Your area's political ads...

How are your local election ads?
Here in Arizona, I've never seen anything like it. I moved to AZ from Illinois about 5-6 months ago.
I've seen some nasty ads in my day but this is simply unreal.
The senate race between Jon Kyl (R) and Jim Pederson (D) makes American politics look like a childish, playground arguement. It is absolutely pathetic!!
I am deeply involved with politics and I honestly can barely decipher what either stands for as they spend most of their time attack the other guy and defending themselves.
In 2004 we got to see the W's wolves. That was low and horrible, but what these two are doing is sickening.
I love my country, but anymore it's a matter of picking the "best of the worst".
It goes beyond the senate race. Every race down to the guy that files papers in the courthouse is bickering, nonsensical bullshit.
It's no wonder why this country has such poor voter turnout.
The lesser of two horrible evils is not something that appeals to me anymore.
Here in Arizona, I've never seen anything like it. I moved to AZ from Illinois about 5-6 months ago.
I've seen some nasty ads in my day but this is simply unreal.
The senate race between Jon Kyl (R) and Jim Pederson (D) makes American politics look like a childish, playground arguement. It is absolutely pathetic!!
I am deeply involved with politics and I honestly can barely decipher what either stands for as they spend most of their time attack the other guy and defending themselves.
In 2004 we got to see the W's wolves. That was low and horrible, but what these two are doing is sickening.
I love my country, but anymore it's a matter of picking the "best of the worst".
It goes beyond the senate race. Every race down to the guy that files papers in the courthouse is bickering, nonsensical bullshit.
It's no wonder why this country has such poor voter turnout.
The lesser of two horrible evils is not something that appeals to me anymore.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"...Or Jim davis...a LIBERAL WASHINGTON politician..."
Oh noes!
I have to admit -- the negative ads the Democrats run against Republicans crack me up. Governor Ryan looms in the background, like a ghost hovering over the Republicans. ("I am the Spirit of Corrupt Governors Past -- wooooooo.")
I find it particularly funny because I -- recently described on this board as a "radical liberal left wing bomb thrower"
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Hahaha, I actually saw some Topinka, Blagojevich ads before I left. There's a perfect example of two horrible, worthless people running for a position that neither one of them (IMO) is really qualified for.
Topinka is simply evil. She reminds me of Cheney's daughter, therefore Satan's granddaughter. Blagojevich has done a whole lot of nothing in his earlier term. He is the definition of a bandwagon political whore.
Worthless vs. worthless and evil Hmmm...
I DID like the fact that he's arranged for health insurance for the kids of the working poor (by paying for them to enrol in the state health insurance plan, I think). And he's insisting on reforming the death penalty. So yeah, he's just worthless.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
each of your political commercials should be forced to end with "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!"
Do yourself a favor... read through the ballot booklet your State sends you and decide for yourself. Don't listen to your political party... they suck... they all suck.
Hail, Hail!!!
Look up their voting records. Find out what legislation they've sponsored. If they're new to politics, find out if they've ever done a single useful thing in all their lives. If at all possible, meet them yourself and see if there's a glimmer of intelligence behind those cold, reptilian politician's eyes. Ask them a question about something that's not getting any media coverage, something they probably don't have a prepared response for ... that way you can see if they have functioning brains in their heads or if they're only capable of spouting the lines others have written for them.
For the issues, find a copy of the actual legislation and read it. It was written by lawyers so it's going to be painful and probably destroy brain cells, but it's your responsibility as a citizen. There's no other way to know what it says. If it's a controversial issue, I can pretty much guarantee that both sides are telling you blatant lies about it ... not exaggerations or alternative interpretations (although they do that too), but flat-out lies.
Political ads are an insult to your intelligence.
An ad paid for by the Democratic party attacks a Repubican State rep or senator for his proposal sometime inthe past 4 years where is suggested a plan that had everyone under 30 not paying income taxes...saying he was laughed out of the legislature that day...and saying 'Who would end up paying if people under 30 didn't pay'?
Doesn't that ad seem backwards to you? Shouldn't it be a Democrat with that idea and being attacked by the Repubs?
Anyhow, despite the fact that I would pay more...I actualyl think that is a great idea in theory, and probably you could make that work, and younger people could save early on and be less dependent on governmental help inthe future.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
You are kidding, right?
That is hilarious. I actually really enjoy the hilarity of the political ads, especially the mean, nasty ones. Good comedy.
They are pretty damn funny. Another one I read about was an ad a candidate ran that his opponent was associated with a convicted child molester or murders, can't remember which one it was. Again after an inquiry it was discovered that one of the attorneys who worked on the defense also did some legal work once for this candidate. I mean talk about a far stretch.
I'm actually a bit disappointed that the ads for the NJ Senate race have been pretty tame. I was hoping for some good laughs.
Really? Because every paycheck I receive my pay stub tells me that a certian portion of my earnings is going towards social security, which if we continue to use the system we have in place, will be money I never see when I need it in 40 years. I'd like to have control over that money, but I don't.
I think what really floors me about that ad is that Mcgavick recognizes that there is a problem with our current SS system, and he actually has a solution, personal accounts, which I agree with. Why doesn't Cantwell give us a solution to a problem that is in my opinion really important, instead of criticizing someone for actaully working towards solving the problem.
Duh...the other side's soultion is to raise the SS tax. Also, they probably want ot lowering the income level that would no longer receive SS benefits in the future...if that makes sense. That's just a guess though.
Because that means that they would actually have to think and come up with a solution. It's much easier to criticize your opponent's idea than it is to come up with some of your own.
Yeah and I recognize that. Normally I don't spend much time paying attention to political ads. They aren't informative, and as people here have pointed out, most ads are really reaching with the mud they are throwing. This ad however got me upset, because I think Social Security reform is an issue that needs to be towards the front of the line for things that need fixin' in this country.
See I love watching them because they are so damn funny and horrorably made. The Velveeta factor is so high on those ads.
At least a lot of TV and radio stations refused to run the ad when they found out the facts. Surprising chutzpah from TV folks.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
I just wish I lived in Iowa just to be able to vote for this guy:
alls they need to do is pass one law and all this crap we're forced to watch would become truthful and accurate. Right now, nothing in political ads is game for libel or slander. In essence we are saying we want honest politicians but one of the ways they get elected is to use dishonest political ads. Hold the politicians accountable in political ads and we may begin to get an idea of what a candidate thinks of issues, not the other guy. unitl then...we're hosed.
That's a great idea but who passes the laws in this land, the same people who run these slanderous ads.
there's always a catch, isn't there.
Hail, Hail!!!
You all have my sympathies.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965