finger prints

if I connect, or reconnect
maybe the disconnect
will reappear in the finger prints
that mark the growth
of small hands
she smiles in the mirror at herself
and I see in the innocence
the mistakes that i've made
and I'm not about to say
I won't do it again
but then again
if I make note
in my coffee shop notebook
maybe I'll recognize the path
before the fork
and the scratch of the head
I'd forgotten what is was to feel
maybe I stopped loving
because I worried even more then
and all the happy pills
in the world
have yet to cure my self doubt
and a trip to the fair
is still a walk into disaster
as my mind spins it's tired tale
of every bad thing
i just want to feel joy
maybe the disconnect
will reappear in the finger prints
that mark the growth
of small hands
she smiles in the mirror at herself
and I see in the innocence
the mistakes that i've made
and I'm not about to say
I won't do it again
but then again
if I make note
in my coffee shop notebook
maybe I'll recognize the path
before the fork
and the scratch of the head
I'd forgotten what is was to feel
maybe I stopped loving
because I worried even more then
and all the happy pills
in the world
have yet to cure my self doubt
and a trip to the fair
is still a walk into disaster
as my mind spins it's tired tale
of every bad thing
i just want to feel joy