Is anyone around here elected to a public office?

I am a County Legislator. I was wondering if I am the only one who comes around here who holds an elected office.
~!~ Peace ~!~ Love ~!~ Pearl Jam ~!~
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when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
i wish.
with the skeletons in my closet i'll NEVER get elected.
Hey, aren't you the guy who predicted the whole revival of Leash with the "delight in our TRUTH" and " i'm ONE" changes?
The record of that suggestion has been removed from the boards, but i think it may have been you.
sheer genius if it was, and no wonder you got elected.
what a platform.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Don't worry about the skeletons, we all have em. I was very surprised at the reception I got from people who I have known for a long time. They were right there with me creating the above mentioned skeletons. They turned out to be my biggest supporters. I realized that it is those people who are doing the voting now. So in a sense, I was one of them.
As for Leash....Yes, I did suggest that change to Leash. I can only dream that they changed it because of my humble suggestion.
I'm a vice president in a community association, and I WAS going to run for city council, but I decided, Hell, if I don't know how to be a city council member, I might as well not know how to be mayor!
Really what I want to do is publicly bring out all the ills and wrongs that we all see and don't get reported and get the issues out on the table more than be mayor.
I have a friend who's a good attorney and can run campaigns and I know a lot of people and my worst nightmare is that I'll actually get elected!
Then my plan is to have a puppet regime! But I'm going to use real puppets!
No worries about scandals, or skeletons. We're entering the era where public officials grew up in the 60's and 70's and been there done that and inhaled.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
My first time, lost by 38 votes.
Second time lost by 1 friggin' vote.
3rd time, won by just under 1,000.
Congratulations for sticking it out! People always like to blast politicians, a lot of times for good reason, but there ARE some good hearted ones out there. We have a few here in town.
I'm not TOO worried actually getting elected. I'm mainly doing it to get a public platform to expose some things. Actually there is enough corruption here, maybe I'll expose it and then disappear!
I'll NEED puppets in office while I'm hiding on the Island of *****
It is amazing to me how involved I've become here. This town is so run by business and developers, and so adversely affected by racism in several directions, and I can't believe how outspoken I've become. I get misquoted in the paper regularly and the present mayor doesn't like me, so I must be doing something right!
We've had some successes as community activists, and I NEVER thought I'd be getting involved in politics like this.
I just liked to play my guitar before I moved here!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
I did what I needed to do, I got my name out there. Now the county Democratic party is pushing me to run for County Clerk in a couple of years. I think I might just take them up on it.
That's great! I think the sooner that younger people get involved, the more changes can take place. Younger people running for office can bring more younger people out to vote.
One thing that struck me when I started getting publicly active is how much people DON'T want change, even though the staus quo isn't good.
We have a mayor who does almost nothing, and has no personality. Most people don't like him, but since his name was there, and there wasn't much opposition last time around, he got reelected.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
If you're going to run for office you might want to brush up on the grammar (except) and get an actual platform besides marijuana reform. Shit like that doesn't happen on the city level.
haha,,, well, I'm not elected yet, and I haven't put any money into it yet!
My town is about 75,000. The city council members who I DON'T like have that same developer money behind them, but a few who I like, and who like me got in by being persistent and being public.
One thing about a smaller town is that you CAN get your name out. I started doing it with my local community organization. We got active and took some unpopular stands for the poorer neighorhoods. I never even meant to be so public, but we went and spoke in front of a city council meeting and rattled some status quo and got press coverage.
We got the most when the mayor called us stupid and silly. That was the FIRST good publicity.
I'm a musician and I found myself living in a cool edgy neighborhood that's part black, Latino, gay and professional people and dope dealers. The mix is what I love, and there a lot of musicians around here, and artists.
We formed a group of artists in the neighborhood who have a voice now, too.
Maybe that's a good place to start. Seek out the artists and "different" thinking people around you and your name starts there! That's where a lot of change can happen in cities, through the arts.
I guess I know a lot of people here because I talk to everybody, too. I say hi to the little old ladies on porches, to the thug dope dealers, I guess that's just me anyway.
