
Has anyone watched this movie? If so, please post your thoughts.
The movie starts out with just talking, so be patient. With our banking system the way it is, and everything that has happened these past couple of days, well..Have an open mind! PEACE!
The movie starts out with just talking, so be patient. With our banking system the way it is, and everything that has happened these past couple of days, well..Have an open mind! PEACE!
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
Wishlist Foundation-
Wishlist Foundation-
Post edited by Unknown User on
If you wanted to go in depth on all three parts,
i would recommend...
Religion & Astrotheology:
The Pharmacratic Inquisition and the longer, The Pharmacratic Inquisition Lecture
as well as Jordan Maxwell's Lecture on Astrotheology.
For a more mainstream, certainly more well respected, equally brilliant, less astrologicaly oriented, but just as important look at the ridiculous similarities between religions, one would have to move to book ... and that book would unequivocaly be The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Campbell's works alone go a LONG way towards supporting the further extrapolations of the movies above.
Banking, The Federal Reserve, and Monetary History:
Bar none, The Money Masters
Then maybe America: Freedom To Fascism, along with Monopoly Men, Fiat Empire, and G. Edward Griffin's "The Creature From Jekyll Island" Video Version
For 9/11 along with general "Elite" and "Illuminist" Video, i would go with:
On 9/11 specifically, the best right now is (imho)
Fabled Enemies, and maybe Loose Change Final Cut
For general:
The best soft intro is probably Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR, then maybe Reprise: The Order of Death, and of course the controversial Endgame.
Bill Moyers' Secret Government: Constitution in Crisis is also a must see. To a somewhat lesser extent, so is Secrets of the CIA, and also Esoteric Agenda.
There is no single movie which better encapsulates all the reasons our government is so incredibly fucked, than Money Masters which clearly lays out for you who is in control, why they do what they do, how they do it, and what our greatest presidents and historians had to say about it. Its all about the money folks.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That banking portion just made me pissed off to NO end. I seriously don't want to file a tax return this year, just knowing there is NO law on the books stating you have to, Glad those IRS agents came out and told what they know. Very informative.
Wishlist Foundation-
You ever respect a person and then realize they believe in that invisible guy in the sky and then totally lose respect for them?
6/30/2008 - Mansfield, MA.
5/17/2010 - Boston, MA
9/3/2011 - East Troy, WI (PJ20)
9/4/2011 - East Troy, WI (PJ20)
i think it's pretty sad that you would lose total respect for someone for believing in a God, especially if you already respect them. Obviously, their actions have caused you to respect them, but then to lose respect, not b/c of action, but solely b/c of belief in God is fairly petty and sad.
as to the religious aspect of the movie...it's been beaten to death, but this is one of the better responses to it...http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message436242/pg1
here's a little smattering from the above message board
Here are the claims of parallels between Jesus and Horus, with my[op on that message board] responses:
1) Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men.
Let’s take this one apart and deal with each separate issue:
Horus’ mother was not a virgin. She was married to Osiris, and there is no reason to suppose she was abstinent after marriage. Horus was, per the story, miraculously conceived. Seth had killed and dismembered Osiris, then Isis put her husband's dead body back together and had intercourse with it. In some versions, she used a hand-made phallus since she wasn't able to find that part of her husband. So while it was a miraculous conception, it was not a virgin birth.
Also, she was just "Isis", not "Isis-Meri". Acharya's footnotes don't provide evidence for the claim of Isis being a virgin or for "Meri" being part of her name. Only Christ-mythers make the claim that "Meri" was part of her name.
Horus was supposedly born on the last day of the Egyptian month of Khoiak, which corresponds on our calendars to November 15th.
Horus was born in a swamp, not a cave/manger. Acharya's footnotes for this point only make the claim that Jesus was born in a cave, and say nothing about Horus being born in one.
Horus' birth was not announced by a star in the east
There were no “three wise men” at Horus’ birth, or at Jesus’ for that matter (the Bible never gives the number of wise men, and they showed up at Jesus’ home, not at the manger, and probably when Jesus was a year or two old).
Acharya's source for the last two claims appears to be Massey, who says "the Star in the East that arose to announce the birth of the babe (Jesus) was Orion, which is therefore called the star of Horus. That was once the star of the three kings; for the 'three kings' is still a name of three stars in Orion's belt . . . " Massey's apparently getting mixed up, and then the critics are misinterpreting it. Orion is not a star, but a constellation, of which the 'three kings' are a part. And even if there is a specific star called 'the star of Horus', there's no legend stating that it announced Horus' birth (as the critics are claiming) or that the 'three wise men' (the three stars in Orion's belt) attended Horus' birth in any way.
2) His earthly father was named "Seb" ("Joseph").
First of all, there is no parallel between the Egyptian name “Seb” and the Hebrew name “Joseph”, other than the fact that they’re common names. Also, Seb was Osiris’ father, not Horus’.
3) He was of royal descent.
This one’s true! But it's not really a comparison to Jesus. When followers speak of Jesus being of 'royal descent', they usually mean His being a descendent of King David, an earthly king. Horus was, according to the myth, descended from heavenly royalty (as Jesus was), being the son of the main god.
4) At age 12, he was a child teacher in the Temple, and at 30, he was baptized, having disappeared for 18 years.
He never taught in any temple and was never baptized. Also, Jesus didn't 'disappear' in the years between His teaching in the temple and baptism. He worked humbly as a carpenter.
I love America: Freedom to Fascism... I recommend this movie to everyone I meet. I have yet to watch the Money Masters, but I will get right on it.
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