Hey Hillary - Israel is not an official NATO member country by choice

Hillary's remarks that the U.S. under this League of Democracy, Captain America to the rescue organization who would splinter itself from the UN and militarily defend any NATO country's actions, whether they are the implied aggressor or not in their crusades against the enemies of Western civilization commits the U.S. military to police the world.
Are we talking about NATO countries or countries that suit us at the moment? Hillary's example of protecting Israel or any other nation against Iran failed to mention that Israel is not a member of NATO. A followup question to Hillary should have been "How would her protection plan work against Bosnia and Serbia"? How would her protection plan work against Croatia and Albania, both non-NATO countries targets for the proposed european missile defense system? How would NATO protect countries like Turkey from Israel seeing that Turkey is a NATO member?
What a piss poor debate, the people of PA deserved better. Sure, the people of PA are concerned about their State, but they are JUST as concerned about their Country.
Are we talking about NATO countries or countries that suit us at the moment? Hillary's example of protecting Israel or any other nation against Iran failed to mention that Israel is not a member of NATO. A followup question to Hillary should have been "How would her protection plan work against Bosnia and Serbia"? How would her protection plan work against Croatia and Albania, both non-NATO countries targets for the proposed european missile defense system? How would NATO protect countries like Turkey from Israel seeing that Turkey is a NATO member?
What a piss poor debate, the people of PA deserved better. Sure, the people of PA are concerned about their State, but they are JUST as concerned about their Country.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.