I was walking up the street one day and this guy said, "Hi Rob". I didn't know who he was at first and then realized it was the Lieutenant Governor of the state!
I think the first thing to do is to get involved in the community to get your name out, either by volunteering, or getting into a community group. Also make some public stands to see if it IS what you want to do. It was weird having the hard ball politicians publicly try to ridicule us/ me at first, then I see them out somewhere and they say hi to me, but I guess that's part of the game. You DO need a thick skin, and I've realized mine is getting thicker after a few years.
Of course, whaddoI know! I haven't been elected yet! I'm a horrible debater, too. There usually aren't debates, but if there are, I have to drink a lot of coffee before to get those cobwebs out of the brain from those prior skeletons from the '60's
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
But I guess that's why I'm voting for Ron Paul.
I'm not seriously considering running for anything, just curious, maybe someday after I'm not bound by my job.
Having led the biggest marijuana reform festival on the East Coast, being a guest on probably 25+ local radio shows, having a myspace with close to 9000 friends in less than a year, founding a short lived group of musicians who successfully petitioned a big commercial rock station to bring back the local music show, being a past champion amateur wrestler and later coach, as well as working as an exec with a Fortune 500 company, I guess I was sort of selling myself short.
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
I wasn't insulting you at all. All your accomplishments are great man, but I've worked for all of them in Illinois and I was just offering you a bit of advice if you did want to run.
Vote on Our Best Smoking Poll with Pearl Jam song!
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm going to call my past "Character", and "a feature, not a problem!"
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Me and 4 other newly elected reps all banded together and were continually shocked at how old prejudices, catfights and squabbles would be raised over the the most picayune legislation.
It was like high school on steroids and it was amazing we got anything accomplished with all the bickering.
that is completely awesome! i know you've gotten very involved in your new town, so i think it's truly brilliant you are having such a positive impact on your community. mayor or not, i am sure you will continue to do so.....and i wish you good luck on this new path!
me, i have never had any interest in public office...hell, public anything. i like to simply live my life and i leave the rest to others. sure, i always get out and vote, support/promote causes that are of importance to me....but otherwise, i like living under the radar, quietly.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i was the precinct committeeman of the biggest precinct in the biggest county in the us. not in population but in size. i left office in january 2006. i used the board for public opinion but i wouldn't suggest it for someone else. the opinions here are usually far off the opinion of the general public. i'd suggest the A&E message board for a better sampling of what the general public thinks. once you've been here a while you'll understand.
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
Thanks, D2D!!!
I've been researching what it takes to do this sort of thing.
I had to look up Gerrymandering, Pork Barrels, Junkets, etc, but I think I'm getting on track!
PJ-Lukin, you're right that the public has a short memory. I hope!
I'm clear on those crimes, although, I DID serenade a couple of hookers in front of my house with my guitar a year ago. Haha,,, they were standing on the walk in front of my house talking about their day, and I was plunking on my geetar, and I gave them each a beer and they actually sang an Aretha Franklin song pretty well! Haha,,, well, there're two votes anyway, and I get to vote, too!
Kinetic, you're so right how it looks like a high school bickering. I've been involved locally in some sticky issues even as VP of the local neighborhood association. We have some major crime/ drug/ gun/ race/ and corruption issues in this town, and a lot of people bitch and moan about the tree that never got pruned in front of their house!
I'm pretty ready for all the crap I'll take if I do this. I want to be the outspoken person who says,
"HelllllllOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Time to get a grip!!! "
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
I am older than most of you here, but the people I serve with are usually 60-80 years old. It is our turn to put some fingerprints on our society no matter where you live.
So true. Do it!
It's great if Criss Angel, Gene Simmons or the Two Coreys are significant figures in public issue debates in your community.
Possibly... 'DOG: The Bounty Hunter'... I can see that. Other than that... I hope Senators Boxer and Feinstein and Representative Royce is not referring to these message boards regarding our military involvement in Iraq or tax expenditures in infrastructure projects I drive over.
Hail, Hail!!!