a response to you

my words are nightmares in print
costumes for customs agents
hell-bent on rivers
destructing beds systematically
taking the roadways apart
a philosophical ignorance
on my part, part of me
is disappearing but i can't
see which part it is
you see what i did there?
nothing, absolutely
i've become so good
at being no good
i've patched each fence
into a wall
called my heroes
told them all off
god, pray for me
ask yourself for forgiveness
you two-timing
son of a bitch
just this one time
admit you set us all up
for failure and some of us
have managed to foil
your great and wonderful plan
to end our lives
in our sleep or at least
when we weren't looking
i slipped out the back
don't take it personally
i never screened the smokesignals you sent
i simply stored them here in my lungs
for you to take back
whenever you were ready
costumes for customs agents
hell-bent on rivers
destructing beds systematically
taking the roadways apart
a philosophical ignorance
on my part, part of me
is disappearing but i can't
see which part it is
you see what i did there?
nothing, absolutely
i've become so good
at being no good
i've patched each fence
into a wall
called my heroes
told them all off
god, pray for me
ask yourself for forgiveness
you two-timing
son of a bitch
just this one time
admit you set us all up
for failure and some of us
have managed to foil
your great and wonderful plan
to end our lives
in our sleep or at least
when we weren't looking
i slipped out the back
don't take it personally
i never screened the smokesignals you sent
i simply stored them here in my lungs
for you to take back
whenever you were ready