i bet NOW that peaceful city that never had a gun problem will now be rampant with gun problems. Mark my word, the District will now have murders committed by thugs using guns.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
Here in Arizona we have concealed weapon laws. Every once and a while you'll see a gun sticking out of the back of some dude's jeans. Going down the highway the other day I saw a pistol sticking out of the back of some guy on a motercycle.
Glad I didn't cut him off!! :eek:
There may be multiple shootings every night in Phoenix (often including shootings at cops) but the good news is that everyone can protect themselves if need be. :rolleyes:
Real quick story...
I work in cancer research and about a half year ago we had a patient in for treatment. Turns out this patient was a a policeman from Phoenix. Anyways this guy was one of the nicest, stand-up guys you could have met. He battled courageously through is cancer and his nasty treatments to "eliminate his disease". He returned to work a couple weeks later upon cheering and applause by his colleagues.
Two weeks later he stops a couple of guys who were jay-walking across a busy highway. Gets out of his car, takes them over to the sidewalk, and one of the guys proceeds to pull his gun and shoot him dead. The police later catch the guy and his previous arrest was shoplifting...
The guy was legal and legit to carry a gun and he took away the life of someone who battled for so long and so hard. His family who stood by him day and day out in our clinic had all the hope in the world destroyed by some punk-ass with a gun permit.
I don't know about most of you... but, where I live.. there are a LOT of assholes roaming around. I mean, I guess where you live, there aren't assholes driving on your freeways, but here in L.A.... there sure seem to be a lot of them. And when I'm in a situation where there's a lot o people... like at a mall... the thought of everyone around me carrying a gun wouldn't make be feel any safer. In fact, it would make me feel a lot more anxious because... like i said, there are a lot of assholes over here.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
We're talking about legality here, not people shooting each other.
Assholes who murder people are going to do so no matter what the law is. Criminals don't give a shit what the law is anyway. There are a lot of assholes in LA carrying weapons, but I'd imagine anything they did with that weapon in public is already illegal.
This ruling is about keeping a gun in this guys home as I read it. I really don't see why anyone would have a problem with that unless you break into homes or something. Just like I don't understand why anyone would care whether someone grew a marijuana plant in thier house.
As far as concealed carry that's a different matter that has nothing to do with this ruling I don't think they have that in DC, not that I really have a problem with that either because any illegal activity with a gun is already illegal and they have 5 year penalties for any gun crime I know including having one in the commission of a lesser crime. I feel almost more sorry for people who feel like they HAVE to carry a gun for protection... seriously.. if you need to carry a gun to a bar... maybe you simply shouldn't go to that bar... I don't need a law against it to tell me that.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
Looks like those gun bans have been pretty effective.
That pesky constitution got in the way of government encroachment again. Damned liberty.
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel comfortable with everyone having the means to own a gun. I'm not a fan of this ruling but whatever. Here in AZ where you can carry concealed weapons...that I seriously have a problem with.
Then again, that will probably be the NRA's next step in DC.
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel comfortable with everyone having the means to own a gun. I'm not a fan of this ruling but whatever. Here in AZ where you can carry concealed weapons...that I seriously have a problem with.
Then again, that will probably be the NRA's next step in DC.
But if people can't carry their guns with them when they walk around in public how are they going to be able to shoot into the air while yelling yeee-haaaw when something good happens to them?
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel comfortable with everyone having the means to own a gun. I'm not a fan of this ruling but whatever. Here in AZ where you can carry concealed weapons...that I seriously have a problem with.
Then again, that will probably be the NRA's next step in DC.
I really don't have a problem with concealed carry... as long as there is some sort of background check and/or training in place.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
But if people can't carry their guns with them when they walk around in public how are they going to be able to shoot into the air while yelling yeee-haaaw when something good happens to them?
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel comfortable with everyone having the means to own a gun. I'm not a fan of this ruling but whatever. Here in AZ where you can carry concealed weapons...that I seriously have a problem with.
Then again, that will probably be the NRA's next step in DC.
"Everyone" can't carry guns. Convicted felons, for instance, are not allowed to. And can you tell me what happened to gun crime rates after the adoption of concealed carry laws in your state? I don't know off the top of my head, but in every stat I've looked at, there was no spike in gun crime, and in fact in many states there was a decrease. There is a lot of fear mongering around the issue of concealed carry laws, but not a lot of data to back up that fear mongering. People who get their permits get fingerprinted and have background checks run.
Now if someone irresponsible is illegally carrying, then it has nothing to do with the concealed carry laws, and since they are already doing something illegal they can be punished for it. I am all in favor of severely punishing people who break gun laws.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel comfortable with everyone having the means to own a gun. I'm not a fan of this ruling but whatever. Here in AZ where you can carry concealed weapons...that I seriously have a problem with.
Then again, that will probably be the NRA's next step in DC.
