How long is the grace period on renewing 10C membership?

gobrowns19gobrowns19 Posts: 1,447
edited February 2008 in The Porch
I know you get a few months time to renew your membership and retain your number, but how long exactly? I expired the 22nd and I won't be able to afford it for a bit. Any one know how long I have? Thanks :)
Happiness is only real when shared
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I think technically there is no more grace period. There were a lot of complaints so the grace period was eliminated. Sorry.
    Vancouver 07/19/98 Vancouver 05/30/03
    Portland 11/02/00 Vancouver 09/02/05
    Boise 11/03/00 Gorge 1 07/22/06
    Seattle 1 11/05/00 Gorge 2 07/23/06
    Seattle 2 11/06/00 Vancouver 09/25/09
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    I believe it's 90 days but don't quote me on that.

    You sure you don't just have 20 bucks though? I wouldn't take the chance...
  • bovy_jbovy_j Posts: 1,008
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's 90 days.
  • evenflowmanevenflowman Posts: 1,347
    i thought there wasnt any more
  • Dear Ten Club member,

    This is just a friendly reminder that your membership has either expired or is about to expire. PLEASE NOTE: You now have 3 months from the date of your expiration to renew and retain your member number and seniority. If you renew after the 3-month grace period, you will receive a new member number and lose all established seniority. Please follow the instructions below to renew your membership and retain your seniority status:

    1. You can renew at the online store at Use your email address and password to log in. Enter the GOODS section of the site and proceed from there. Please DO NOT re-register with new information or it will create a new account and membership for you without your seniority. We only accept VISA or Mastercard.

    2. You can renew through the US Post. Just send in the membership fee of $20.00* if you live in the US, or $25.00* if you live outside of the US. Please be sure your member number appears on all checks or money orders.

    Send your payment to:

    PO BOX 81429
    SEATTLE WA 98108

    Washington State residents need to add $1.78 for our state sales tax. If you renew with your VISA or MASTERCARD information, (remember to include the 16 digit number, the exp. date, and your credit card billing address). Once we receive your renewal fee, your membership will be good for 1 more joy riding, fun-filled year with the TenClub!

    If you have any questions, please do not reply to this email, just send your questions to


    Ten Club
    Everyone is born, but not everyone is born the same. Some will grow to be butchers, or bakers, or candlestick makers. Some will only be really good at making Jell-O salad. One way or another, though, every human being is unique, for better or for worse.
  • The rule clearly states 3 months.

    That said..... a few years ago, my ex was able to renew her membership even after a year.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    Don't know, but I just renewed cause my was ending in about a month and half.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • einatshauleinatshaul Posts: 2,219
    yosi wrote:
    Don't know, but I just renewed cause my was ending in about a month and half.

    Me too! And I'm really lucky doing so, since I renewed just befor Ed's tour was announced and my new U.S. address made me eligible for 10c tickets! Otherwise, I would be shut out!
  • iwasthere wrote:
    The rule clearly states 3 months. That said..... a few years ago, my ex was able to renew her membership even after a year.
    A long while back - you could let your membership lapse ... for years. Folks with low membership numbers got their seniority back thus getting them great seats at most of the concerts. The money was sent in and they were back in the good-graces of the then - Vitalogy Health Club. It was just too bad for those of us who paid on-time. The others could gloat all they wanted after getting good favors.
    Everyone is born, but not everyone is born the same. Some will grow to be butchers, or bakers, or candlestick makers. Some will only be really good at making Jell-O salad. One way or another, though, every human being is unique, for better or for worse.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    einatshaul wrote:
    Me too! And I'm really lucky doing so, since I renewed just befor Ed's tour was announced and my new U.S. address made me eligible for 10c tickets! Otherwise, I would be shut out!


    New US address? No yeridah happening I hope!? ;)
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • einatshauleinatshaul Posts: 2,219
    Why, are you making Aliya anytime soon? ;)

    I consider it my Seattle Aliya for the time being, see how things go... :) Best thing was changing my 10c membership! worst thing=the hummus sucks!
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    einatshaul wrote:
    Why, are you making Aliya anytime soon? ;)

    I consider it my Seattle Aliya for the time being, see how things go... :) Best thing was changing my 10c membership! worst thing=the hummus sucks!

    Actually yes. I would love to make aliyah at some point, and definitely plan on spending an extended amount of time in Israel after college. Do Tzahal, and then see what happens after that.

    Yea, must hummus sucks here. :p
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
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