World government is unConstitutional.
World currency is unConstitutional.
it is a further centralizing of power, it represents domination, not cohesion. It's inevitable that power structures exist, no matter how much "unity" the utopians might desire. The question is, would we like to have more influence on the power structures (a more localized government), or less?
And review WTO, NAFTA & SPP, the IMF and WHO for direct evidence that the attempt to move to a new world order is on. They don't put it in our face, but they don't really try to hide it either.
Direct, official, documentary evidence.
I've heard of a movement in Europe to abolish the EU, and I hope what I've heard on that is true.
The EU will never disappear. Things are falling right into place for the NWO..
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
Wishlist Foundation-