This bike was laid against a tree years and years ago. The child who left it, never came back for some reason we'll never know..... so the tree grew around it!
It's about 6 feet off the ground. I suppose someone could do a measurement of the tree and figure out how long it took the tree to envelope the bike. It's located on Vashon Island, WA.
I belong to the Arbor Day Foundation and you can get 10 free trees sometimes. Well, they aren't really trees when they arrive, they are more like sticks, with a bit of root coming out.
I planted this stick in my front yard a year ago and it's now turned into a tiny tree. I'm a bit worried about the shape of the trunk though. "See the way that tree bends?"
Plus I don't remember what kind of tree it is....any idea?
It is tragic. I often feel emotional about trees. I feel like they are more alive than we think. Maybe it was lonely there and some chainsaw changed it's life.
I have this fascination with the book The Lorax by Dr. Suess.
One day I bought some clay, took the stump from our Christmas tree and made this Lorax.
The photo isn't the greatest sorry.
The strange thing is that I was talking to a friend the whole time I shaped his body and to this day I have not be able to reproduce it. Creativity comes and goes I guess.
I have this fascination with the book The Lorax by Dr. Suess.
One day I bought some clay, took the stump from our Christmas tree and made this Lorax.
The photo isn't the greatest sorry.
The strange thing is that I was talking to a friend the whole time I shaped his body and to this day I have not be able to reproduce it. Creativity comes and goes I guess.
It's about 6 feet off the ground. I suppose someone could do a measurement of the tree and figure out how long it took the tree to envelope the bike. It's located on Vashon Island, WA.
Very pretty!!
It would be a very good story to speculate on how the bike got there and what happened to the child...
I like that shade of green. ^^^
Nature is an amazing thing. I love this...
May the sun shine from our beloved Souls!!!
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I planted this stick in my front yard a year ago and it's now turned into a tiny tree. I'm a bit worried about the shape of the trunk though. "See the way that tree bends?"
Plus I don't remember what kind of tree it is....any idea?
They get purple flowers-->
Love the picture, the story makes me sad :(
It's probably bark now in the doggie park.
One day I bought some clay, took the stump from our Christmas tree and made this Lorax.
The photo isn't the greatest sorry.
The strange thing is that I was talking to a friend the whole time I shaped his body and to this day I have not be able to reproduce it. Creativity comes and goes I guess.
No, because The Lorax by Dr. Suess is about trees.
Should not have shared this. :oops: