your hair remains a river undisturbed

walden freemanwalden freeman Posts: 511
edited December 2008 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
god has a guardian angel and you should all know its name
is ignorance
and it's always been this way

the people below casted off
in the shadows of the ships
that their vessels once were

when did we decide it was okay not to die?

god has questions and you should all know what they are
there are no answers
or at least none have been found yet

and when did we decide
to create our god? the second day?
the third week? how much time does god get off?
where is god when children are unharmed?
where is god when the rich lose their homes?
where does god hide when we fall in love?

and who gets to choose which scripture is true?
gays can't get married but we can work on sundays?
"well, you see, my friend, the times have changed" they say
well if god was perfect, things would always remain the same
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