Honestly though, do you think a ban makes any difference?
If you have the balls to murder somebody, whats going to stop you from breaking the law and having a concealed weapon on you. Murder is illegal too, but that doesn't stop people from doing it.
Honestly though, do you think a ban makes any difference?
If you have the balls to murder somebody, whats going to stop you from breaking the law and having a concealed weapon on you. Murder is illegal too, but that doesn't stop people from doing it.
I'm not really talking about planned murder, because I agree that will be done regardless of the weapon (a gun just makes it extra easy). I'm talking about hasty, irrational decisions that aren't thought through just acted on. I know a few people off the top of my head who in no way should ever be able to carry a gun simply because I know the kind of person they are. They are the type to act rather than think and given the situation, they are the type to do something dumb like reach for their gun. A person's impulsive characteristics aren't exactly considered when purchasing a gun. Criminal record sure but they with guns are as scary as criminals IMO.
I'm not really talking about planned murder, because I agree that will be done regardless of the weapon (a gun just makes it extra easy). I'm talking about hasty, irrational decisions that aren't thought through just acted on. I know a few people off the top of my head who in no way should ever be able to carry a gun simply because I know the kind of person they are. They are the type to act rather than think and given the situation, they are the type to do something dumb like reach for their gun. A person's impulsive characteristics aren't exactly considered when purchasing a gun. Criminal record sure but they with guns are as scary as criminals IMO.
This is exactly why I support the idea of gun control but honestly, I am at a loss as to how you would put anything into place. Most of the people I see with guns (in Idaho that is everyone) should be pistol whipped with their own weapon for their dumb ass behavior and lack of common sense. I was born and raised around guns and my dad didn't tolerate any bullshit in the presence of firearms. You either acted like a pro or you got smacked and didn't touch the guns and that was final.
But to touch on your point. So many people are simply unable to react calmly in a stressful situation. People who say only criminals will murder someone are talking straight out their ass. Every day people with good jobs and happy families will respond very poorly in a tense or anger filled moment and will forever regret a bad choice they made in the presence of a gun. Brains literally shut off in a rage or panic filled moment. Had the gun not been there they might have thrown a couple of punches, but guns take things to a whole other level.
For example, I wouldn't take a gun if I knew I was going to be driving in gridlock traffic because I would shoot 10 people after about 5 minutes. On the other hand, my wife just left for a solo backpacking trip because my band is playing a gig this weekend (so I coudln't go) and I was insistent that she take a handgun. I don't worry about animals but I do worry about people. My mom probably would have been raped and/or murdered one time out in the sticks when she was alone and sudenly cornered by two drunk hillbillies. She had to stick her gun right in their faces to convince them to leave. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a motherfucker if he was messing with my wife or family and they were in danger.
But how do you determine who can handle that responsibility and who can't? I don't know. Basically, I think I am reasonable enough, mature enough, and trained enough that I can handle it, but I don't think most people are... So what do you do? I don't know...
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
This is exactly why I support the idea of gun control but honestly, I am at a loss as to how you would put anything into place. Most of the people I see with guns (in Idaho that is everyone) should be pistol whipped with their own weapon for their dumb ass behavior and lack of common sense. I was born and raised around guns and my dad didn't tolerate any bullshit in the presence of firearms. You either acted like a pro or you got smacked and didn't touch the guns and that was final.
But to touch on your point. So many people are simly unable to react calmly in a stressful situation. People who say only criminals will murder someone are talking straight out their ass. Every day people with good jobs and happy families will respond very poorly in a tense or anger filled moment and will forever regret a bad choice they made in the presence of a gun. Brains literally shut off in a rage or panic filled moment. Had the gun not been there they might have thrown a couple of punches, but guns take things to a whole other level.
For example, I wouldn't take a gun if I knew I was going to be driving in gridlock traffic because I would shoot 10 people after about 5 minutes. On the other hand, my wife just left for a solo backpacking trip because my band is playing a gig this weekend (so I coudln't go) and I was insistent that she take a handgun. I don't worry about animals but I do worry about people. My mom probably would have been raped and/or murdered one time out in the sticks when she was alone and sudenly cornered by two drunk hillbillies. She had to stick her gun right in their faces to convince them to leave. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a motherfucker if he was messing with my wife or family and they were in danger.
But how do yo determine who can handle that responsibility and who can't? I don't know. Basically, I think I am reasonable enough, mature enough, and trained enough that I can handle it, but I don't think most people are... So what do you do? I don't know...
You said that quite well and this is kind of where I sit on the issue. I recognize there are a lot of stupid irresponsible fuckers out there but I also recognize how at times it has helped people. So, yeah...I too don't know.
You said that quite well and this is kind of where I sit on the issue. I recognize there are a lot of stupid irresponsible fuckers out there but I also recognize how at times it has helped people. So, yeah...I too don't know.
