justam wrote: Here's another one from the beach on Sunday-->
Fifthelement wrote: Some pictures from my garden this past July
brokenarrow wrote: You're down in FL now? Nice!! Beach, and beach, and more beach!!!! ::::i'm jealous::::: I love Mr. Nibbles' hat!
justam wrote: A cute little fellow I saw today-->
Fifthelement wrote: ^^^ Great pic justam. I love how the lizards always seem to be checking you out as much as you are checking them out. They are sooo cute
brokenarrow wrote: This made me smile! And congrat's on your move , but I guess we won't have any snow and ice pics this winter though
justam wrote:
stuckinline wrote: what is the stuff hanging in the tree?
justam wrote: stuckinline wrote: what is the stuff hanging in the tree? I think it's Spanish moss. :geek:
stuckinline wrote: justam wrote: stuckinline wrote: what is the stuff hanging in the tree? I think it's Spanish moss. :geek: does it grow naturally on the trees?
justdimi wrote: random new photos of http://justdimi.blogspot.com Hope you like them, greetings Justdimi
Evergreen85024 wrote: I have enjoyed looking at everyone's pictures! Here are a few, mostly Arizona and Big Sur, from this nature lover. I have a thing for trees and rocks.
Here are some clouds and a pair of palm trees-->
You're down in FL now?
Beach, and beach, and more beach!!!! ::::i'm jealous:::::
I love Mr. Nibbles' hat!
These are beautiful fifth, the colors are so vivid~
Yeah, we moved down here last month.
I like all these pictures you put up, but I the purple flower is my favorite because the background is so interesting!
This made me smile! And congrat's on your move
Yeah, that's what I like about it too. This guy was courageous. He didn't budge while I was taking a few pictures of him. He just stared me down.
Well, the lack of ice and snow will be a nice change for me.
I love these plants but I've learned to be careful pulling weeds near them. They have enormous thorns on the branches.
I think it's Spanish moss. :geek:
Hope you like them,
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Yes. Here's some more-->
I like the new blog format of your website Justdimi.
Here are a few, mostly Arizona and Big Sur, from this nature lover. I have a thing for trees and rocks.
Wow! I like these ^^^ pictures very much.