you, in a haze

in your wildest ways
still so subtle as to abuse
what you know was real
the love and the longing
for more than your words
more than the thoughts,
(is there anything more)
beyond the haze
and ecstasy of 'what if'
you touched me
and i touched you
and in my dreams
you then reached out
from beyond your big car
touching my hair
smoothing my cheek
and soothing my unspeak-
able passion
so long hidden
beyond the blue screen door
light lust of lingering whisper hearts
you loved me so well
in the lonley dark
then you disappeared
as if in a haze, your cape
covered your face
and you levitated
up beyond my blue-screen bed.
still so subtle as to abuse
what you know was real
the love and the longing
for more than your words
more than the thoughts,
(is there anything more)
beyond the haze
and ecstasy of 'what if'
you touched me
and i touched you
and in my dreams
you then reached out
from beyond your big car
touching my hair
smoothing my cheek
and soothing my unspeak-
able passion
so long hidden
beyond the blue screen door
light lust of lingering whisper hearts
you loved me so well
in the lonley dark
then you disappeared
as if in a haze, your cape
covered your face
and you levitated
up beyond my blue-screen bed.