velvet I site
Posts: 192
velvet I site wrote:okay i know there are many people in this world who deserve a lot more than an explanation from me, but all i've got is a small sample of stuff i've been putting together. couple more weeks here, the process is fairly tight on me these days, woulda thought i'd been done months ago, but, life seems to be unexpectable sometimes..
If you believe in art, only you can let yourself down!--or, morally: believe in yourself!
Accessibility is the root of all charms, or at least many otherwise hidden ones.
The Beauty of the landscape is that, justly, it doesn't mind.
I understand Warhol's role in singularizing the art scene for a time, but what has he left us really?
I didn't invent philosophy, but I do think it is worth passing-along.--the moral of art.
The purest form of art is conversation--and nothing should be left off the table, nor on it if one converses well enough!
[*i dont think i plagarized this, but it is conceivable.]
As thoughts have lifespans, so too do preconceptions--concepts are always too deep for precedence!
Meaningful art poses both questions and answers, and usually the two are unrelated; art that answers all of its own question is then classic?--or bullshit?
Oh, you mean there is an expectation to be met by my work?--and here I was thinking the greater challenge is the other way around!
The greatness of Love is impossible to contain sometimes, that is its greatness, thus one might want to remain humble in one's living lest her overflows carry you into uneven seas.
Beer just never seems to quench my thirst for life--or my enterntainment in it!
Art without concept is dead-upon-birth.
i like to think I can turn immortality into a joke, but then it's never a simple task to be certain how anyone is laughing!
On principles--(if) it's a world of give to take, would one not want to give everything?--a morality?--
The moral in the case of Ulysses remains--don't forget that whip!
I've never proclaimed to fully understand Love, but I do think you've got to show women that you have It!
Ever since I first heard it I've enjoyed the story of the man who figured-out women: yeah it's an unfortunate one--he died laughing before he could tell anyone!
Everything happens exactly the same yet infinitely different--thus for you I translate the theory of eternal recurrence.
On masks--Ah you would not have believed me even if I told you straight-out, eh?
True friendships are often difficult to forge in the midsts of unavoidable spotlights.
In photography--I live where the shadows run from themselves, towards the highlights!
Art is a laboratory where the scientist is always also the test-subject, and so far as I can tell the experiment lasts until one's death [hence the incredible number of drug tragedies throughout history--the shortroad is a weakness of vitalogy, and it really does lead to pure madness!].
More quickly than arrows--these Ideas go around and around and around until, as ninja-stars, they spin-off and pierce the heart--a-style.
I despise deadlines, for Spirit never fulfills intself on schedule--or at least any schedules I've ever seen!
In as much as there is truthfulness at all, art seems to share with love that, when the timing is appropriate, all the ups and downs are released in an explosion of bliss.--or perhaps only stars reveal that?
Time--the eternal frontier!
Art can be extreme annoying, until one day you find it's been so blantantly dedicated to you
A picture may be worth one-thousand words, but in most cases it will take at least ten-thousand words to sell any pictures.
Who fully trusts things artists say about their work, and themselves, anyways?--no one I've ever respected!
A tribute to Nietzsche--Art, cue-cards, beer--and a goal!
velvet i site wrote:okay that's all I can spare for now, I think I'm gonna need a full transfusion! Take care out there.
change begins with discontent.
Post edited by Unknown User on
and for those who may know, dont worry, this is not the bulk of my writing.. i mean, depending on how i edit, it may be A bulk of it, in quantity, but by no means do i intend on making it a stylistic obsession or something. in fact i have been trying to eliminate all obsessions from my life for some time now, and i'm getting there.. but i dont see writing as the most glorious thing in the world, and often i abuse it but never with intention, it's just tough to tell how people take your sense of humor in words sometimes. anyways, i think there are plenty of folks more intelligent than myself on this board--or i probably wouldn't be able to stand typing on here at all!--so i've posted these things not only to share but also to learn, if anyone has the time to offer some sentiments i will surely check-back and take them in. thanks, either way, and it will always mean the world to me.
and really i hope somehow someone found some enlivenment or enjoyment or something out of them.. damn that's alot of some's, what is this, german? sounds asian for me, me want to talk like buffalo, run like wind and dance til rain brings the great harvest..
hmmm.. is there a quote adequate for my stomach at this moment... okay, i've always thought this one was best left unsaid amongst it all..
"end and goal--not every end is the goal. the end of a melody is not its goal; and yet: as long as the melody has not reached its end, it also hasn't reached its goal. A parable."--mr.nietzsche (may his crazy soul rest peacefully).
>>>lengthy but wonderful.
I think that's fair enough warning. but will you respect me in the morning?
It certainly isn't easy to do that. sometimes one wants to just throw one's hands up in frustration. Grace under pressure, a great thing.
Selling image to get attention, then hopefully having the quality of art and integrity to maintain a following, it's the way of the world. No ticky, no laundry.
i guess i can still resort to robbing banks if all else fails.. maybe become like a robin hood or something..?;)
Just say.
It will be impossible to fail with gumption and goals like yours.
Is there an echo in here?
The *muse* is smiling with Love.
stupid is as stupid does.
You've been such a good sport.
It's like when somebody offers you a mint or something, and you say no thanks, but really there's this whole other conversation going on underneath.
Non, je ne regrette rien.
i'm sorry my translator ring got lost in the mail.. seriously, i would love to talk, i mean listening to myself gets so redundant i cant even speak properly half the time.
key words me thinks.
it's all very a-musing, sure, i dont think i could have endured with any other view.. i just wish i knew you so i could actually picture that smile.