appearances by real people with new names. Osama could just be himself. But we could have Stony Blair, Gorge Bush, etc.
A million dollars just waiting to be made! ;0
Personally, I think it would not be wise decision to make such a trip at this time, he has nothing to prove. I don't agree with those who say he should step down either. His apology should have been more of clarification statement along the lines of - Your history supports my statements as it was made in the context of history and not disrespect. If your scholars were teaching you in truth they would have known that yes, the Islamic religion, just like all religions have a violent background whether it was done in the name of God, Mohammed or Christ, the facts are undeniable. What we need to do is work towards separating the religious from the terrorists.
With everyone trying to speak for and as to what the Pope meant, has only added to the misunderstanding simply because they're speaking on a level of Catholic good, Islamic evil. We have to realize that when people speak against muslims, it is no longer intended for just those in the Middle East. We have begun to speak globally when condemning muslims and the Islamic religion. This is no different when we speak against the Jewish community, it's not limited to Israel. This is no different when we speak against the Catholic community, it's not limited to the Vatican? Religion is global and it's activities are reflected globally. There needs to be a cooling off period so that the Pope can deal with this in his own way. Yes, he does need to deal this because where some see him as the Holy Father, others see him as just another Man.
If he were killed, he would be treated as a martyr and his death would become as a crusade against all things non-Orthodox/Roman Catholic. I don't think the world is ready for what such a chain reaction this could become.