new moon

references and out of this life..
bleed imagination..
these connections collide..
makes disconnections in my mortal brain..
only souls know..
they say everything no matter how awful..happens for a reason..
i'm surprised..i'm not surprised..
we call it LOVE..
we call it divine...
we wish it eternal..
we fool ourselves..
exhale..inhale..stay alive for now..
the kids never second guess..dancin .. singin..
true to themselves..
yet to take the swallow the seeds of self consciousness and doubt..
i follow in their footsteps ..
learning to unlearn..
schooling to unschool..
walking them along the unbeaten paths..
stopping to smell flowers..turn stones..spy creatures in their
nakedest nature state..
reminding us..the simplest things..
full circle..full moon..
bleed imagination..
these connections collide..
makes disconnections in my mortal brain..
only souls know..
they say everything no matter how awful..happens for a reason..
i'm surprised..i'm not surprised..
we call it LOVE..
we call it divine...
we wish it eternal..
we fool ourselves..
exhale..inhale..stay alive for now..
the kids never second guess..dancin .. singin..
true to themselves..
yet to take the swallow the seeds of self consciousness and doubt..
i follow in their footsteps ..
learning to unlearn..
schooling to unschool..
walking them along the unbeaten paths..
stopping to smell flowers..turn stones..spy creatures in their
nakedest nature state..
reminding us..the simplest things..
full circle..full moon..
life's for my live my own way