
New shirts...new cause

rawpixelsrawpixels Posts: 912
edited June 2006 in The Art Wall
I designed some shirts a few days ago that had "PJ" on them. While many people really liked my designs, I also got reamed for selling shirts for a profit that had "PJ" on them. I must admit, I feel crappy about this and now I want to do something good. Another board member suggested that I donate the profits of the shirts I sell to help benefit the CCFA (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America) and that's exactly what I plan to do.

I plan on writing the CCFA right now to inform them what I want to do. I make a nice living doing graphic design/illustration/animation, so I don't intend on keeping a penny for myself. I'm sure I lost the respect of some Red Mosquito board members over the past few days, but I hope this helps me earn a bit back.

Anyway, I created a new design for a few of the shirts and I hope all of you like them. If you don't, no big deal. If you do and want to help the CCFA, bravo! For those who are skeptical of my intentions, you can write the CCFA at info@ccfa.org or call them at 800-932-2423 and ask them about me and my plan.


One man stands alone awaiting
for her to come home
eyes upon the horizon
in the dark before the
darkness leaves the dawn
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