On 12/31/2004, Obama was in the State house

My brother has been a New York State Assemblyman for 14 years. He is a Lawyer, former health care executive, a truly brilliant man. He is one of the smartest people I know.
As much as I love him, I would shit if he was as close as Obama is to becoming President. There is a world of difference between State politics and WORLD politics. Therein lies the problem I have with Obama. I realize that is exactly why some people are supporting him and they may have a point. I am just a little reluctant to give him OJT in the White House.
I am still undecided.
As much as I love him, I would shit if he was as close as Obama is to becoming President. There is a world of difference between State politics and WORLD politics. Therein lies the problem I have with Obama. I realize that is exactly why some people are supporting him and they may have a point. I am just a little reluctant to give him OJT in the White House.
I am still undecided.
~!~ Peace ~!~ Love ~!~ Pearl Jam ~!~
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Well, simply, if it's down to him and McCain "Four more years of Bush" this becomes a non-issue.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
I think Obama will be an effective leader for the people of this country and instill something that hasn't been felt for a generation. I also think he will be able to bring Republicans and Democrats in Congress closer together on some key issues and maybe get some things done that Hillary Clinton or John McCain could not.
I know those are not policy specifics, but that is the type of leadership this country needs right now.
God I hope so.
for the least they could possibly do
Frankly, I am voting for Ralph Nader. Nonetheless, NOBODY can be prepared for Presidency...
Also, you say he has no experience in WORLD politics... Should the President really be involved with world politics in the first place, other than diplomatic relations?
Furthermore, these are all games the media would have us play, as far as who can and can't be president... What is his character like? Is he for or against abortion? Is he for or against gay marriage? Is he experienced enough for being President? Is he black enough? Is she female enough? Is he southern enough?
The thing is, we never focus on their goals for fixing problems, and when we do, there is a very narrow spectrum allowed to be covered in the debates... and corporate lobbyists aim to keep it that way I am certain.
not to mention obama has more experience then hillary in public office... being a spouse doesnt qualify you for the job and doesnt count as "experience" as a public servant if you ask me...
Richard Nixon was one of the most qualified presidential cadidates in history when he was elected... how did that work out
i was more referencing ledvedderman from post #3.
"leader of the free world" is a meant to be taken with a grain of salt.
This "arugument" (for a lack of a better word, no hard feelings intended) reminds me of Zoolander and the "earth to Matilda" line.
Hansel: He's not really saying the earth is calling you Matilda.
In case you havn't noticed, our image in the world is pretty fucked right now. We may be powerful, but, honestly an us versus the whole freakin' world attitude doesn't exactly comfort me. Personally, i think we need a president who can restore our standing in the world. i'll take friends over enemies any time. i like those odds a little better.
i agree 100%.
sorry if i came off wrong. i agree with everything you said in your first post. i just think that whoever it is that steps into the white house doesn't need to be thinking, "damn, how am going to lead the whole world." as someone said, nobody could possibly be prepared for that job and doesn't need to be. again, sorry if you thought i was calling you out. i was't.
Im a Democrat seriously considering my first vote for a Republican. And no, it ain't about race.
Thank you for this. if you look at McCain was liekl bush can someone explian to me why NEOCONS hate McCain. but i quess it is easier to just scare people with the idea that McCain is going to kill everyone everywhere.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
I know!! I can't believe the tactics they're pulling out! Just the other day someone sent me a picture of McCain and Bush's face put together with McBush 08 under it. It was like McCain's forehead and sides of his face meshed with Bush's smirky grin and jaw. The picture was creepy as all get out, for sure. But the fact that so many on the left are lowering themselves to these kind of ploys instead of being honest is far creepier. I guess I thought, after all the complaining about the cons and their scaremongering, that the lefties would prove to be a bit better than all that.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde