is it true

computers brains pick out..
they count the days down for us..
we just sigh and shrug..
our days are wasted..waiting..
for this time..history has written..
futures in the mayan ruins..
mortals take the bait..
reminds me of my dreams..
is this west philly or east van..
singing my heart out in little japan..
it's been a long cold secret heart ache..
then i got to see you again..
wish i could curl up with it..
and sleep..
see the repetition..the references
the cannibalism..
..the g.g allin..the universal LOVE..
my pen shoots from my heart..
it sure breaks mine when she could be that rude..
and i'm sorry the truth is shown...
i just wanna paint your picture..
..all those lights and numbers..
it makes me feel little again...
i can imagine all of the whispers..
how you might you would feel..
it's been over 9 years now..since i wondered all the same..
it's all flooding back into me..
how it works when i see it upside down
the right side up of the brain..
beyond reminders..interlinking pieces..
the ones over there..
the lurking answers..
those ones..
they count the days down for us..
we just sigh and shrug..
our days are wasted..waiting..
for this time..history has written..
futures in the mayan ruins..
mortals take the bait..
reminds me of my dreams..
is this west philly or east van..
singing my heart out in little japan..
it's been a long cold secret heart ache..
then i got to see you again..
wish i could curl up with it..
and sleep..
see the repetition..the references
the cannibalism..
..the g.g allin..the universal LOVE..
my pen shoots from my heart..
it sure breaks mine when she could be that rude..
and i'm sorry the truth is shown...
i just wanna paint your picture..
..all those lights and numbers..
it makes me feel little again...
i can imagine all of the whispers..
how you might you would feel..
it's been over 9 years now..since i wondered all the same..
it's all flooding back into me..
how it works when i see it upside down
the right side up of the brain..
beyond reminders..interlinking pieces..
the ones over there..
the lurking answers..
those ones..
life's for my live my own way