Russert challenging Ron Pauls .....

Tim Russert is giving Ron Paul a pretty good grilling right now. He is calling him on everything from earmarks, to term limits, to funding government with his elimination of income tax, 9/11 and imigration statements.
This is the first time I have seen anyone really put a stiff challenge to his historical record and statements.
Lot's of baggage there.
This is the first time I have seen anyone really put a stiff challenge to his historical record and statements.
Lot's of baggage there.
~!~ Peace ~!~ Love ~!~ Pearl Jam ~!~
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~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
Are you shitting me !?!
Did you SEE the MTP with Romney or Giuliani?
Paul came of like a fucking saint in comparison !?!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Liberty is Risky.
Who ever got SHIT done playing it safe?
Avoiding risk is a sure fire way to find yourself in the most precarious of situations imaginable.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You think most americans LIKE the income tax?
If that is true, then we really are fucked.'
Who would have thought, the nation that was CREATED BECAUSE of tax disagreements, became the worlds biggest lover of taxes?
As far as aid to israel, he did a much better job explaining that on Glenn Beck.
he wants to cut off funding to EVERYONE, not just israel.
And it is TRUE that funding israel creates the same situation internationaly as it does with welfare here at home.
Israel is dependent upon us, and is HELD BACK by us.
If they could do whatever they so wanted, every arab in the region would be scared shitless. Do you have any realization HOW MANY NUKES israel has !??!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Ron: Tim hundreds of billions are being wasted overseas...actually trillions. We would be saving that money.
Tim: uhh yeah but where is the money coming from?
Ron...Yes, a trillion a year Tim.
Tim: so yeah but where is the money coming from?
Ron: Trillions Tim...with a T as in trillions.
Tim: uhm the but yeah the money Ron...then money...where?
Apparently Tim didn't sleep at a Holiday in last night
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Mansfield II '08
EV Solo Shows:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The income tax was the model for the same style of ripoff that is medical withholding which has led to the current ridiculous health insurance crisis and the ballooning costs of medical care.
Some how governments (including the one in the US) were run and run well for years without income tax....God Forbid anyone come up with a better system right???
Can Opened... worms everywhere... some people just have a really really difficult time opening the box and thinking outside of it.
Pac, I HEAR you, and god knows i am with you.
i think its more than just "reporters" who have problems with this.
I've noticed, particularly from all the "discussions" we've had on this board, that PEOPLE in GENERAL have a EXTREMELY difficult time overcoming the INERTIA of "societal norms".
What do i mean?
Well ... if ANYTHING happens in history ... be it the Federal Reserve being created 100 years ago, or the income tax shortly there after, or the great gold seizure a decade later, or going off the gold standard a half century after the seizure itself ... whenever ANY of that happens ...
regardless of the INTENT behind such event ... and let me say that i think ALL of those things were done with very dubious motivation aimed at the benefit of the monied elite ...
Whenever those type of monumental shifts in "american values" occurs ... fundamental changes in the operation of our nation ... WITHIN A DECADE OR TWO, PEOPLE SEEM TO FORGET WHAT LIFE WAS LIKE BEFORE THEY OCCURED.
Beyond that, HERE IS THE RINGER:
Not only do they forget what occured, and how it fundamentaly altered the American reality, THEY BEGIN TO DEFEND THE CURRENT STATUS QUO AS "NORMAL" and AS "JUST", "NECESSARY", and "CORRECT".
I have seen NUMEROUS people on this board argue IN FAVOR of Income Tax, hurl insults at any one who believes in a Gold Standard -- calling them naive fools -- and mock anyone who thinks the Federal Reserve is some sort of "conspiracy" -- calling them "tinfoil hat wearers".
Unfortunately, this is "normal" human behavior. People fall in to the trap that society has set for them. THAT part is NOT malicious intent, necessarily. It is just the way the world is.
People inherently feel that since that IS the way it IS, then therefore that IS the way it WAS, and thus IS the way it SHOULD BE.
For NO reason other than that is the way it CURRENTLY IS.
There IS NO rationale beyond that.
People just want to believe that there is no way "evil" forces could have shaped the current reality so drasticaly, and don't want to concede that the current status quo is more than likely the culmination of decades of manipulation by the powerful for their own benefit at the detriment of the common folk. Thus, they will inadvertently end up defending the "evil doers". lol.
:( :( :(
If I opened it now would you not understand?