Thanks. It is a hugely complicated issue compounded by the fact the some people just need killin'.
Joking... sort of.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
This is exactly why I support the idea of gun control but honestly, I am at a loss as to how you would put anything into place. Most of the people I see with guns (in Idaho that is everyone) should be pistol whipped with their own weapon for their dumb ass behavior and lack of common sense. I was born and raised around guns and my dad didn't tolerate any bullshit in the presence of firearms. You either acted like a pro or you got smacked and didn't touch the guns and that was final.
But to touch on your point. So many people are simply unable to react calmly in a stressful situation. People who say only criminals will murder someone are talking straight out their ass. Every day people with good jobs and happy families will respond very poorly in a tense or anger filled moment and will forever regret a bad choice they made in the presence of a gun. Brains literally shut off in a rage or panic filled moment. Had the gun not been there they might have thrown a couple of punches, but guns take things to a whole other level.
For example, I wouldn't take a gun if I knew I was going to be driving in gridlock traffic because I would shoot 10 people after about 5 minutes. On the other hand, my wife just left for a solo backpacking trip because my band is playing a gig this weekend (so I coudln't go) and I was insistent that she take a handgun. I don't worry about animals but I do worry about people. My mom probably would have been raped and/or murdered one time out in the sticks when she was alone and sudenly cornered by two drunk hillbillies. She had to stick her gun right in their faces to convince them to leave. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a motherfucker if he was messing with my wife or family and they were in danger.
But how do you determine who can handle that responsibility and who can't? I don't know. Basically, I think I am reasonable enough, mature enough, and trained enough that I can handle it, but I don't think most people are... So what do you do? I don't know...
You're right. Listen, I'm not "anti-gun" like so many people are, but I am for gun control. I'm just not for allowing anyone (outside of criminals) to carry a gun when and wherever they want. People are just so quick to react and get so caught up in a situation that I think throwing a gun into the mix will just add fuel to an already burning inferno. Bar shootings (non-gang related) are pretty common here. WTF?!?! Arguement excalates to people overrating and literally pulling a gun on someone and killing them...
I grew up outside of Chicago, and lived in Iowa and never heard of that kind of thing happening (exept gang-related shootings in Chicago). Come to Arizona where it's ok to carry and it makes the news at least once a week it seems.
On the other hand, I know some people that are incredibly responsible who go hunting, keep guns in their house, etc. who are completely harmless...it's just "those other people" that make it scary at times.
The background check they do is incredibly limited. Those individuals I know that should never, ever be in posession of a gun have no criminal background and would be able to get one (if they wanted one) very easily. There is no simple answer...
Short of having everyone who wants a gun go through a psychological exam, I'm not sure what can be done.
Here in Arizona we have concealed weapon laws. Every once and a while you'll see a gun sticking out of the back of some dude's jeans. Going down the highway the other day I saw a pistol sticking out of the back of some guy on a motercycle.
Glad I didn't cut him off!! :eek:
There may be multiple shootings every night in Phoenix (often including shootings at cops) but the good news is that everyone can protect themselves if need be. :rolleyes:
Real quick story...
I work in cancer research and about a half year ago we had a patient in for treatment. Turns out this patient was a a policeman from Phoenix. Anyways this guy was one of the nicest, stand-up guys you could have met. He battled courageously through is cancer and his nasty treatments to "eliminate his disease". He returned to work a couple weeks later upon cheering and applause by his colleagues.
Two weeks later he stops a couple of guys who were jay-walking across a busy highway. Gets out of his car, takes them over to the sidewalk, and one of the guys proceeds to pull his gun and shoot him dead. The police later catch the guy and his previous arrest was shoplifting...
The guy was legal and legit to carry a gun and he took away the life of someone who battled for so long and so hard. His family who stood by him day and day out in our clinic had all the hope in the world destroyed by some punk-ass with a gun permit.
God, I can't wait to shoot some fuckin shit dead!
If the punk was willing to murder a cop I doubt he would have a problem carrying an illegal gun.
From the article:
Looks like those gun bans have been pretty effective.
That pesky constitution got in the way of government encroachment again. Damned liberty.
Hail, Hail!!!
Assholes who murder people are going to do so no matter what the law is. Criminals don't give a shit what the law is anyway. There are a lot of assholes in LA carrying weapons, but I'd imagine anything they did with that weapon in public is already illegal.
This ruling is about keeping a gun in this guys home as I read it. I really don't see why anyone would have a problem with that unless you break into homes or something. Just like I don't understand why anyone would care whether someone grew a marijuana plant in thier house.
