Fucking Bored

Friends and family all doing their thing.
Uncontrolled emotions of mine
Controlling my thoughts and actions
Keeping me glued to this chair
Indecision is a terrible place to be
Nobody feels my fear and despair
“God,” I scream can you hear.
But there is no answer
Or maybe he speaks to deaf ears.
Rummaging through my self help books
Expecting to find something to do
“Damb it, I am fucking bored.”
Uncontrolled emotions of mine
Controlling my thoughts and actions
Keeping me glued to this chair
Indecision is a terrible place to be
Nobody feels my fear and despair
“God,” I scream can you hear.
But there is no answer
Or maybe he speaks to deaf ears.
Rummaging through my self help books
Expecting to find something to do
“Damb it, I am fucking bored.”