You think you're tough?

Angel Pantoja Medina, baddest dead man in the world.
~!~ Peace ~!~ Love ~!~ Pearl Jam ~!~
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- C. Klosterman
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if he was really tough then he would have had his eyeballs removed and replaced with pythons.
When I'm dead I hope somebody throws my corpse in a cage with a rabid grizzly. That'll show the world how tough I am.
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make your mind up... is it skull on brothers mantle or ripped apart by a bear?
or is the skull being passed to the brother after the grizzly episode.
anyway i'm so tough i can eat lemons without doing that screwing up of the face thing.
Yes, I should have been more clear. I'm assuming one of my brothers will risk their own life to retrieve my decapitated head from the grizz.
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Or maybe has one of those stand stuck to his feet... like the little plastic Armymen you get at the toy store.
Hail, Hail!!!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
The article says they used some special embalming process. Dead people have a very hard feeling. I've lain my hands on my dead father's chest, and my mother's hands were very hard. It doesn't feel human any more honestly.
That guy in the picture actually doesn't look too bad.
edit - I kissed them both. You do if its your relatives. You'll see.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Indeed, that's the last time you will ever see "them." Naturally, I never believed my grandfather was actually there anymore at the funeral, but it was good to see his face one last time.
The hardness is called rigamortis or something like that right?
That story is a tad bizarre.
-Enoch Powell
I get the rigor mortis in my pants quite a bit but I'm not dead. What gives?
-Enoch Powell
seem? life is plastic and pestilent.
then again, maybe someone just thought he was a hat rack.