Why are we searching for and fighting "muslims" in Africa?

Not to sound cruel, but for christsakes, we are talking about Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and Eritrea we could drop bags of potatoes and rice and get people to point out muslims without having our troops engaged on the ground. So, why is Bush quietly diverting resources from Iraq and Afghanistan and building up an African campaign?
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is news to me. Could you provide a link.
If it is happening which I don't doubt (though those troops will never actually be allowed to do anything other than sit on the other side of the border and watch like in Rwanda), it's to make the international community feel all good about themselves that they are actually doing something to combat genocide which they won't actually do becuase no one want's anything to do with Africa or dead Africans. In this case it's simply the muslims attempting to "ethnically clense" areas of Africa so they can impose sharia law and make the radical among them all happy.
I mean you know, it'd be horrible to live in a society around people who might be of different cultures and stuff then you might be forced daily to think about your own culture and how some of it might not actually be all that great.
When they sent in the aircraft carriers, I said that the waterways would become more important than Iraq. I guess with Haliburton now a permanent Arab resident the need for water (bases) just got more demanding.
they've secured the oil - they now need to secure the distribution channels as well ...
Pentagon mulls strategic site of new Africa command
Mon Apr 23, 11:53 PM ET
The United States is to announce within six months the location of a new Africa command to oversee US military activities on the continent, a top Defense Department official said Monday.
"Our thinking is still evolving," said Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Ryan Henry, adding that a decision was expected "prior to the beginning of October" and the Pentagon would like to see the Africa command fully operational by September 2008.
"The only major decision that's been made is that the commander of AFRICOM will be stationed ... specifically ... on the continent," he said following in-depth talks earlier this month with African leaders on the strategic site of the command center.
"We have to be very sensitive to where we put the headquarters and what the headquarters look like," said Henry, stressing that its "principal mission will be in the area of security cooperation and building partnership capability. It will not be in warfighting."
Creation of the new command comes amid stepped up US military activities in the region, much of it aimed at denying new havens for militant Islamic groups aligned with Al-Qaeda.
Africa "is emerging on the world scene as a strategic player and we need to deal with it as a continent," said Henry, who just returned from an April 15-21 trip to Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana and Senegal for talks for opening the regional command.
Henry cautioned that the headquarters may not be located in one of those six countries since the United States was still in "fact-gathering mode," and said much of the talks during his tour centered on clearing up "a number of misunderstandings."
Among them, the establishment of AFRICOM "did not mean that there would be additional US forces put on the continent," nor did it mean "a dramatic increase in resources to the African continent from the Department of Defense or from the US government."
He also denied various allegations about US government's intent in setting up AFRICOM.
"AFRICOM was not being stood up in response to a Chinese presence on the continent, it was not being stood up solely for the effort of enhanced counterterrorism, and it was not being stood up in order to secure resources, of particular sensitivity to the oil resources."
President George W. Bush decided in February to create an African regional command but did not say where.
The Pentagon's coverage of Africa is currently divided into three regional commands. Central Command (CENTCOM), based in Tampa, Florida, is in charge of US military operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan as well as Egypt, Sudan and the Horn of Africa.
The European Command (EUCOM), based in Stuttgart, Germany, is responsible for the rest of Africa. Pacific Command (PACOM), based in Hawaii, is responsible for the island of Madagascar.
The US military has for four years maintained a base in the Horn of Africa's Djibouti, which is bordered by Ethiopia and Somalia and is where 1,700 US soldiers are deployed.
US forces in December and January backed an Ethiopian military offensive to oust Somali Islamists who were controlling much of central and southern Somalia and were accused of protecting Al-Qaeda militants.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Its not quite that simple. In fact, you probably know better.
Africa is supposedly going to become a new hotbed of (genuine) terrorist activity, now that Afghanistan isn't such an appealing option. Nothing happening in Somalia has convinced me that this is wrong, either.
That's total bullshit and not even the most liberal on this board would agree that Bush thinks ALL muslims are terrorists. That is just a fucking lie.
You are a propaganda machine.
good question...
perhaps it's part of the "global war on terror", whatever the hell that means...or it time to stir up more hate for the US, because you can't fight a war without "enemies"...