what i told amanda instead of what i did to her

i've been fucking drunk for years
and last night
a girl with a cigarette burn mark
on her left arm told me
i'm the best kisser that she's ever had
so i kissed her again
trying to change her mind
i am sad to report today that
i am all that's left:
the last living member
of a race of alien angels
with shaved heads
my blue eyes are my best
excuse to lie
i'm trustworthy-looking
i have an endearing smile
most clerks would agree
at least
so maybe it's blue after all
that is the actual color of all of our skin
and it's just our fear of dying that mixes in
i've been fucking drunk for years
and last night
a girl with a heart like mine
drove me home
and last night
a girl with a cigarette burn mark
on her left arm told me
i'm the best kisser that she's ever had
so i kissed her again
trying to change her mind
i am sad to report today that
i am all that's left:
the last living member
of a race of alien angels
with shaved heads
my blue eyes are my best
excuse to lie
i'm trustworthy-looking
i have an endearing smile
most clerks would agree
at least
so maybe it's blue after all
that is the actual color of all of our skin
and it's just our fear of dying that mixes in
i've been fucking drunk for years
and last night
a girl with a heart like mine
drove me home