As far as concealed carry that's a different matter that has nothing to do with this ruling I don't think they have that in DC, not that I really have a problem with that either because any illegal activity with a gun is already illegal and they have 5 year penalties for any gun crime I know including having one in the commission of a lesser crime. I feel almost more sorry for people who feel like they HAVE to carry a gun for protection... seriously.. if you need to carry a gun to a bar... maybe you simply shouldn't go to that bar... I don't need a law against it to tell me that.
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel comfortable with everyone having the means to own a gun. I'm not a fan of this ruling but whatever. Here in AZ where you can carry concealed weapons...that I seriously have a problem with.
Then again, that will probably be the NRA's next step in DC.
But if people can't carry their guns with them when they walk around in public how are they going to be able to shoot into the air while yelling yeee-haaaw when something good happens to them?
I really don't have a problem with concealed carry... as long as there is some sort of background check and/or training in place.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
"Everyone" can't carry guns. Convicted felons, for instance, are not allowed to. And can you tell me what happened to gun crime rates after the adoption of concealed carry laws in your state? I don't know off the top of my head, but in every stat I've looked at, there was no spike in gun crime, and in fact in many states there was a decrease. There is a lot of fear mongering around the issue of concealed carry laws, but not a lot of data to back up that fear mongering. People who get their permits get fingerprinted and have background checks run.
Now if someone irresponsible is illegally carrying, then it has nothing to do with the concealed carry laws, and since they are already doing something illegal they can be punished for it. I am all in favor of severely punishing people who break gun laws.
If you have the balls to murder somebody, whats going to stop you from breaking the law and having a concealed weapon on you. Murder is illegal too, but that doesn't stop people from doing it.
I'm not really talking about planned murder, because I agree that will be done regardless of the weapon (a gun just makes it extra easy). I'm talking about hasty, irrational decisions that aren't thought through just acted on. I know a few people off the top of my head who in no way should ever be able to carry a gun simply because I know the kind of person they are. They are the type to act rather than think and given the situation, they are the type to do something dumb like reach for their gun. A person's impulsive characteristics aren't exactly considered when purchasing a gun. Criminal record sure but they with guns are as scary as criminals IMO.
This is exactly why I support the idea of gun control but honestly, I am at a loss as to how you would put anything into place. Most of the people I see with guns (in Idaho that is everyone) should be pistol whipped with their own weapon for their dumb ass behavior and lack of common sense. I was born and raised around guns and my dad didn't tolerate any bullshit in the presence of firearms. You either acted like a pro or you got smacked and didn't touch the guns and that was final.
But to touch on your point. So many people are simply unable to react calmly in a stressful situation. People who say only criminals will murder someone are talking straight out their ass. Every day people with good jobs and happy families will respond very poorly in a tense or anger filled moment and will forever regret a bad choice they made in the presence of a gun. Brains literally shut off in a rage or panic filled moment. Had the gun not been there they might have thrown a couple of punches, but guns take things to a whole other level.
For example, I wouldn't take a gun if I knew I was going to be driving in gridlock traffic because I would shoot 10 people after about 5 minutes. On the other hand, my wife just left for a solo backpacking trip because my band is playing a gig this weekend (so I coudln't go) and I was insistent that she take a handgun. I don't worry about animals but I do worry about people. My mom probably would have been raped and/or murdered one time out in the sticks when she was alone and sudenly cornered by two drunk hillbillies. She had to stick her gun right in their faces to convince them to leave. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a motherfucker if he was messing with my wife or family and they were in danger.
But how do you determine who can handle that responsibility and who can't? I don't know. Basically, I think I am reasonable enough, mature enough, and trained enough that I can handle it, but I don't think most people are... So what do you do? I don't know...
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
You said that quite well and this is kind of where I sit on the issue. I recognize there are a lot of stupid irresponsible fuckers out there but I also recognize how at times it has helped people. So, yeah...I too don't know.
Thanks. It is a hugely complicated issue compounded by the fact the some people just need killin'.
Joking... sort of.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
You're right. Listen, I'm not "anti-gun" like so many people are, but I am for gun control. I'm just not for allowing anyone (outside of criminals) to carry a gun when and wherever they want. People are just so quick to react and get so caught up in a situation that I think throwing a gun into the mix will just add fuel to an already burning inferno. Bar shootings (non-gang related) are pretty common here. WTF?!?! Arguement excalates to people overrating and literally pulling a gun on someone and killing them...
I grew up outside of Chicago, and lived in Iowa and never heard of that kind of thing happening (exept gang-related shootings in Chicago). Come to Arizona where it's ok to carry and it makes the news at least once a week it seems.
On the other hand, I know some people that are incredibly responsible who go hunting, keep guns in their house, etc. who are completely harmless...it's just "those other people" that make it scary at times.
The background check they do is incredibly limited. Those individuals I know that should never, ever be in posession of a gun have no criminal background and would be able to get one (if they wanted one) very easily. There is no simple answer...
Short of having everyone who wants a gun go through a psychological exam, I'm not sure what can be done.