Cat had Ambassador's Tongue a whole Year

MTP (Meet the Press) Transcript for Mar. 11, 2007
MR. KHALILZAD: ... I have had the authority for over a year from the president to talk to the Iranians about Iraq. We have waited to see if such an engagement and dialogue would be useful to have. ...
FYI: Khalilzad is U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
Maybe that's why we had to send an aircraft carrier to the region. Maybe that's why Iran's nuclear program got pass everyone. Maybe that's why we've spent billions more dollars in this damn region. Because you felt it wasn't the right time to open your diplomatic mouth even when the country was calling for talks. Then you have the nerve to state you had the authority from the president, yet you did nothing. You deserve to be removed from that posting.
I find myself at lost when it comes to these self-serving creations who somehow continuously fail to realize that those push pins on that big ole mockup of the middle east, represents real lives.
MR. KHALILZAD: ... I have had the authority for over a year from the president to talk to the Iranians about Iraq. We have waited to see if such an engagement and dialogue would be useful to have. ...
FYI: Khalilzad is U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
Maybe that's why we had to send an aircraft carrier to the region. Maybe that's why Iran's nuclear program got pass everyone. Maybe that's why we've spent billions more dollars in this damn region. Because you felt it wasn't the right time to open your diplomatic mouth even when the country was calling for talks. Then you have the nerve to state you had the authority from the president, yet you did nothing. You deserve to be removed from that posting.
I find myself at lost when it comes to these self-serving creations who somehow continuously fail to realize that those push pins on that big ole mockup of the middle east, represents real lives.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.